I am a 22 year old mulatto who is half african. However my african half isn't predominant and I look like an italian/spanish person.
I am Christian, 130+ IQ, 6'1 and conservative. Am I a subhuman Sup Forums?
I am a 22 year old mulatto who is half african. However my african half isn't predominant and I look like an italian/spanish person.
I am Christian, 130+ IQ, 6'1 and conservative. Am I a subhuman Sup Forums?
OP is a faggot. Sterilize yourself, kill your race traitor parents and go into exile
das wollte ich hören
The way I see it, if you can prove your worth in a reasonable manor then fine, asia can be for happas. Otherwise you are a waste of air.
try you luck in the colonies
gtfo out of europe
Post pic of yourself please
I was thinking about leaving Europe but since the FPÖ won I am unsure
post proof that you're half nigger
I asked if I am a subhuman not retarded... fuck off
>130+ IQ
you're not subhuman
you're just a mullato. better than a full blooded nigger but still not desired
(((Civic))) nationalist.
>mulatto who is half african
There is literally no other way to be a mulatto, you dumb nigger.
You seem to have lucked out in the genetic roulette ... move along, contribute to society!
What most people do not get is that population genetics is about AVERAGE genetic makeup of populations (call it 'race' if you like).
This :/
you don't believe me Dmitry
do you guys really hate every black person you see, meet?
wohnst du in Wien? wenn ja wie fühlst du dich wenn du in Floridsdorf oder im 10ten/16ten Bezirk als Österreicher rumläufst?
Irritiert, aber das liegt eher an dem - wie es mir vorkommt - rapiden Wachstum der Kopftuch-Fraktion ... politisch-religiös fragwürdig, aber ich schließe da nicht aus, dass ich einen Beobachter-Bias habe. Akut machen mir da die ganzen zwielichtigen Gestalten entlang der U6 eher Sorgen, Drogenszene dürfte wieder wachsen.
was ich nicht verstehe ist , dass die meisten Österreicher, besonder die Männer sehr bluepilled sind und sie das Kopftuchwachstum und die Flüchtlingsströme gar nicht interessieren
Jahrzehnte des gelebten Sozialismus. Das hat die Leute hirntot gemacht. Papa Kreisky versorgt uns ja von der Wiege bis zur Bahre ... sonst wird nur bissl im Wirtshaus gmosert. Ist meiner Erfahrung nach aber auf dem Land anders als in der Stadt ... hast zwar den katholischen Mief teilweise noch drinnen (andere Form der gleichen Krankheit, heut nicht mehr so stark) aber dafür wurde doch mehr Wert auf Eigeninitiative gelegt (NEBEN dem 'richtigen' Parteibuch). Da sind die Leute auch weit sensibler gegenüber Bedrohungsszenarien.
Mal abgsehn von den grünen Kommie-Sektierern ist dem (roten) Wiener halt meistens oise wurscht...
Die jüngeren sind halt oft auch sehr indoktriniert, selbst wenn die merken, dass was schief rennt, lebens halt in kognitiver Dissonanz weiter ... klassisch doublethink halt, man glaubt net, wie lang der menschliche Verstand in so an Zustand existieren kann bevors kracht.
You're a bastard. A mongrel. Christianity is not for your type.
>buy shotgun
>get into the tchuschbahn
You aren't white like me nigger so kys, nigger
Als was identifizierst du dich? Eher Afrikaner oder Österreicher?
apache Hubschrauber
>half African
How the fuck is this even a question? Kill yourself right now shitskin
btw grad im Forum von DerStandard
>italian/spanish person
literally niggers. you are a nigger. accept it.
how is it living in England with all the Pakis and Indians? You know where christianity originated, don't you?
>spurdoposting DerStandard.
keins von beiden wirklich, ist halt der Nachteil wenn man gemischt ist, aber eher Österreicher
Here's the deal loser.
You will always be subhuman to someone. Don't try to seek approval from others. Find it within yourself.
