Is it true Denmark bros?

Is it true Denmark bros?

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Sounds fair enough.

I assume this is practiced in a certain local community, and not Denmark as a whole.


Is cinnamon that cheap? You can afford to just waste it?

Mostly done in the less progressive parts of DK. Some do it, some don't.

When was your last cinnamon gangbang Svën?

So the parts that aren't cucked?

pretty cheap at costco, 15$ for a big thing of it. Most cinnamon isn't real cinnamon though.

This is fucking retarded in every sense of the word...

Never heard of such a thing.

Show your flag Pajeet

Yes, that is true. Cinnamon at 25 and pepper at 30. You're even called a kanelsvend or pebersvend (cinnamon/pepper Sven) if unmarried at that age

When I was in Frederikshavn I saw it done. Maybe it's a regional thing? They were all on a hockey team together so maybe they just wanted an excuse to throw cinnamon on the guy.

Well at least it’s not acid

Yer, that's an English tradition. Specifically the London mudskins tradition.

That was funny, thank you for my first laugh entering the new year

In the czech republic on easter young males chase down girls with willow branches and whip them across the. Its supposed to "whip them into health." The women are then expected to pay the males for this favor with hard alcohol.

Also in the czech republic (and some other parts of europe) santa clause isnt the one who brings presents. Baby jesus flies through the cities window to window and magically matierialises them.

Seems like a waste of good cinnamon.

Most cinnamon you get nowdays isnt real cinnamon. Same goes for sandalwood, honey, maple syrup, olive oil, and wasabi.

what a fucking waste. that's like 1000 dollars worth of cinnamon. stupid rich pill popping danish bastards

Is there a problem with this tradition? Would you like more a sandnigger tradition? If a sandnigger woman is unmarried at the age of seven, her relatives will rape her!

Good thing I don't live there.

It isn't the first time I hear of it but never really looked into it. Tell us more about the olive oil conspiracy please.

based cinnamon salesman

Never heard of or seen it happen, must be a Jutland thing.

Ah, I remember my first new years abroad in afghanistan. They fired 120mm warsaw pact rockets at our base, not wanting to be outdone our 155mm howitzers conducted counter battery.

much bigger fireworks than i was normally used to seeing. Good times.

Not a big ting over here either, but I have heard of it on occasion.

It's a huwite European tradition and we can't have that

Gotcha, og glædeligt nytår

1 girl almost died didnt she

Quick rundown? Where can we get the real deal, desu?

Most "extra virgin" olive oil is consumed in the countries it is made in. Ultra virgin olive oil is when you just take an olive and squeeze it.

So theres all of these mashed up olives left, which they then chemically seperate the last bit of oil from and use as a thickening agent in normal vegetable or sunflower seed oil, which is then exported as "extra virgin."

Its not, its not even mostly made from olives. And buying the more expensive stuff with garuntees of "IMPORTED STRAIGHT FROM ITALY" doesnt mean shit because even that stuff still is just 100% the chemically seperated stuff. Most people who dont live where olive oil is made have never tasted cold pressed pure extra virgin olive oil, including conessuers and gourmands so nobody is capable of telling the difference.

WTF is this cinnamon conspiracy?

>Tell us more about the olive oil conspiracy please.
Basically the mafia in southern Europe is involved in counterfeiting the stuff since it's so expensive per bottle. Organized crime elsewhere does this kind of stuff too.

Have a Danish friend and live close to Denmark and can confirm this happens as it did to him.

Throwing things at unmarried women honestly sounds more like an islam thing to me...

cool, why? cinnamon is supposed to attract a mate? help with fertility?

why pepper?

maybe in murica. EU has strict rules and contstant testing. we also have tastebuds. unlike muricans

I get my olive oil from Marshalls, seems pretty legit to me. Better than that plastic rice you get from the Chinese. And yes guise it actually made from 100% plastic.

are you allowed to collect the cinnamon afterwards in order to resell it?

Don't a sizable portion of the world's olive exports come from Andalusia in Spain?

