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It's winter
Man Made Global Warming.
If the temperatures go up, it's your fault so pay your carbon tax and die at retirement to lower your carbon footprint.
If the temperatures go down, it's your fault so pay your carbon tax and die at retirement to lower your carbon footprint.
If the temperatures stay the same, it's your fault so pay your carbon tax and die at retirement to lower your carbon footprint.
Why do you deny science?
It's cold outside nigger
It's all evil fossil fuel corporations fault
i guess we can forget all about that whole "Global Warming" fiasco, huh guys?
>this kills the black man
global cooling goy
Low solar activity, we are entering a mini ice age. Look it up. (((Global warming))) has been thoroughly BTFO
it's a map showing temperatures across the United States.
Looks like the ice age is returning.
Well, yeah - we're going through a little dip in the solar cycle, which will have a general cooling effect. However, current cold spell is due more to temporal air currents out of the North than that. It would take a conjunction of the various solar cycles in a large dip to actually shave off 20 degrees F globally.
This type of cold spell happens from time to time. Same thing happened about 4 or 5 years ago, right after new years. Luckily for me, I was in Moscow at the time where it was a relatively warm 32 F.
Global warming armaghedon.
>tfw my region won't get any snow this winter
This burger gets it
>Hottest summer on record = climate
>Coldest winter on record = weather
What’s not to understand?
should have paid Al gore his manbearpig tax.
>tfw we should have listened to the founder of the internet AL GORE>
We're already in an ice age you stupid nigger.
If it were caused by a solar minimum the average temperature of the whole world would drop. This is only happening in North America and a few other areas.
It will happen when the weather cools.
Looks like a blob of arctic air getting dumped on us, caused by a polar vortex collapse, caused by an insufficient difference in temperature between the polar region and the surrounding area, caused by the polar region getting hotter, caused by it absorbing more solar radiation, caused by it having a lower albedo, caused by a higher concentration of co2 in the atmosphere, caused by burning coal and oil, caused by liberals refusing to develop nuclear technology for literally no reason.
Trump turned of the weather machines and now you will get a couple of months of crazy weather, and then you will get normal weather.
also hopefully in future you will see for the first time in your life what real clouds look like.
We need to start paying our air tax immediately .
1 post by this id stop niggers
It's called winter.
t. newfag
lurk 30 more years
I hate working outside
You had me until the nuclear energy part.
That power is beyond our control and poisons our environment.
Best bet is solar energy; just have to learn to see past the FUD surrounding it. Solar + battery + using what we already have and changing things over time as technology develops is the best way.
Comfy in Cali even after they said we would get nuked
You want someone to explain the winter to you?
My guess is that Trump did this to try and prevent as much as possible any riots or protests when the indictments become public.
If you're a hunter it sucked. The ground was so crunchy trying to walk I hunted under a flight path and tried walking when planes, Cessnas and stuff flew over, not jets.
It's so cold in the D...
Right now my area in Michigan is colder than Alaska. Seems normal to me I guess.
Shit sucks. I want global warming back.
I'll keep saying it.
Man made global warming is real.
The lie is that the Dems are actually going to do anything about it besides bloated beurocracy and making money for the buddies that paid them off.
Meanwhile, Republicans ignore the problem exists instead of finding free market friendly solutions.
We are fucked both ways.
And yes. Getting colder could be a sign of globals warming. Key term. Global.
Whhile half the Earth has winter, the other half has summer. The warming is about global averages. Higher energy in weather systems is an effect of the global warming of global temps. That includes winter storms and plunging winter temps.
It's cold outside.
I thought the pic was pretty self explanatory, but I am glad to help
Natural climate shifts
i dont know....but somehow i still blame obama for this
I like solar a lot. However, to build it up where it can support transportation/manufacturing/dense urban centers is a ways off. We need offshore wind, more energy efficiency, come to terms with how we can have large solar arrays everywhere when we have farmland everywhere.
The great wizards of the North conjured up a curse to protect Canada from America’s filth crossing our unguarded borders. Also to freeze the blood of the desert nigs who are trying to conquer us.
HAARP has fucked the Jet Stream everything is subject to the forces of equilibrium so it will work itself out but may get a bit worse
>nuclear energy
Maybe if we only relied on danerous old nuclear reactors from the past. You cannot say science has no way of making nuclear energy feesible and safer.
I took my Christmas lights down this morning in 27 degree weather. In South Alabama. Pretty awesome. Got to break out a jacket for the first time in 3 years
there are twelve days of Christmas...
why do you think they changed the term to climate change? its more vague and can fit any of their arguments than just global warming
>pic related is last March's blizzard
Since NYers just talk hot air, thankfully it melted quickly.
I dont know anything about how the weather works
Russians are hacking the weather obviously
>Putin: those Americans make fun of Siberia. lets see how they like being Siberia comrade
This. I remember about 4-5 years ago it was snowing everywhere in the US and people where freaking out saying it was due to global warming. Then, the next few winters were either normal or kinda warmer than usual. Why are people so stupid?
Cold weather is most comfy. But seriously. Use the fucking metric system.
>tfw -5 at noon today
>tfw almost 100 mph on the snowmobile and your safety glasses fall off exposing your eyes to -8 degree air at almost 100 mph. cant see anything
>it's too cold goys, pay up!
>but it's hot mister shekelstein
>it's too hot, pay up!
>ah, it's cold again
>this climate change it atrocious, pay up goy
My central heating shit the bed in the middle of the night.
I woke up at 5am, in the fetal position with my dogs laying on top of me.
Shit was not cash
It's fucking winter
A warmer planet makes the same planet colder, haven't you heard of the 97%??
T r u m p c u r s e
Winterchan is coming!
Because of weather engineering
get ready to see a lot more of these in the coming decades.
This is actually the most normal winter weather it's been in a while. I remember last year it was 70 degrees in January. Maryland here.
winterchan has come
Still not as retarded as Catholicism
Cold front.
i aint clickin that
Global warming, duh.
How do you fuck up a color scale that bad?
I love you winter-chan.
>wanting a winter apocolypse
>who never leaves the house
Your funeral.
We should be thankful we have helped fertilize the flora as we go into a grand solar minimum.
Maybe we'll even see a year without summer. Won't that be something
The jet stream has been reconfigured by an increase in global temperature and has started to lose its sealing ability, allowing direct injection of polar air and moisture into the middle latitudes. If conservatives don't figure this shit out soon I'm afraid I can no longer stick up for them. There are ways to address climate change without taxing the shit out of everyone. We can start working on technology to sequester carbon. It's literally our only hope.
If it means the death of those that don't believe in God and Jesus, then so be it.
>projecting this hard
Mrs Clause queefed.
>its warmer in some parts of Alaska than the lower 48
how did you manage this?
Over 30 years calling it nothing but "Global Warming" and then by the mid 2010s as climate was more and more cold in some places, it changed conveniently to "Climate Change"
Meaning that literally everything that happens can be blamed on it.
Al Gore did this shit!
>how did you manage this?
Russian hacked the weather
Who /bestcoast/ here
>mfw nice and a sunny 60F in SF Bay
We get the cold first. If you check Alaska’s weather and it’s clear and cold it will hit down south in about a week. Right now it’s warming up so next week your temperatures will go up.
Build a giant solar farm in the Sahara desert
This. I like how at some point around the start of this global warming scare campaign they changed the name to climate change and nobody noticed.
You do realise that CO2 concentrations have been far higher in the atmosphere in the past without any human intervention, right?
Because Climate change is more accurate to describing whats actually going on.
send rain pls
>t. calicuck
>living in a place where you can catch hepatitis from walking on the sidewalk