Did we ruin the world?
Did we ruin the world?
OP == faggot asking stupid questions
Yes, the Eternal Hun strikes again.
Yeah, if you didn't throw a tantrum over Austria-Hungary and Russia in 1914, Europe would still rule the world and Communism would not have happened.
magnus carlsen won his title in 2013, damn it's been a while.
No, niggers would rule the world, not Europeans(Germans)
What a jewish pic
no we prevent you from saving it
We just didn't listened, and by we I mean you, my country it's prussianic.
was geht hier
the subversion is strong with these ones
yes, this is why nobody is trying to save you now
Just stop acting like you are the only existing nation in Europ and you'll be awesome freund. Supremacism and hubris is a killer of ours.
>shilling for g*rmans
nice proxy, [[[hans]]]
Really, as if there's no truth at all there? Let's just talk about the world wars. Was Western Civilization in need of saving? Weren't we essentially in the most industrious, glorious, peaceful, prosperous era of all humanity, with airplanes, automobiles, huge leaps in medicine, technology of all kinds, an unprecedented explosion of wealth, what we in the English-speaking world refer to as the Edwardian/Late Victiorian era? What the French refer to as the Belle Epoque? And Germany was thriving too. And then you get these Germ chimpouts of muh Lebensraum, the Federal Reserve, unparalleled European levels of fratricide, a degree to which hadn't even been imagined since the Thirty Years' War from fucking three or four centuries ago. It's not logically incongruent to wish the Nazis had won but also wish they hadn't existed. It's like your father having come back from the casino, your house is gone, your car is gone, you and your family are living out on the streets, and telling Dad, "yeah, of course I wish you won, but what I really wish is that you never went to the casino that night."
I'm not excusing the allies at all. "Commences war to save Poland; sells Polish off to Stalin." But you have to see the bigger picture at the end of the day.
I know Hitler was a badass, but I ca
germans are the niggers of Europe
>*I know Hitler was a badass, but I can't say his life has been a net positive one for the European people.
Since Luther, Germany, Since Luther
It's okay though, Anglos are still around to fix things (again).
no, you're just a scapegoat. Remember that most Americans are brainwashed to think Germans are evil to the point that even hearing the German language being spoken is implicit of Nazis
No. You introduced National Socialism and showed the world that Jews are the main problem affecting western civilisation.
You guys make some damn good beer too.
The world will always resent us when we rise. Get used to it.
They have been trying to keep Germany down since the 30 years war but it never worked. Even when Germany was divided and bombed to rubble we are ruling Europe again after just 75 years.
Just look at all these idiots on Sup Forums that were all Germanboos 2 or 3 years ago. Now there's nothing but immense butthurt by all the Anglo flags.
The German "problem" is only a problem for (((them))). It's great for us.
He really wasn't a badass. The only real badass thing he ever did was fight in WW1 which everyone in his generation did.
No, you tried to save it. (((They))) stopped you.
the americans are responsible for what happens here after 45. The germans are not responsible they would have prevented this had theiy won.
basic history can not be expected here it seems. As if you all don't know what happened 45
Fuckin' Saved
real Americans love Germany. The real Germany, that is
Youre not even human huenigger
Luther named the jew
The catholic church has been subverted for a thousand years
Am deutschen Wesen hätte die Welt genesen sollen.
Die Zeit der Deutschen wurde aber zweimal verhindert, und das Zepter wurde den Juden kampflos überreicht
Jetzt erwartet uns ein neues dunkles Zeitalter
Yeah because the world was totally going the way it has gone now before the Germans had their autism fit. If Hitler and co hadn't been such retards the world would've remained how those men wanted it to remain.
I don't mind Germans but your countries politicians have an inferiority complex with their neighbors.
lol the amount of historical illiteracy in that picture
>Fall of Rome
Germanics simply took advantage of an Empire that was choking on it's own degeneracy and immorality, they couldn't even defend their own borders and so they were defeated by a stronger force, that in fact preserved there culture.
