For too long have we been swamped with reddit faggotry and boomers.
Bait threads get hundreds of replies before being deleted, reddit faggots are able to post their shitty opinions and views as they please, and the Trump General is cancerous to the point where it's spammed 24/7 a day. If you even attempt to call these sad newfaggots out, they'll call you a shill.
I'm calling all oldfags, we need to kick these parasites off our board and promote healthy non degenerate threads.

Other urls found in this thread:


Double tea for you, good sir!

Shut up faggot nobody cares


gas the boomers, gen war now


Go to the franklin scandal thread. This is a slide thread. The only people attacking baby boomers these days are shills. Sage


What can men do against such wreckless shilling?

That's the first step of the plan.

How do I make green text? Thanks.

How much soy do you consume OP?

Bring back OP is a faggot and make sure it is the first post under each thread. Legit threads will survive, bait threads will be deserted. Also point out that asking stupid questions on Sup Forums is equally to being a faggot. That said, OP is obviously a faggot

Generals are a place posters retreat to, defeated, as their board is overrun by niggers, like the non-wrestling threads on /asp/.

Gas them? They're all so old you coulld walk towards them semi-briskly brandishing a dog turd on a stick, and their attempts to walk away in a similarly brisk manner will cause their old icy hearts to overload. I don't worry about boomers 'coz they're mostly dead already, they just haven't noticed.

I recently got banned because I saged a slide thread. Mods need to go too.

Krautgate is literally spreading race realism to normies. It's Sup Forums as fuck.

You seem like a concern troll.

I care, literal mud

Stage 1:
Kick out the Trump Tards and boomers.
>Turn the Trump General into a National Socialist general
>Do this to the point where they leave the board

Stage 2:
Kick out the bait posters and shills
>Sage their threads and tell them to fuck off, inform people that replying to such faggotry is a waste of time
>Ignore them, deprive them of replies and they'll go away

Stage 3:
Promote pro-white content and right wing content,
>Tell anyone else to fuck off and leave it at that

Stage 4:
Get into the fucking moderator team

Bang, the board comes back.

You just need to tell them to fuck off, leave a sage, and expect the thread to die.


This board has been officially dead since the bombing of Sup Forums harbor
It’s never going to return to its former glory

Could be worse. Could be Sup Forums.

We must destroy all of these r/the_donald niggers, not only are they affecting Sup Forums they are leaking into other boards as well

That's where you're wrong.

im a newfag, ill post a smiling hitler for you

This is by far the most autistic thread currently on Sup Forums
Kys memeflag nigger

It cannot be stopped.
>retards start retarded thread
>retards responds and bring more retards in to start more retarded threads

Also mods are cunt.

Trump general did nothing wrong and that's some awfully leftist psychology you're showing there.
Or you could, you know, debate them without using ad-hominems. But since you're thinking like a leftist you just want them banned.

Get the fuck off my board.

Generals are the most cancerous threads the internet has.

Trump general infested this board with boomers, redditors, and newfags galore. You can't try to debate them in any way, or else they'll call you a shill. They've turned this board into what it was into Sup Forums 2.0. This isn't your board, it's mine.

>this isn't your board, it's mine

>Trump isnt /ourguy/ hes helping the Jews an awful lot

>Stormfag thinks he has more authority on this board
Your ilk brings in the schizos, chanology tiki torch fags and flat earth retards. It's funny how you're accusing just Trumpfags of bringing in the cancer while you spew more of your buzzwords for "people who disagree with my oh-so-pure NatSoc ideology".

This has to be a new year's resolution. If we don't do it now, we never will.

>t. someone who wasn't here before 2014.
I feel bad for you honestly.

Nobody in trumpgen has said that but you wouldn't care because in your fragile worldview anyone who's not a knee-jerk conspiracy faggot is a kike shill.

You worthless nigger, this board was always heavily sympathetic to Nazis and fascism. You retards came in on the trump train and shit all over the carpet.
Pic related if your american genes allow you to read

They always say that, if you even remotely disagree with Trump they'll pounce on you.

>thinks he's an oldfag
What pathetic life do you live where you are under the disillusion that you hold any form of authority of how this board conducts itself?

You're forgetting the libertarians and other non establishment right wing ideologies. And I really like how you didn't address my point on stormfaggotry bringing in just as many retards as the election era newfags did. You can't go 1 row in the catalog anymore without some schizophrenic retards going "wibbledy woooooo the earth is flat, space is a hoax and aliens fucked my dog". Is that the discourse you want on Sup Forums?

I said before 2014 you illiterate nigger.

/news/ literally got axed because it got invaded by nazi larpers you revisionist tard.

Back then those posters were told to fuck off and were ignored or shitposted to death.

>purity spiral
>purity spiral
>purity spiral
And? Trump's support was 100% organic and Sup Forums was better in 2015 after Sup Forums harbor drove off the cancer.
That's not the case, but your type just spams shitty blackpill memes and rarely tries to properly debate.

>implying pre-2014 makes you an oldfag
You are literally cancer tier 2012 forward memeflag fag

kill all white men


Phase one, kick out the trump tards


How do we lawfully take revenge on Terry McAuliffe for Charlottesville 8-12-2017?

You tradcucks are starting to be a problem in right-wing politics. It's turning normal people, and especially women, away from supporting the movement.

Most tradcucks are NEET virgins anyway, which isn't trad.

>tfw anyone who could be a good leader died before the movement even started



Go on mr. aspiring jani
Kick them out, we are waiting

That's a waste of time. Post in good threads instead so they don't get slid.


t. stormfag still mad that trumpfag took over the board

Redditfags. Not Trumpfags. This is our board.

