I am proud of being gay
Please teach me, what is wrong with gay?
I am proud of being gay
Please teach me, what is wrong with gay?
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>wasted digits
Faggotry is pushed by the kikes, also AIDs
Look you need to kill yourself, you’re a degenerate scumbag who’s tearing apart the social fabric of society. What you’re doing isn’t normal, you’ve been brainwashed into faggorty. Just kys please and thanks
You are mentally ill OP,,,good luck with that
Kys, also checked
Checked. Being proud of it is what's wrong. I'm not proud of being straight.
>Please teach me, what is wrong with gay?
Homosexuality is a self-destructive, dangerous and degenerate mental illness, promoted and normalized in White countries by the Jewish elite and the Jewish-controlled media to the detriment of the White race, White traditions and White culture.
Well when you're gay that means you're a faggot
So stop sucking dicks and eat some steak ya fucking queer
>I'm proud of being sexually attracted to sticking the genitals of another man into my rectum
>proud of who you stick your dick in
It serve no purpose to fuck the same sex.
Nothing to be proud of eating a lot of chocolat because you like it.
Now be humble and stfu.
As for gays, me I am curious (no pun intended), how they will br doing when more and more multi-culturalism comes in.
Basically, most countries in the world don't like gays....
nothing at all my friend
you cant have a society of faggots, its not something to be proud of or to be encouraged
Freud is a Fraud.
Just like Einstein-Shekelberg.
Attraction to other men is caused by social trauma or abuse, in addition to this being a homosexual has many negative health benefits
>As for gays, me I am curious (no pun intended), how they will br doing when more and more multi-culturalism comes in.
The faggots will be a protected class, just as the "minorities" and feminists will be.
They're a tool in the plan to destroy White civilization after all.
Nothing really but you cannot produce a child without help of modern science and in vitro fertilization
Lol being gay? I'm trying so hard to be bothered by this, but for some reason I really don't care! Why the hell are people snowflakes when it comes to individual sexuality??????
Well japanese youth are having problems with opposite sex like western countries.
It's different a little bit though.
Well, I guess it's like Germany....
It's a punishment for standing up for yourself and your nation agains't the (((subversives))).
Communist indoctrination playing upon people with repressed self-esteem issues. You'd think with all the rampant sex fags have they'd be the most complacent people on earth.
gays are pedos and I proudly would kill them all.
Cause they parents didnt have the capacity to give them the attention needed to become a healthy individual.
I would also put the responsibility of the community.
I would also blame (((the community))).
all fields my friends, remember
This coming from the hentai obsessed beta weaboo cuck, right?
Lol...Sup Forums is a haven for loli lovers, gay haters, racist's and anything else ppl decide is wrong. Maybe change the name from Sup Forums to 4shame. Here's a huuuuuge ladder for you all to get over yourselves =)
I can't believe people take their children to pride parades.
>Why the hell are people snowflakes when it comes to individual sexuality??????
To homosexuals, their sexuality defines everything about who they are.
Therefore, if a homosexual cannot express their sexuality openly, they literally believe they do not exist.
So of course someone saying "I don't support homosexuality" is akin to that person saying "You don't exist."
News alert newfaggot
Sup Forums is for anime
so fuck off back to plebbit
>I can't believe people take their children to pride parades.
Those are not people, they are sick homo pedophiles that need to be killed
I can't believe gays want to raise children, artificially inseminate each other, get donor wombs to birth children for them, etc. There's a line between having something wrong with you and living with it and trying to perpetuate and perpetrate some deformed version of reality on to innocent children.
Didn't come from Reddit.... I so wish I did just so you could of been right. But its OK to be wrong now n then =)
>Sup Forums is for anime
Anime has no place in a pro-White society.
Same thing with homosexuality.
Yeah cuz its a crime to raise a kid.....lol dickhead
It's Ok to be white
Not gay
I'm fine with them adopting kids, the true problem is the fact that people are choosing to leave their kids up FOR adoption.
You have defective DNA the rope is your only solution
Promiscuity is destructive. You're correlating homosexuality with promiscuity because that's the picture you've been presented by the media. Plenty of gay folk fall into that shitty lifestyle because they've been brainwashed into thinking that's where their community is, then the vetern degenerates in those places pressure newcomers into alcohol, drugs, and sex.