>Sack of Constantinople
Every nation in the crusades contributed and took part in the siege of Constantinople, nothing particularly German about it.
>Protestant Reformation
The Catholic Church had become grossly corrupted by that time and needed a reformation to return to it's true beliefs and not a money making scheme where you could buy your way to heaven, this eventually led to the Spanish Inquisition where they were accusing people of being witches so they could execute them and steal there land. Luther though never wanted to create a new Church simply reform Catholicism, Calvin was the one who wanted to break away.
Just retarded blaming the Germans for this war anymore then blaming the British or French, Serbia and Austria-Hungary are much more to blame.
Invasion of Poland was Justified, not only for because of the land stolen from them, a third of their GDP. Also the destruction of Communism is more important then the liberty of some back water nation. Under Piłsudski they had made a non-aggression pact and were in the process of forming an anti-Communist pact, which would of allowed Germany to invade the Soviet Union alongside Poland. Piłsudski died though in 1935 before this could be arranged and very anti-German sentiment began to rise within the Polish Government.
Well, you got me there.
Fantastic rebuttal, remember to spit in Germany's face next time you refuse to pay your debt to them.
way pay our debts to them tho
in migrants. They seem to love it
crispy digits
and here's a demonstration regarding "legal" asylum applications
Whatever you say Christo.
>posting a debunked a method
stay mad :)
i-iq isn't real
t. rape baby who leeches of the very countries who he mocks
>projecting this hard
Whatever makes your sleep better at night famalam
also nothing wrong with leeching, they can kick us out if they don't like it :^)
I love you Greece.
Pls keep saving Europe by bankrupting it.
>still have a lower iq by over 6 points before and after immigration
Congratulations, you played yourself.
will do
pic and article related
Not really interested in having a high average IQ without being asian. Apparently countries that have that are also the ones going extinct in 50 years give or take, from the millions of niggers and muslims that they themselves invited over (scandinavistan for example)
I'd rather stay with our 99 average iq since it allowed us to create western civilization :)
not to mention that said countries were still african-tier even 1000+ years after civilization was created kek
no i dont think that way
im very sad because Germans had it very hard, specially in the last 100 years. they deserve all the happiness in the world a NS government can bring, they deserve it. Germans always abide by the rules, even when everyones dont, that happened in the inter war periord, ww2, and now we see it again.
The are the superior race and because of that everyones gives them shit, specially p*Les and the French in the past...
The Anglo and the Kraut are destined to an eternal dual of the fates. We are the Ying and the Yang. The positive and the negative.
>I'd rather stay with our 99 average iq since it allowed us to create western civilization
kek the larping med strikes again who is in no way racially mixed with arabs or niggers
>Not really interested in having a high average IQ without being asian.
basically proves my point how stupid you are, highest Asian IQs are 105
yeah but hurry up and have a war already please
shit's pretty dull
>be superior
>lose WW1
>lose WW2
>go extinct in 2040 because you invited millions of niggers and muslims over that have a median age of 30 and have children like crazy while the median age of germans is 50 and half of them don't have kids
so this is the power...of the master race
Being the offspring of prisoner outcasts and abos really did take a toll on your brain cells
can't blame you, not your fault
t. low iq wop
Oh and the Mycenaeans and Minoans were shitskin Neolithic farmers, they didn't create any of Classical Greece, an invasion from the North happened years latter and from there Western Civilization sprung.
Why so mad? :^)
Why so poor?
East and West Germany should never have been allowed to re-unite. Just a few decades after the reunification, the krauts are trying to dominate the continent again.
No, you're thinking of the jews
wow you mean to tell me joke jpegs on the internet are not necessarily historically accurate? my worldview is shattered
literally less sense of humour than a german
is looking to the past going to change anything?
We threw away all our money to build temples for goatfuckers (which we invited over)
oh wait that was you :^)
Yeah, through islam
at least this war will be the final one
>Germans trying to takeover EU in a different way
Why we haven't fucked up Germany for violating our treaty with promoting an EU army, IDK.
