Human rights abuses and oppression have no place in 2018!
Human rights abuses and oppression have no place in 2018!
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you keep glowing in the dark CIAnigger
January is the next renewal date for the Iran nuclear deal. Trump will cancel it, I have no doubt.
This January?
you seem upset
Fucking with Americas enemies is America first. Are you seriously concerned that a hostile Islamic theocracy that has ruined Iran might be overthrown by internal rebellion? If you dont want to invade that's understandable but are you saying not threat to the regime is acceptable?
Its a minor threat yes. No it isn't going to invade the US but Iran actively works against American interests and American allies in the region every chance it gets and has been repeatedly hostile towards this nation since the revolution. Maybe that hostility is deserved nonetheless I'm not going to cuck like Obama and pretend Iran is a friend. Instability in America's enemies has always been in Americas interests and if that can be achieve cheaply by internal rebellion why not go for it? America first never meant weakness or isolation given its pairing repeated tough talk about bombing our enemies and criticism of Obamas one sided deals. Are you really going to sit there and tell me the mullahs are white and based?
Yes, r/the_Donald, we should definitely be actively trying to topple yet another regime so these democracy-loving Millennials can set up a beautiful, secular, democratic country in the Middle East. Just like they have in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt, and Yemen without those pesky evil dictators getting in their way.
>TIME FOR (regime) CHANGE!
Oh ffs I swear to god if he...
Since when did this zionist pos start caring about human rights?
Save your breath, it's already happening. Even though he completely bashed this type of thinking and foreign policy throughout the election, he's going to stick his dick in the hornets nest that is the Middle East and ultimately cause more destabilization. However, I'll take this over an invasion and war with North Korea any day.
It's the same old human rights excuses we always here about. These people would nuke the entire country if they could yet they act like they care about the people.
Don't care what they set up though Iran probably has a better chance of setting up something functional than the Semites. Would you be as reactionary if the House of Saud was about to be overthrown?
The same time every other Zionist POS does: when it benefits them. Human rights are the biggest sham in the post-WW2 world. If you look hard enough, you'll find violations in practically every country to condemn, sanction, and invade over. It is just an excuse to make people feel all good and gushy about ourselves like we're actually making a positive difference in the world when our shitty leaders go to war. Look at Saddam and how the argument over that SNAFU quickly went from WMD when we found none to "well, he was cutting peoples' tongues off." Human rights is never the true reason of invasion, just a veil spouted by the government to hide the true reasons.
At least colonialists and imperialists of yesteryear were upfront about their occupations and invasions.
>Would you be as reactionary if the House of Saud was about to be overthrown?
No, I would probably be even more uneasy given how much more radical the population of Saudi Arabia is compared to Iran.
> Are you really going to sit there and tell me the mullahs are white and based?
No, I'm saying that this isn't in America's interest, it's in Israel's interest and the interest of the MIC. A stable ME is bad for Israel because it interferes with the Greater Israel plan, it's bad for the MIC because they require endless war for profit.
>Instability in America's enemies has always been in Americas interests and if that can be achieve cheaply by internal rebellion why not go for it?
You really believe that Iran is your 'enemy'?
>All Americans will have a toll booth installed in their homes
>They will now be able to donate all spare change to Israel directly
>If it helps their greatest ally why not go for it?
You're advocating the definition of a neocon agenda here you know, the same one Bush and Obama / Clinton were all for. ISIS was started under Obama and luckily they got destroyed in Syria by Russia. Assad was not 'your enemy' either.
Unless you think ISIS are 'based' as well and that it's good to fund jihadis and wreck every country that you can I guess.
>This January?
>(((human rights)))
There is no such thing as human rights.
Fuck you bait flagging shills, I like Iran.
>allies in the region
AHAHAHA! I hope that at least one of Jerusalem or Riyadh are paying you to shill this hard. Otherwise, you'd be doing it for free, and that's just pathetic.
Moron, what do you think will happen if Iran is destabilised? The Saudi-Pak axis of Sunni Muslim terrorists who have exported much more terror than Iran will be empowered
Daily reminder that this happened
GOOD. Time for Sup Forums beta virgins to die in some iranian desert. DRAFT WHEN???
