What do Muslims and Jews fear most? Pic related

What do Muslims and Jews fear most? Pic related.

OP is a giant faggot

Mel Gibson

The Samurai is the only correct answer.


what is "Finding out sky daddy ain't real" for 500$ alex.

>Jews fear their biggest money maker to Israel, Christian tourism.
>Jews fear their biggest money maker in publishing, Christian books.
>Jews fear their biggest export of culture, Christianity.

Yeah okay...


Jesus was a false prophet, no reason to fear him.

The Leviathan?

nothing shits em up more than pic related

Of course.

(I was actually going to say something dumb)

Point out that Judaism is satanic

Is that why you killed him?

You do realise that muslims honor jesus?

When Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but that instead a riot was breaking out, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “You shall bear the responsibility.” All the people answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!” So Pilate released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged and handed Him over to be crucified.

Plenty of reason to fear, since almost all of earth will fight against Israel in the end.

Jesus is one of the most important prophets of Islam.

because it reminds them of good times

He did a pretty damn good job of splitting the Temple. How long after His death was there no stone standing on top of another?

>Jews found Christianity
>Becomes the foundation of Western Civilization
>After 1500 years of slowly bleeding Europe to death, Jews knock the whole thing down in the span of a few decades, taking Europe with it
>How could the Jews be behind Christianity if they hate it so much????

Judaism wasn't the ruling ideology, they are now.


you guys KNOW that he was the son of God

Fear ? why he is /ourguy/

Jesus was right, Judaism was a mistake.

Not as the son of God, which is all that matters

Being found out