Germany is lucky we have our hands full.
Because they're doing that themselves
you tried so hard to save it. but the Jews ruined it. Not you. But you can help save it again.
They fear that which they cannot understand.
They feared Jesus for the same reason.
No you simply dreamed too big. The rest of the world could not keep up.
speaking of jesus...
Technically, that's accurate by Mudslime logic, which is to claim all the other prophets from Christianity and claim that they were predecessors to Mohammad. It fails, unless you're actually advocating for Islam, which wouldn't surprise me coming from Germoney.
Please tell me Greece is still okay, Kosta.
>Not posting Luther
fuck you
No tbqh you germans saves us Italians from the Arabs, Turks, and Jews. And for that I am forever grateful Hanz
Honestly, considering all that's happened in the last 500 years, I'm confident that Martin Luther was actually some kind of Anti-Christ, if such a thing actually exists.
Depends on what you mean by okay. Unemployment is lower now but still high (20%).
Statistic-wise we still hate muslims, niggers and jews and don't have a mosque (only country in EU without one)
Demographic-wise birthrates are lower but stable (which is good given how the crisis still hasn't receded so they can only rise from here). They haven't been affected by "refugees" since nobody stays here
Ironically enough it was the crisis that saved us from extinction lmao
You can't ruin something that's already bad
>I know Hitler was a badass
He was a goddamned bargain-basement Napoleon-wannabe. Just one of L'empereur's Marshals would have made that faggot his dog.
>Nationalism 4 brainlets
Jews are ruling Europ, you (and we by extension) are getting replaced because you can't stop sniffing own farts.
Nigger steals your bike, taking it back is stealing by your logic
Holy shit Greece, y'all play hardball.
>nice continent europe hope you like to eat chinese
At least the stray dog problem will be resolved topkek
>all this misplaced German-hate
Germany was basically the only continental European state that could've made a bid for solidifying European world power in the 20th century and forming a cultural bulwark against metastizing (((consumerism))) with the collapse of Christianity. The fusion of early 19th century Romanticism with a mystical but progressive nationalism in the volkisch movement was the unique German response to Weber's prognosis of "Disenchantment".
Weimar Berlin was a foreshadowing of what was to come once liberal democracy secured unchallengeable hegemony. The death of all moral values and the triumph of an aimless, miserable individual ruled only by his hedonistic desires i.e. cummies, weed, etc.
>we bankrupt Greece
>we sell Greece to China
>Holy shit Greece, y'all play hardball.
does that mean you bought your own extinction?
doesn't sound like a very smart plan if you ask me
>Fall of Rome
>Germanics simply took advantage of an Empire that was choking on it's own degeneracy and immorality, they couldn't even defend their own borders and so they were defeated by a stronger force, that in fact preserved there culture.
In fact the world should be thanking us that we took it and didn't let it fall to someone else.
Imagine if some group from Minor Asia or Northern Africa took over Rome. Imagine how different history would have played out then. Europe wouldn't be it's own continent probably but rather an extension of the middle east.
>but rather an extension of the middle east
exactly how western Europe is today then
>Imagine being so autistic you analyze a meme from historical contexts instead of thinking it as a joke
Is this why the eternal aussie shitposts? Because they have no intelligence whatsoever to make coherent posts? Unironically kill yourself, autistic faggot.
>democracy is a good system
You tried to save it, and was punished for it.
Absolutely. You are human garbage.
Fortunately there's a solution. We can now use German hate speech laws to get Sup Forums banned in Germany.
Why don't you mind your own shit, amerimutt?
First you want us to spend 2% of GDP on defence, then you screech autistically when we do.
Germany is arming itself whenever it likes. Now go watch some negro fuck you wife.
I promise we'll get better Poland.
nobody said we're smart
How did those designated anti-rape areas work out for New Years? Were your police able to suck enough Syrian cock to distract them away from your women?
however I think "too comfortable" is a better explanation