>I am Christian
>Am I a subhuman
why are you hidding your flag? are you a 12 year old autist?
The state of austrians. Was expecting an american flag. Somebody whip up a batch of ausrtian mutt face memes.
>African genes
>130+ IQ
You did one of those 'online IQ tests' right?
Well memed.
Totally worth it!
not seeking approval, I just want to know Sup Forums opinion and maybe god forbid there are some reasonable people on this board
You don't look like an italian. You look half nigger, accept it and move on. blame your whore of a mom
This, listen to Swedebro . Especially don't seek approval from Sup Forums idiots, there are people on here who legit think the world is flat.
you know there are some people who have african genes and are smart...
>half african
>130 IQ
gas yourself immediately
>Sup Forums idiots, there are people on here who legit think the world is flat
> italians thinking are white
> spaniards thinking are white
> greeks thinking are white
> niggers thinking are white
>reasonable people on this board
Zwei Fragen dazu:
1) Was hast du graucht?
2) Derf i a was davon haben?
my mom is the black one and she is a lovely woman
von den Amis/Russen/Engländer erwarte ich mir eh nichts, aber vielleicht sind paar gescheite dabei
>my mom is the black one and she is a lovely woman
I'm sure she is. In all seriousness, stop asking Sup Forums for validation. Go out and live your life, stop worrying about what autists think
not seeking approval, just want to see how ignorant the posters here are. they claim to be christian but are the worst sort of human on the planet
this guy gets it
finally I found an american that is a bit reasonable... I really hope Trump makes you guys great again
wann glaubst du ist das Fass übergelaufen? I wann müssen sich die Österreicher wehren
Meine Erfahrung ... vergiss die Tommies, Amis u Russen gibts paar wenige, die ok sind vl.
Die besten Gespräche hast meistens paradoxerweise mit den finngolischen Kekkonen. Erwähn nur ja nicht versehentlich ihren Paarungsruf ... pic related.
Wenns die neue Regierung nicht nochmal irgendwie herumreisst? Bald, denk ich, aber wahrscheinlich muss erst irgendwas arges passieren bei uns bevor sich da Widerstand regt. Das Potential ist ja da, denk nur die "Lass den Kelch an mir vorübergehn"-Mentalität ist halt noch zu stark solangs noch so halbwegs friedlich abläuft wie jetzt. Hätten wir Zustände wie in Frankreich oder Schweden, wären die Leute jz nimmer so "lustig"...
6'1 has nothing to do with being a subhuman - napoleon bonaparte would wreck all our asses on all fronts in terms of being a man.
Technically you are at least half human bro
ja den meisten gehts noch zu gut. hoffentlich halten die zwei ihre Versprechen.
wenigstens san die Grünen nimma dabei
Not in Africa LMAO
you don't look spanish bud, not if you're half nigger.
>However my african half isn't predominant and I look like an italian/spanish person
just wanted to infuriate the manlets on Sup Forums
and bonaparte couldn't do shit 1v1
das is aba a fescha Kerl Jürgen
actually hating niggers is absolutely scientifically tenable, nothing ignorant about it, fuck off retard
you shit on shitskins but they gave you the foundation of your values and culture..... but why should I argue with someone who voted for a substitute teacher
I bet you have never had a real encounter with a black guy, you are just a fucking leaf faggot wanting to fit in.....sad
Never as white as me ,Op. Off yourself.
I think you would be a valuable member in an mixed ethnostate. You are one of God’s children, peace be with you.
Lol not white
marica eres árabico
you are asking a board that's compromised of autistic neckbeards that would be on the first train to auschwitz if they were alive at that time. You really don't need their approval.
found the gyppo
I know you are brain dead mohammad, but gypos can't even write their own name. Nice try though
just want to see if there are some rational thinking people on this board, and yeah you are right
That man on the poster looks like a working-class german.
This. Dont feel bad for being half black, op. These god forsaken website almost made me believe I should off myself for being a med but I grew apart from their flawed and hating ideology. Try to improve yourself as a person and not by this shitheads standards.