Gotta do it now.

Fuck the alt-kikes, the real Elders of Sup Forums are: William Luther Pierce, E Micheal Jones, William Cooper, Adolf Hitler.

> be newfag
> identify /SIG/ as crucial to achievement of Sup Forums's political goals and a force for good
> try to revive /SIG/
> have mods move /SIG/ to garbage can board

Gore bomb the bait threads

Wait they fucking removed /SIG/? I wondered why I saw it on /fit/ the other day, this place really needs some new mods.

That would be against the rules. No. We simply tell them to fuck off and ignore them.

its been said before and it will be said again
>post gore and scat and many will leave

/fit/ has good /sig/ threads

so are half of the threads on here. being an insufferable reddiit faggot is unacceptable and they should not be here. way too much cancer. also MODS = FAGS and dont deserve life.

>we bump their threads and do literally nothing
Do you really belive that you and you alone constitute Sup Forums's user base?

I tried posting one a few weeks ago and after a couple dozen posts some mod stuck it in /bant/ and shitcanned me for a day.

What's this footage from?

God what is with you retard whit3 wingers and the nintendo console?
Did your mommy not buy it for you and you're upset?

>What is saging a thread

Sooo... a holy war.. a Jihad against all those fucking plebditt edgelords & co.? Sure, but you know what? Let's check what caused it. Oh, right... thanks for shilling for Dolan guys. That helped a lot.

i dont know i dont think its angola though

>thinking that does a damn thing with a thread that has dozens of unique posters
Protip newcancer, saging isn't the downboating you are accustomed to.

Look as this newfag/kike. Get out.


>You worthless nigger, this board was always heavily sympathetic to Nazis and fascism.

No, in fact it was years until it became stormfront, and then it got murdered.
If it had always been stormfront, it wouldn't have existed for so long.
m00t's reaction was that, a reaction, to a recent change.

what does krautgate have to do with t_d boomers?

Don't forget to tell people how to sage shitty threads

>what does krautgate have to do with t_d boomers?

What does it have to do with political discussion?
These threads aren't about discussing the political implications of the ideas in the videos, rather about the personal lives of the authors of said videos. Its a fandom, not a Sup Forums subject.

we own this board bitch don't like leave . this is and always will be a pro Trump board .

>political discussion
it's more political than nigger hate threads, and I miss nigger hate threads.

Nigger hate threads were fine, because:
>1-2 per week
>get to max posts and die

Now we have cancer, then NEW THREAD cancer, then NEW THREAD cancer, then CANCER GENERAL, and it becomes a permanent stain on the board.
Remaking the thread over and over, to make sure its always up for no fucking reason, instead of having it periodically based on new material or events, this is the real problem.

That, and some time during Obama's campaign politics became popular culture, and all the kids had strong opinions, and basically 90% of posts on Sup Forums became casuals who haven't read 2 books sharing their babby's first opinions 14/88 japanese are a strain of aryan but meditereneans are all niggers jews lied about tobacco its actually healthy we should stop using antibiotics because they turn the fish gay imbeciles.

>Take back
Go back to Ironmarch.
Oh wait, you can't because your astroturf movement finally packed it in. So stay the fuck off MY fucking board and keep your spam SHIT to yourself, FAGGOT. You made your fucking bed when you spammed HUU HUU HUU TRSODOMITES for six months, nobody even knows who you retards are anymore except shills from Antifachan.

Never surrender Never give up! The truth will slowly break them. Let them come.

Legacy media is dying and YouTube is becoming a bigger and bigger source of news among the younger generations.
Therefore the implications of which voices dominates the political discourses on that medium is important


PREPARE THE GORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sup Forums is fucking unreadable now. There used to be a time where you could actually get news faster from Sup Forums than the MSM, but now it's all "CAMGIRL PIC UNRELATED" and "TWITTER SAID SOMETHING, YOUR THOUGHTS?"

It's fucking spam.

Okay. Shame then that the threads are about implications on the video author's cock, how it split, how he likes his nipples clamped, or about the tits of that other video author, or about the retarded girlfriend of the third author, or the african heritage of the fourth author, etc.

Maybe discuss what you wrote should be discussed, and not the personal lives of the presenters. Certainly I don't remember the days before Youtube being spent on talking about how the news anchor likes it up his ass or if the reporter had a tit job. Such discussion wasn't welcome on political forums and would get you banned pronto, since its NOT POLITICS.

Sup Forums was never good.

I know its pretty shit.

no, prepare the ponies

Why not both?

If you think that posting gore will shock anyone, then you've come to the wrong place.

You're just adding shit to more shit, and it all just becomes a big festering pile.

You overestimate how much plebbit fags can stomach.

they literally got scared by drawn horsecocks

Its no different than mudslinging is politics. Besides the irony lies in that the opposition's leader set up a server to dox people and character assassinate them, only for it to backfire on him completely.
Nothing is off the table when the bar gets taken that low.

>I miss nigger hate threads
Me too buddy, me too

>this personal drama is pathetic, thus we should be pathetic to show them how pathetic they are, also this is all politics somehow i promise


We need to align with /mlp/. Should we get /vp/ to help. I think pokemon cock would just be as traumatizing to them as pony porn

I agree 100%.
Redditfags are exerting their newfound influence over the internet. They forget who they learned that from.

Why not?
Its as enjoyable as watching the CWC sagas. Besides watching ecelebs self destruct and skeptic fags collapse against race realists is great.