We have ourselves some winners! People didn't vote for Trump because he was Trump, less people probably voted for him for that reason even though they agreed with what he said. Trump and the GOP are going to be sweating their asses off when they realize the cult of personality he employs won't hold up once they start doing neo-con things. All it'll take is another populist "tell it like it is" politician to come along, and actually mean what they say, and they will ditch Trump. Fear not though, Sup Forums, because this is how we ended up with Hitler.
We need someone who comes from the ranks of the common man, someone who has felt their pain. Someone who can profess from the bottom of their heart what it means to be from the underclass so despised by the elites. Someone who will come out and attack all of the establishment politicians even worse than Trump did. Make Trump look like child's play and actually make them scared shitless about what we are going to elect. Someone who really riles up the anger in the masses and directs it toward the establishment. Trump was moderate when it came to this, but he opened a pandora's box. I have no doubt that if someone like that at a rally said "they'll say I'm very dangerous for this country, but what they really mean is that I'm dangerous to them. You shouldn't be afraid, they should really be the ones who are afraid," people would erupt into cheers and chants out of hatred for these people, both neo-cons and neo-libs in the establishment, who have ruined our lives.
You're advocated all or nothing. We can either bomb the world like bush or never defend out interests or allies anywhere. I didn't support libya or Syria because those were not hostile actors. Syria and Assad was and is not a threat to anyone. While libya was a mostly compliant supplicant. The current government of Iran as stated previously is a hostile actor in the region. If it can be taken out the cheap then good. If it can be thrown into chaos then good. I have no problem with any of that.
lol @ Amerimutt mass murderers acting all morally superior.
"Human rights" is like Communism at this point. We try to spread it and instead of helping people it just spreads misery.
A majority of people don't give a shit about human rights and democracy anyway if they dont have a safe neighborhood with electricity. Look at Iraq do they have more rights than under Saddam? Who cares? Bombs are going off there every month and they have sporadic electricity.
The truth is these interventions are bc our critical source of energy is halfway across the world. There's nothing unusual about a great power meddling in their immediate geographic area for their geopolitical benefit but whats different about America is their energy source is outside their hemisphere and they have the means to project power so far way from their country.
That's all this is, all the human rights talk is BS.
are you excited schlomo?
>Iran as stated previously is a hostile actor in the region.
How? The biggest thing we hear about 'hostility' in regards to Iran is the usual babble about their nuclear programme, even the US admitted that they only wanted bombs for self defence too.
I suspect A Saudi Turkish showdown wound be next on the agenda. Ofc the middle east engulfed in war for the next 30 years sounds fine to me.
>Iran a hostile actor in the region
>not fought an offensive war in the last 50 years
Give it a rest you stupid Mutt. You were the hostile actors who armed Saddam to the teeth and sent him against the Iranians; now you cry foull just because they don't like or trust you.
They are fighting a proxy was with the saudis now. Continual support for various terrorist groups around Israel. and of course the major aid they gave to shia insurgents in Iraq that killed many of our own solders. All this is just within recent years. I get that you hate the jews but the enemy of your enemy in this case is still an enemy.
>itt MIDF vs JIDF
>I get that you hate the jews but the enemy of your enemy in this case is still an enemy
Literal line from Netanyahu's pathetic speech to your craven and sycophantic Congress. kys shill.
>Sup Forums is going to defend Regime Change now
I dont want the savage Muslim theocracy to like me. I want them replaced with a more pliable puppet state.
And its still true. Muslims are not your friend...Well they're probably your friend Ahmed but they're not friends of the west.
Hey Boomer - we're not going to fight your wars for you anymore. Try to understand this. We don't care about the Shittle East. If Trump is foolish enough to waste more of America's dwindling resources on the Shittle East, his popularity will rightfully plunge. Let me repeat: WE DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT THE SAUDIS OR ISRAELIS. We don't have the resources and we certainly don't have the WISDOM to do any good at all by interfering in that region.
Fucking retarded confederate flag posters shitting up the board with their CIA shilling. Every post I see from a confederate is loaded with bluepilled cuckoldry. Go lick a boot faggot.
wtf i love trump now, goyim
You're not going to anything but cry about da joos and based sandniggers while others control you.