I've met lots of queer people who find that scene just as degenerate as you do. You can't choose who you're attracted to, but you can choose to not live a destructive life.
Individual? You mean like how they're teaching it in school? Individual? You mean like the pride parades with kids? Individual is a word that applies to the Right. There's no such thing as an individual on the Left. It's groupthink or your shamed and gain a label of their choosing.
If it were only adoption I might have a more favorable view. But that's not EXTREME enough for radical gays. They're making more children by artificial means even though by nature they are not given to make children naturally.
We didn't decide anything. God did.
gay is a deviant fetish
Anal sex spreads disease for no other reason than self indulgence. The normalization of gay sex is destroying the fabric of society. Men who have sex with men spread their mental disease through massively indulging in hebephilia.
Basically you need to go back in the closet and we need to start hanging gays which have sex with underage boys. Maybe then you guys can return to just being relatively harmless deviants. For the moments you are warriors fighting for the destruction of civilized society.
>You have defective DNA the rope is your only solution
LGBTQ members have the highest rate of suicides.
I'm so happy about it.
>Promiscuity is destructive.
Correct. And homosexual promiscuity is even worse.
> You're correlating homosexuality with promiscuity because that's the picture you've been presented by the media.
The picture the judeo media presents is that homosexuality is normal, acceptable and preferable to heterosexuality. Because the judeo media wants to use homosexuality (among other things) to destroy the White race, traditions and homelands.
>Plenty of gay folk fall into that shitty lifestyle because they've been brainwashed into thinking that's where their community is, then the vetern degenerates in those places pressure newcomers into alcohol, drugs, and sex.
Because homosexuality is a mental illness.
>I've met lots of queer people who find that scene just as degenerate as you do.
And yet they're homosexual and therefore inherently degenerate.
>You can't choose who you're attracted to,
Using that claim, bestiality and pedophilia are natural and acceptable because "they can't choose who they're attracted to."
>but you can choose to not live a destructive life.
Homosexuality is inherently destructive.
How long will it take for the Muslims to start throwing gays of buildings in Sweden.
Maybe Muslims are a good thing.
By attempting to act just as degenerate as the OP by posting non-White, near pornographic imagery?
Okay bro lol...I hear ya sorta...ish? But for me, I'm neither left or right. I think a person is whoever they are. I'm me because of me and you're you because of you...who cares. Race,sexuality,politics whatever don't define people to me. If you're a dickhead you're a dickhead, if you're cool, you're cool. Easy bro...
This is POL, not art for the sexually frustrated.
>You can't choose who you're attracted to
You can chose who you fuck regardless of attraction.
Nothing, just don't treat it as something special or as a lifestyle. People dislike fags because they're so in your face about it. If you're just a normal human being otherwise nobody will give a shit.
Homosexuality is a developmental endocrine disorder. It would be cureable in many instances by now with androgen neuro hormone therapy if it wasn't taboo in academic research. Eventually a safe and effective treatment will be available to transform faggot brains into normal male brains that are strongly attracted to women romantically and physically.
In the meantime all we ask is that you don't do sex parades, adopt children, or promote sexualization of children in media or schools.
Prove your so called god exists
muslims align pretty well with Sup Forumsacks, only if they weren't shitskins and didn't want to murder all of us unless we convert
because i can
Muslims promote genital mutilation and are not for love and peace. This is antithetical to Sup Forums.
>I am proud of being gay
I am straight, but don't have the need to shout it out to the world. Why can't you faggots just be productive members of society without constantly proclaiming how much you love sucking dicks?
You're a disgusting, degenrate, shit eating faggot. Kys
>because i can
You can't fight degeneracy with more degeneracy.
and heterosexualallity isnt indoctrinated like it is in you....obvs...and the other majority of Sup Forums
you cannot stop the shitposts niggers
Nice quads
You need to be killed.
but i am you see
Different question: what is there specifically to be proud of?
>Inb4 all die of aids
I'm straight, so it's okay for me to express that yet a gay man/woman can't express their selves???
Well It's probobly better than being MGTOW, which doesn't say much.
