Why is Sup Forums so afraid of this man?
Why is Sup Forums so afraid of this man?
literally who
Carl "Quadron of Mossad" Benjamin
Carl "Sargoy of Blackdad" Benjamin
Carl "Soygon of Cuckad" Benjamin
He has no offspring. So it is easy for me to laugh at him.
He’s a Muslim.
God Tier- Sargon of Akkad
High Tier- Alexander Gordon Jahans and TommyNC2010
Mid Tier- Thunderfoot
Low Tier- Black Pigeon Speaks
Trash Tier-Stefan Molynuex and Styxhexenhammer666
No one is afraid of him. He's just a big fat smelly turd who insists on pushing his piggy nose into AltRight politics.
He's been staring at the abyss for too long, he's starting to sound like the SJW fought against....
... or did he really? That Sarkeesian "garbage human" incident was bit convenient when you think about it,,,
I'm not. I stopped listening to him after I realized his solution was "tell people to be nice".
He has a child, just so you know.
Soygoy of Mossad
He actually argued at length that white interests are illegitimate because the white race is a social construct when he surveyed Millennial Woes. He's a leftist by eternal standards. Don't let the "classical liberal" and "let's make fun of PC!" masks fool you.
his wife's son, actually
He actually has kids.
No idea OP, but for people who say he's irrelevant and 'literally who', there sure is always a lot of threads dissing him for some reason.
I actually like his stuff desu. Don't agree with him on a lot of things, but the videos are well edited, the issues discussed are relevant and topical, and overall I just like his style.
Still think BPS and Mouthy Buddha probably produce better content objectively though. Why don't they get the hate?
Not of his own seed.
It's his beard. Sup Forums is terrified of beardy men.
Any sauce for that tasty claim?
BPS isn't a cuck and Mouthy Buddha is a confused ex-drug addict and we feel sorry for him.
Okay, that's just even more reason to just stop giving a shit about Sargon. Surely he's nothing to worry about if he's such a cuck?
How did you come to this conclusion?
No, he has influence.
kys faggot
>in all fields
>Why is Sup Forums so afraid of this man?
He is a ruthless nazi bastard who bullied disabled kid into a seizure.
He's a shill who tried to sell his fans on a censorship app (candid) he's gay for milo and he's a memelord faggot who talks about "kekistan" etc
>said he preferred Sanders over Trump
>bashes white identitarians and makes fun of whites dying out
>enlightened radical centrist memelord
No thanks
We are not afraid of him. He's our pawn which will eventually help make race realism go mainstream.