Where were you?
Trump IS Regime Change.
ISIS killed many of your own soldiers and civillians all over the world, and they were started by doing exactly what you're suggesting here. You said toppling Iran would result in chaos, which means another ISIS type group, more taxpayers money which could be used on rebuilding America being wasted on a desert war, and eventually more soldiers getting killed in the process. That is exactly what has happened over the last few years.
Israel and the Saudis should figure out how to fight their own battles too, I wouldn't be ranting about either if they did that rather than having America come in non stop, especially when you've got 'muh human rights' being brought up in the same sentence!
Iran thought they could spread their wings over the Zion/Saudi dominated area without consequences.
Now they know. Jews won't ever meet you in tge battlefield. They do what jews always do, undermine every nation from inside out.
Jews don't fight. Jews contaminate.
Also for what it's worth Alaska actually has more oil than Saudi Arabia. Makes me think.
our "allies" like israel and saudi need a nuking like no other nations in history.
No, boomie, not giving a fuck about Iran and not wanting to further destabilize the Middle East is just America doing America first, for once. Trump may not embody that slogan much anymore, but that doesn't mean the American people don't. By all means though, keep believing that apple pie narrative of these freedom lovers fighting for theirs'. We'll see how you think in 5 years when an even more radical group takes the country over and tries to establish another caliphate in the Middle East.
if any nation is able to beat the jews at that game its iran though. this isn't even close to 2009 levels and no one is better than iran at proxy war.
Stop shilling to get America to spend more money THAT WE DON'T HAVE on a region that is 5,000 miles from American shores. Or pay for that shit yourself if you want it so badly.
Is there a motherfucking problem, nigger?
In case you niggers forgot
If mudslimes are fighting and dying that's a good thing. I seriously doubt there's going to be another major ground war and occupation Iraq style anytime soon and would oppose such a move. But supporting rebellion in this case has its benefits. Would there be other factions and terrorist groups? Most certainly Years and years of chaos would ensue and and hands off approach would likely lengthen the chaos. Again I would support this. Its cost effective and neutralizes the last serious obstacle to American domination of the middle east. Ideally by the time order was restored we will have moved enough away from oil dependency that never again will we have to care what goes on in the middle east.
>Trump tweets
Get necked retard.
>save human rights
>by killing innocent humans
really activates the almonds
get fucked schlomo
This. The moment Trump does anything neoconish is when his base will flip. Remember the Syrian tomahawk strike?
>be Sup Forums
>this mans tweets are a threat to peace
You are now hillary
Umm, no, sweetie.
>Supporting terrorism is okay if it makes me money
So you don't care about your own soldiers dying either (they are currently in Syria and elsewhere in the ME)? Or terrorism happening all over the world (like it has with ISIS, even in America). Or all the innocents dead and countries destroyed?
what the fuck are you gonna say when it actually happens nigger? that anti-war sentiment is a leftie hippie thing? fucking kill yourself
>last serious obstacle to American domination of the middle east.
We can't even fucking build our own roads for cars that use that oil to drive on, let alone expand our empire to a whole other region across the world. You fucking boomers are so short-sighted and blood hungry that you can't see we're going to make the same goddamn mistakes here that we have your entire lives. How about we fucking drill for oil at home while simultaneously research better means for energy production and mediums? Oh wait I know why, because that would involve looking ahead farther than a few years, which none of you fuckers have ever thought to do throughout your entire existence. No more Middle East bullshit. America first, or be prepared to have your Medicare and Social Security cut off to pay for this meaningless chaos.
They won't flip until a better option is there. When your only two choices are neo-con Trump and some screeching bleeding heart liberal like Elizabeth Warren, the right choice will sadly be Trump.
I think you're underestimating the stupidity of the public.
>The moment Trump does anything neoconish is when his base will flip.
He moved the Israeli embassy like a good goy obeying his neocon jew masters and his base loved it.
wtf I love Trump now
Human rights comes from moronic (((enlightenment philosophers))) who thought that all humans have natural rights and balderdash like that. Those were the foundations philosophy of the west was based on. They were bound to go down.
why're jews friends of the west but muslims enemies? why not both schlomo?