Everytime I go there, everything with oil ingredients tastes amazing (including the crisps). Going back to Londonistan, Bongland and even the organic fancy-pants shops have nothing on the 2 euro bottles I pick up at a Carrefor over there.

Love me some real maple syrup.

You can also add vanilla extract to that list, real vanilla is so much better than the plastic McCormick stuff everyone uses.

this is now an olive oil thread

>Baby jesus flies through the cities window to window and magically matierialises them.

>oy vey this cinnamon is oppressive albeit tasty! What will these goys think of next?

>get cinnamon thrown on you for not getting married at 25 as everyone has a laugh
>get dragged out of your house and beheaded for refusing to be married off at the age of 12
Was going to question your critical thinking skills, but since you're living under Sharia Law and probably forgot what normal living conditions in a 1st world country looks like I'll give you a pass.

women also give you hard boiled eggs for whipping them

so you can look brown and immediatly attract danish women?

Danish girls are taking loads of Abdul cock and marrying it these days so this is a tradition not seen as much now...

To shame them for being huge losers

Maybe in some flyover state it's true. I got a local supplier of olive oil in my area of California. I trade a gallon of apricot wine for a gallon of home made olive oil.

It actually is illegal, but no, something like 80% of the olive oil in europe is just the chemically seperated stuff. The italian Mafia has a pretty big part in it. Hell a few years ago a bunch of people in italy WHERE OLIVES DO COME FROM were poisoned because the mafia chemically thickened and dyed sunflowerseed oil with toxic results.

I hate to break it to you but laws and licensing are just for making a government money. They dont actually stop somebody from lying and breaking them.

It's not a real tradition. It is some kind of fake marketing to sell you shit. Cinnamon would have been immensely expensive right up until modern times, no fucking way there wold ever be a tradition like this

>whiter than you, muhammad

>Still doing nomadic trading for goods


Again. You are getting it straight at the source. As I explained, anywhere its imported 80 to 90 percent of the market is counterfeit. A lot of it IS made from olives, but its not "extra virgin olive oil" its really "chemically seperated olive extract."

Not happening to me
A lot of the eu oil does come from spain.
What I heard is that italian oil a lot of times they buy spanish oil,then simply rebrand it as theirs and export it to murricans since murricans like to larp as italians,they also buy a lot of oil from morocco from what I've heard.
I never tasted Greek oil but i sometimes do buy kalamata olives,olive trees have been producing olives for centuries and sometimes thousands of years in some areas so to me eating olives from the same tree some ancestor of mine ate too makes my tummy feel comfy

>mfw i only use olive oil from my grandpa's little farm

don't want to sound like a fag but it doesn't even remotely compare to the shit they serve you in restaurants

w-what happens if you're unmarried and virgin?

Well hello there

Its all a ploy from "Big Cinnamon" Trying to boost sales.

Danish eat human flesh, is this true

Selling wine has legal issues, but I do sell avocados and apricots to hipsters in the bay area at premium prices.

>w-what happens

you kill yourself

Olive oil is the nigger of cooking fats. Butter is supreme.

Honestly, testing and regulations are pretty anti-Semitic when you think about it. They all seem to be designed to stop Jewish business owners from making more hard earned capital; very anti-American.

You get cayenne pepper rubbed all over you.

You become a Swede


Because it fucking burns?

Veiling women is unironically white culture appropriated by m*slims.

Depends, i know that the EU has pretty tough standards when it comes to food. But I´ve red about foreing companies putting sawdust and ground up grass in it to fill it out. Let´s hope that´s not the shit I´m paying for at least.

I just looked at the yields and Spain is double that of Italy's (world #2) so that is probably likely.

We just can't get the damn ingredients over here. London may be a hub for enterprise and business but the food is truly shit unless its meat or fish and you pay a lot of money and know how to cook.