Itt virgins who think sex is for reproducing. Who the fuck even wants kids?
Did you read my post?
I don't normally go around shouting I'm straight.
>but i am you see
But you're just proving that you're just as degenerate as the OP.
>no fun allowed
fug off :DDDXDD
just shut the fuck up about it. why do you need to be so aggressive about what you like to do with your genitals? i'm as queer as the day is long...i've never felt uncomfortable about it, and i've met very little external resistance because of it. do you know why? because the only people who need to hear about my sexual preferences are people i am a) fucking, b) planning on fucking, c) have already fucked.
plus i'm in a very happy heterosexual marriage. swinging forever is cool i guess if you don't want a lasting, meaningful relationship...but i see so many queer people doing that. and what about having kids? society is going to shit and you're perfectly happy letting all the morons out there that are breeding like crazy hold all the chips for the future? the state of the world right now makes me feel like as a queer person, it's my duty to prove that even if you are attracted to many and diverse people, at the end of the day we are still responsible for creating a better humanity through communicating our experiences to our children. queer culture would be a very different thing in a couple decades if queer folk would just suck it up and have babies.
>>no fun allowed
Never said that. You can have fun without being degenerate.
You could be posting pictures of White men and women in traditional relationships, for example.
In fact, that would trigger the faggots more than you posting anti-White nigh pornographic images.
I think promoting it is all about population control.
The reality is kind of dark. I don't think my brother in law would be gay, if he hadn't been molested by a man before age three.
Former roommate was gay with a gay twin. Father's in prison now for molesting kids.
Cousin in law's husband stepped out on her with men. He claims it's because his uncle molested him.
Know a guy dating a tranny: traumatic childhood where he watched his mother die and also likes little girls.
I don't think they can help it once that is etched in their brains. People should really be careful about watching porn and getting exposed to degeneracy.
I used to think gay people were grate before I had lived long enough to see all these issues.
No I think something needs to be done about their activism: adults on bakeries for not making their cakes, bushing gay sex in schools, tranny BS, and this gender neutral crap along with the feminists.
You won't shut the fuck up about it.
If some guy came up to me and started talking about how he fucked his wife or some prostitute last night I'd tell him to fuck off. No one needs to know what shit you do behind closed doors.
let me derail this thread into fuckery reee
let a leafposter do what he was meant to do
These fags get it.
i agree that it's part of a greater population control agenda.
basically this
The gayest thing you can do is convince gay men to be straight and leave less women for the rest of us. If you can change lesbians on the other hand...
>I think promoting it is all about population control.
Population control implies that there would be Whites remaining. That's not in the plans.
>The reality is kind of dark. I don't think my brother in law would be gay, if he hadn't been molested by a man before age three.
And we live in a society that sexualizes everything and everyone thus enabling the rapist.
>People should really be careful about watching porn and getting exposed to degeneracy.
If we got rid of the degeneracy society people would be far less likely to be degenerate.
>No I think something needs to be done about their activism:
Deport those who are the activists and enabling the activism (Jews).
>let me derail this thread
You don't need to derail the thread. There are no faggots defending faggotry in this thread.
>into fuckery reee
>let a leafposter do what he was meant to do
Stop acting like you are from Sup Forums you retarded little faggot.
>mutilation fetish porn
It's normal to have sex with the wrong parts. Normal to suck someone with the sAme parts. Normal not to reproduce and just get Shit all over your dick
Let me put this straight if everybody was gay there would be literally no humans in 100 years. When they have sex they get a desie and are an unnatural abomination of God and humanity.
You guys are the faggots. Stop trying to convince gay people to be straight. All the lesbians are the ones you want to be lesbians and all the gay guys mean less competition. It is uber gay to convince gay people to be straight because it makes it harder for you to get laid. Also 90 percent of you are worse with women than gay men so you would be doubly screwed.
>You won't shut the fuck up about it.
OP is suicidal.
Let's hope this useless subhuman homo-pedo will kill himself very soon.
There is another pedo in this thread,
boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/155209756#top
Oh boy are you in for a wild ride. This is what homosexuality brings to a society.
Also spoiler alert but God isn't real. Only Allah