Love em or hate em, you gotta admit the Khazars are based
Who gives a shit about some goatfuckers half the world away. Build the wall and fucking deport them all .
Let me be clear. Islam is an enemy to the west every bit as much as the jews. Ideally I would see the Muslim world engulfed in flame from Morocco to Pakistan. So weakened and subservient as to never pose a threat again for centuries to come. I dont care in the least if Muslims die, be it in western backed wars or not, nor do I consider any of them innocent.
It's much more likely to be a Saudi-Turkey-Pakistan coalition moving westward. Of course their first order of business would be Israel.
If you want middle eastern battles to stay in the middle east, you need a strong iran to balance Saudi-Turkey-Pakistan, not a weak Iran to leave them with no opposition in the neighbourhood
>nor do I consider any of them innocent.
so why do you care about them being oppressed and human rights?
It isn't just Muslims dying.. and btw you're talking about supporting muslims too. They just get called 'moderate rebels' for a while on CNN. What you're advocating is the spread of Islamic terrorism, that's the direct result of this neocon bullshit policy.
Also you ignored the rest of my post about other people dying and countries being wrecked. Iran isn't a threat to you.
The Solution to Iran is the Restoration of the Shah Monarchy.
A Constitutional Parliamentary Monarchy
what about the human rights abuses and oppression of palestinians?
Radical Islamist detected.
The topic at hand is an Islamic nation and frankly i'm a little tired of seeing faggots on Sup Forums praise Iran not because they give a damn in the least about the Iranian people but because they delude themselves into believing Iran is some grave threat to Israel. Thats kike propaganda right there. Right now there is no major threat to Israel beyond vague claims of Iranian nukes.
All sandniggers be they kike to mudslime are your enemy. Too many focus on the kikes and lose sight of the sandniggers these days.
Who says I do?
Because I'm advocating against supporting ISIS?
explain. what is a radical islamist?
>Human rights abuses and oppression have no place in 2018!
you did?
Groups such as the KLA, Chechen Terrorists, ISIS, Al-Queda, Any group that Believes in Islam and commits Terrorist acts.
The only faggot here is you. On one hand, you say you want to see the Mudslimes all die, and then in the other hand you use "muh human right" to support us getting involved. This is the definition of subversion, but it is pretty fucking piss poor subversion because unlike your typical kike, you do it in the same sentence.
Now please, hand over your entitlements so we can pay for this war and chaos you want so dearly.
why the fuck would i care about any threats to israel?
I swear if you preface all of trump's quotes with "Oy vey, goyim" they make a lot more sense.
That's what he said retard
> Advocating against Supporting ISIS
Iran is probably One of the largest funders of that group.
That's true, the persians have been naught lately.
Let them fight.
>It's much more likely to be a Saudi-Turkey-Pakistan coalition moving westward. Of course their first order of business would be Israel.
Nah, Burguer.
There are four blocks in the Middle East
The Turkish-Qatari Block
- Turkey, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Qatar
The Persian Block
- Iran, Iraq, Syria, Hezbollah, Part of Yemen belongs to the Houthis, Morocco and Palestine
The Arabian Block
- Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Pakistan and Bahrain
The Neutral Block
- Jordan, Egypt, Libya and Oman
Lebanon is the Balance
Go join A Terrorist group. If you want 20 wives, want to believe in Allah, Worship a Pedophile who murdered many people, and hate the west, then go on.
i don't get it either, you would think after what islamists did to america, americans would be salivating at a chance to give islam a nice big kick to the teeth.
not to mention if israel's neighbor isn't screaming for its death, israel doen't need as much foreign aid
All Muslims are a threat to me. If some can be used to kill other Muslims that's the best way to bring them down. As for others caught up its regrettable but there will be losses. The west has been fighting Islam nonstop since the first mudslime rode out of the desert and started raiding christian byzantine lands. Countless millions of others have perished under the sword of Islam and countless millions more will perish long into the future. What I advocate is the destruction of Islam and the removal of Islam from non Islamic countries. There can never be lasting peace between Islam and the rest of the world.
I say we just shitpost along with the president and keep these niggers triggered. We might sell some more weapons but there is no chance or reason we will go to "war" over social media. We just moved all our shit to the pacific so it ain't happening.