Testing is a joke and literally anyone with enough money and the right connections can get licensed for distributing or manufacturing something. Up here in Montana corporate owned meat packing plants that paid bribes in the form of assorted "licensing fees" and "certification fees" passed testing and inspection despite horrid saftey violations while ma and pa places that actually exceeded saftey standards were failed based on violating assorted rules that later turned out actually didnt exist.

nah more like 70% of the land. In the international zone, aka Copenshit, its not really a thing. Then again Copenhageners have no traditions so its not really strange.

I actually cant remember. Its not an super old tradition like the other one we have where if you are not married at 30 you get a shower of pepper. That one tradition is older than your country.

stop it you're starting to convince me


Yeah, and "bottled in" is an infamous way to lie about the products orgin. Most recent in the USA was "organic 100% pure honey bottled locally!"

It was actually mostly corn syrup mixed with industrially processed honey extract from china. They only moved it from steel barrels into a bottle here in the USA, and the rest nobody knew where the hell it came from. It took an investigation to find out it was chinese, not true honey, and not organic.

implying id have had anyone to throw cinnamon at me

>You have to eat all of them

cinnamon? mix that shit with some brown sugar syrup and Id lick her twat


That was even true during roman times,even back then spain exported oil to Italy and depending on the data you check spain produces some 40%of the whole world production.
Unfortunately spanish products ain't so well renown as italian ones (although this has changed in late years)so we used to sell to Italy who in turn would rebrand it as theirs,and like americanon said they got caught a few years ago using moroccan oil and adding shit ton of chemicals to it.
I do feel blessed to live in spain if only because the food here is god tier and we don't usually have processed shit.

If you aren’t red-pilled on food you aren’t truly red-pilled

wine too. Lots of counterfeit wine particularly from Italy.

can confirm a couple of months ago somebody made a test and almost all olive oil including the most expensive ones were found to be fake. it's romania after all but those brands export world wide i don't believe they made a special batch only for romania
was on the news here, but in pure romanian style after a week nobody gave a shit so most prob the fake oil remained on the shelves

Wow there's some insane shit about food I'm hearing here. Anyone know any documentaries I can learn more?

This hits too close to home.

Can confirm, went to Italy with the wife and had real olive oil. You can get real olive oil here it’s just 90% not or shit-tier.
This was from this year although I remember it happening a few years ago as well.
Are you white?
I don't talk to based kaffir we do use the word cafre in Spanish to refer to wrong doers and barbarous people.

It's true, most of it is "watered" down with inferior sunflower oil at best.
Buy local, stay away from big brands and use butter like a normal dutchfag.

Rudy Kurniawan was a rich twenty-something with a naïve fondness for wine when he first started rubbing elbows with the high rollers at wine auctions, in the early two-thousands—“Just a geeky kid drinking Merlot,” as one veteran collector recalls. But he quickly developed a taste for Burgundy, a far more complex realm of connoisseurship, and was soon spending a million dollars every month on wine, much of it at boozy dinners with luminaries like the wine critic Robert Parker, who found Kurniawan to be a “very sweet and generous man.” Like other wealthy collectors, Kurniawan also sold treasures from his cellar. In 2006, the auction house Acker Merrall & Condit broke records selling off thirty-five million dollars’ worth of his wines. Two years later, at the Manhattan restaurant Cru, Acker held a sale proffering more of Kurniawan’s “rare gems,” promising that they had been authenticated by “some of Burgundy’s most discerning (and difficult) connoisseurs.” The lots included bottles of the coveted Domaine Ponsot Clos Saint-Denis, from the years 1945, 1949, and 1966. The only problem, as the proprietor of the estate pointed out, was that Domaine Ponsot did not start producing that particular wine until 1982.

Bullshit, here in new hampshire and vermont there are fucking maple syrup sugar shacks on like every fucking road selling the real shit.

one time i swallowed a small piece of skin by mistake, that i bit off my finger. does this count?
t. occasional nailbiter

My oil usually posts on /r9k/

he s talking about the branded ones that sell internationally in supermarkets.

Don't worry João, you sound like a fag no matter what you say.