Lorde called a bigot in Washington Post ad over cancelled Israel concert

is she /our/ gal?


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I don't think so, she is probably a shitlib.

Absolutely. Listen to Royals. It's a direct callout on nigger culture.

>every song's like gold teeth, gray goose, trippin in the bathroom...

This is the rabbi who wrote that

Taking an Ad out in WaPo.

Archive dude


Also, yes
Lorde confirmed 14/88

You morons have memed a president that fully supports the shlomo rabbi that paid for this ad

Wow that Rabbi looks exactly like Trump!


I figured her for a plant by (((them))).

>is she /our/ gal?

That depends, are you Muslim?

Based on your flag I'm guessing "yes" in which case "yes" she is your gal, Mohammed.

She is certainly not mine.


Hi Mohammed, don't get me wrong, I support an independent Palestine, but I just don't consider it to be "my" cause, it's not my problem.



It's not my cause as I rather support liberation of my people from Jewish yolk, however anything to spite the kikes.

>however anything to spite the kikes.

Typical Sup Forums edgy stupidity. I wish low IQ people would die.

>Any I disagree with is a shill


Lorde has always made my dick diamonds


So you are a kike.

>le based kikes BASED trump my fellow kikestanis

There's tons of kike shills because of this.

>assad's genocide
He's killing ISIS members. It's not genocide if you're defending yourself from enemy combatants.

>If you disagree with me, you're a kike

You're an idiot.

Kikes are the ones pushing against Lorde because of her remarks against Israel, same happened to Roger Waters from Pink Floyd a while back.


There are people out there who legitimately believe that Assad personally kills children and the entire purpose of his existence is to menace and terrorise Syrian citizens.

>Caring about celebrity SJWs and their SJW causes

I just don't care about their moral grand-standing, user, they are not /my/ anything.

If you're Palestinian or Muslim, good for you, integrate or fuck off, we don't care about your tribal wars.

Trump owes him a lot.
That's why the Jewish mobster Rubashkin was pardoned.

You have no idea :(

>to learn who rules over you, simply find out who you aren't allowed to criticise

kys you autistic neet

Lorde join the alt-right
get red pilled
you'll be a better human for it

>If you're Palestinian or Muslim, good for you, integrate or fuck off

Hey retard, you know that shit like this iw aht the kikes want right? They killed Gaddafi, that allowed them to migrate Arabs and Niggers to Europe and if they destroy the Levant further (to further the Oded Yinnon/Greater Israel plan), will send more to Europe. They don't want the Palestinians there, they'll kill a chunk and then send the rest to Europe.

Eat a lead sandwich heeb.

leftist jews hate Isra--

Then let Europe start guarding it's border, again, not my problem.

I really wish you pro-Palestine faggots would save your virtue-signalling outrage for things that actually matter to us.

>21 is young to become a bigot

I bought Mein Kampf on my 21st birthday



>Assad's genocide in Syria
I didn't know ISIS and "moderate terrorists" were a race.

Meanwhile Alex Jones is saying that Benjamin Netenyahu is going to save the USA AND ISRAEL from the evil globalists. Netenyahu is the good guy...


wew if true


genocide is just a buzzword now.


Syria kicked out the hard-line Muslims and banned Sharia Law.

Also Asaad is our guy! Dude hates Muslims just as much as he hates Jews.

Why the fuck are kikes obsessed over New Zealand?! They were threatening to nuke NZ after we voted against them at the UN and also started some stupid racial divisions campaigns targeting Maori. They did that openly, coming right and and saying they were trying to stir up the Maori to punish NZ.

Meanwhile, New Zealand puts people in prison for offending kikes. Check the case of Brendon O'Connell imprisoned for being rude about Jews archive.fo/iUGL9

Def /ourlorde/ 21 sure is young to be a bigot

Jews have an enormous persecution complex that makes them equate a vote against their country's destructive policies in the UN to annuda shoah

New Zealand has its Varg and he somehow gets appreciation in Europe... Forgot his name, a publisher of music magazines.

no she hates white peple

>assads genocide
when will this meme end?


She’s a degenerate lib who’s full of white guilt

You one dumb ass motherfucker.

Jews aren't white (or human).


Oh you mean the two powers that actually defeated ISIS and dreams of an islamic caliphate. Strange. One would think you should be thanking them.

who paid for the ad?

A beautiful photo of the master and his slave goy.

> trying to appease


He is the best of goys and his viewerbase/fans (AKA all of Israel)

Kikes need to fuck off.

Free Palestine.

Fucking leaf kike

Jews utterly BTFO


>You one dumb ass motherfucker
The irony

>meme flag

A she boon nigger Jew?

>rabbi Shmuley Boteach

are jews niggers? or did niggers take their names from jews

Fuck that
Not the kikes, not the goatfuckers

Probably mixed or one of the few Ethopian/Eritrean ones they didn't ship to Sweden.



I know that feel.

No, she's not. She only happens to misalign with the Jews in this case

ourgal? Hell no! just check her twitter:



dumb fucking cunt

ah, another virtue signalling cancerous cunt then
I hope she gets cancer of the cock


She is totally not ourgal! She is just a brainwashed libtard (with rainbowflag).

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>assad's genocide in syria
getting REAL fed up with israel now

Whining about "meme flags" just confirms your stupidity.


I saw about this on twitter. I saw this Rabbi Schmuley's twitter. He is rubbing his hands gleefully lol.

>Lorde is a self-identified feminist.

it's almost like everybody except for the jews and christian boomers hate israel

She's a massive cunt.