>No one is illegal
>She is as much American as anyone else
>She can't help that she was born in Mexico
Are they saying that everyone on earth is an American? Are they saying that countries and cultures don't exist? I'm fucking Australian m8! There is no such thing as an Australian anyway ya hard cunt. Europeans did nothing wrong. Fucking abos and indians are a bunch of racist cunts if you ask me. Oi! Fucking straya m8.
Nothing is real
Adolf Hitler was American. Prove me wrong leftists. Protip: You can't.
It hasn't meant anything to be an American since 1965. My ancestors have been here since 1620 and it pains me to say that.
Almost everyone in America has a relative in Mexico. All this policy does is break up families.
Such bullshit.
Try living illegally in mexico and see how fast they fuck you in the ass.
Spic hypocrisy at its best.
This is very untrue.
I know this is bait, but this is actually what white guilt apologists believe. I just watched the BPS video about what the Chinese are using as an insult for our soyboy cucks: 白左
The Baizou thing needs to be memed everywhere.
>Almost everyone in America has a relative in Mexico.
Beaner, please. Both sides of my family are white as hell and have been here since the late 1600s-early 1700s. We have no taco benders in our family tree.