What is like Southen America?
I mean, is it the land of poverty and racism?
If yes, is it(racism and outdated custom) why it's such a shithole?
What is like Southen America?
I mean, is it the land of poverty and racism?
If yes, is it(racism and outdated custom) why it's such a shithole?
Fuck off zipper-eyed faggot
Nigger, do you speak english?
b-but dixie kun...
California seem much better place than your land....
Why don't you embrace advanced ideas?
me Japanese sorry
Ask all the fucking Yankees moving to Atlanta, Charlotte, Nashville, etc. We’re so “poor” and “backwards” but they’re flock to our cities for better jobs and schools and living conditions than their northern shit holes.
They also have zero fucking culture. Yankees are disgusting.
It's poorer in a lot of areas. Some areas (especially Richmond, Asheville, and Northern Virginia) are relatively well off though.
Racism is an issue from what I've seen, but it's not usually blatant. People are pretty laid-back and welcoming.
"California seem much better place"
You're a genuine retard for sure
the South is a bunch of inbred redneck mongrels who love them way too much jewsus. move to seattle with the other gooks you'll fare much better
>inb4 florida
full of spics and niggers and fucked up happenings
But statistics also support this view.
Better gdp per capita
better education and research
better industry
I assume rednecks also don't have culture...
California is probably center of culture(hollywood)
They were more nice in the South than in the Northeast when I was traveling. Northeast the races wouldn't talk to each other and only stick in their own racial groups. I'm the South there was so many friendly talking amongst random strangers of every skin color. The North just likes to project their own racism onto the South and demonize them to the rest of the country. Quite sad really.
Thats right. California is a Garden of Eden. Don't come here.
The south isn't what it's portrayed to be. In fact it's pretty freaking rad. Things move slower. Which in today's world is a luxury for some. We've got comfort foods like mac and cheese, biscuits & gravy, fried chicken, fried just about anything. And "southern hospitality' isn't a myth, it exists.And while I've no doubt racists live down here, it wasn't until I was in my late twenties before I ever heard someone say something truly racist. That being said racists are racists and I don't believe that they only reside in the south. I bet there are plenty of yanks that are guilty of that very thing. The south just isn't how it's portrayed. Great music, great food, great folks. C'mon down sometime!
California is a state where only the rich can thrive. California receives high immigration from the wealthy across the nation. California also has a high exodus of people in poverty that head over to Texas. Always seek truth behind statistics.
No, its just fine in Texas. Well east Texas anyway.
>The south
Yup. Everybody says canada is the nicest but i think that title belongs to Texas. (Speaking as a Texan) Canada is just always cucked with their "sorry bout that"
What culture do southern have? Interbreeding with your cousins and claiming some fantasy of riding up again?
Do better or we'll do it again.
This. I'm a product of Yankee migration and when I go up north to see relatives I can see why they left
Texan here.
Very friendly people. Central Texas is booming, new developments everywhere and good tech/industry jobs.
Definitely are a shit ton of spics, but those who live in suburbs are almost always conservative by nature of having a family. The cartel types are along the border (Texas is fucking huge, practically 4 separate states, culturally)
Gvmt stays the fuck back and people mind their own.
Great place to live and visit.
White and black people in the South are so used to each other, and even have similar backwards cultures. Black culture actually came from redneck culture.
Yes, there's racism, but there's also a familiarity between Southern blacks and whites.
fucking cows and chiken is not culture.
You listern to bruno mars, katy perry etc...
>be a poor shit southern state
>i-its because of the niggers
>they mostly vote republican
>northern states vote democrat
>we barely have niggers
>thus niggers vote republican
There's a flood of well off tech workers from California going to Texas. It's mostly wealthy people trying to avoid taxes and regulations, not poor people. Texas has less welfare.
What? Fucking cows? Okay. Thats not what happens at all. But if you have such a negative view if us southerners why did you make a thread?
Oh i know why.
SAGE AND HIDE ANONS just another slide.
So if you hate the south by extension you hate blacks.
>be a poor shit southern state
Texas i doing quite well. So much so that we are grtting an influx of people moving here from other states. Proabbly to get away from fags like you.
Texas is the exception. I love how you white retards listen to the whole IQ rabble and when we point to a smart nigger they quickly say "b-but thats an exception" well Texas is an exception, and that's not even considering it will probably turn blue next election thanks to Houston.
It is true well off people head to Texas. Poor people also head to Texas because they can't survive all the red tape in California. Rich thrive in California because they're the only ones that all the red tape doesn't fuck with.
As a "minority" (white mexican) living in a 90% redneck town in northern florida. Ill say this, the dixie girls go crazy for mexicans, the dudes are kinda skeptical but once you talk to them we become good buds. I've never experienced any sort of racism even when I told them I was mexican.... but oh boy is the story different when its a nigger or a gook.
It's not like you describe; it's much, much worse.
Everybody fucking their mamas in front of shrine to GLR in every trailer... and snakes. Lots and lots of venomous snakes. They're frickin' everywhere.
Stay away. You wouldn't like it.
>white mexican
tell me i am not white
The South is stricken with poverty. Poor, rural sharecroppers and a lot of blacks. The major cities are becoming (or already) degenerate.
you are a nigga, don't delude yourself, all facial features prove that, you can't fool any white.
These days people think being a cuck is being nice. I hope all the Asians in Canada increases their testosterone numbers.
>33% white