Thots are pushing for trap/trans revolution and traps are evolving

I have been dating traps/trans since 2009.
I am on old guard chaser and I can see change happening.
No longer you have 1 in 100 passable traps, there are more and more passabe trans/traps now, like 1 in 10.
No longer they are restricted to working as escorts, but work in IT, marketing, PR, media.
You can meet a trans that has a nice flat, good job and looks like a beautiful genetic girl.
And trust me there is much less nagging than with THOTS, plus you can discuss anything from Science Fiction to International Relations.

And sadly for me chasers are changing to.
No longer they are dominated by social rejects, more men are now dating trans, that are normies, businessmen, even sport dudes. One of my former dates now is with a 60 year old businessmen multimillionire and he brings her to business parties and family gatherings, she is so passable that nobody minds and everone is having great time.

Yesterday I met this Asian trans chick at a club day before NYE. 9/10 body, firm tits,amazing ass, beautiful face.
Has normal job,owns flat in central London, higher degree from university in UK.
Fucks like a devil. I kept the meeting friendly and she showed me the attention she gets on dating apps-absolutely mad how many men these days chase transgirls, some of them absolutely top form physically and very well off.

I think is fueled by women who are becoming more and more slutty and selective while being cold. Trans girls understand what men want, both sexually and romantically.

Sure you can say that you dating a dude, but they traps/trans are becoming more passable every day. Some are even now more beautiful than genetic women.

If THOT onslaught continues, I think we will see more trans girls and more men interested in them, until we will get to post-female society.

Just like communism. Except for workers they are using fags now.

Traps are gay

Go ahead and kill yourself, my man

kike faggot shill
DAILY REMINDER, Thot OP is a conquer and divide OP by the JIDF to discourage whites to find conservative women

I can't believe how much of a faggy beta you have to be to decide you'd rather fuck a guy in the ass than expend even the slightest effort to train a woman.

That being said, most of you here are beyond saving so I highly recommend this alternative for you. Most of you act like women anyway, it shouldn't be too much trouble to draw straws and decide who puts on the panties and skirts.

>Go ahead and kill yourself, my man
Why should I when I have beautiful trans women that can engage with me in both sex and conversation that THOTS can never match?

>DAILY REMINDER, Thot OP is a conquer and divide OP by the JIDF to discourage whites to find conservative women
No such thing, roastie



do you like them for the bersonality or the benis?

>do you like them for the bersonality or the benis?
Both really

I've wanted to be a trap for years now, but it's too expensive to be, especially in the body hair department. It doesn't help that I'm six feet tall either. On the plus side I get mistaken for a girl as it is but still

>I like them for their personality
He says as he takes a cock up the bum

Good good. Nice. My ancestors smiled at me while i read this.

Stopped reading at the part where you are a faggot. Kill yourself.


>Some are even now more beautiful than genetic women.

Delusion is viral. Too bad there's no vaccine.

Just another thirsty faggot sucking dick for (((you)))s.



You have been a closet case for years you mean. Fag.

Some of you guys need to be truly honest with yourselves

>He says as he takes a cock up the bum
I am top mostly.
Try dating passable transgirl, you won't believe what a difference it makes to date one compared to a woman. The conversation is so easy and nice.You can talk about everything without being judged or nagged.

kike detected

What's it like being a raging faggot?

>I am top mostly.

It's OK, guys! Instead of being a fag, he's just a fag! Mostly.


its really not that expensive once you look at shaving and waxing. you'll need hrt not to bald tho.

they do seem pretty cool. even if people don't want to date trans girls, at least trans girls can set a higher standard for women in terms of not being cunts.

You can get AIDS too!

>Delusion is viral. Too bad there's no vaccine.

>I have been dating traps/trans since 2009

you are a faggot for liking a man larping as a woman no matter how good the larping is

are you aware that you are a faggot ?

Also, the world is becoming more degenerate, its the reason so many young men fap to traps nowadays.

Its sad really, we need a nuclear war to cleanse the world and reset humanity.

He's mostly a fag at night, mostly.

>been dating traps/trans since 2009.
stopped right there, get lost faggot >>>lgtb

>Women become better women to compete with the growing number of men that are better at being women than women.


This is all Sup Forums‘s fault, their trap fetish spilled out into real life and the normalfags eat it up.

You look like a skirt and panties user.

what if the larping is better than reality?
I mean try dating a Filipino trans girl-she will cook and clean your house better than any western woman and sex will be better too.


OP suicide now

Fkn this.

I guess it was to be expected that whatever a woman can do, a dude can do it better, even being a woman.

God wills it user

Your autism has reached ludicrous speed.

>I have been dating traps
Go away faggot.

gchq everyone

>trans women

Kill yourself, traps are gay.

enjoy your time on earth because you're going to spend eternity in hell, degenerate

I prefer to not sin against God, I'll pass.

While this seems ok on paper it's got disaster written all over it

>dating a Filipino trans girl-she will cook and clean your house better than any western woman and sex will be better too.
larping isnt reality and the reason to do any of that is to have a family you degenerate


The west needs to be destroyed

>implying we need to encourage "men" who like to fuck half-breed transvestites in the ass to reproduce

It's destroying itself from within, give it a few more years Pajeet.

>larping isnt reality and the reason to do any of that is to have a family you degenerate
>implying modern women are capable of having a family
>implying any modern woman can reach perfection of fully operated, surgically enhanced trans girl

>implying we need to encourage "men" who like to fuck half-breed transvestites in the ass to reproduce
you make a fine point user i have not considered that thank you

>fuck all this shit its just a means to an end
so you're saying you do not give one fuck about a clean home or good food or any of the shit a wife does for you. its all valueless and the only thing that matters is her womb. wow. what a loving and wonderful life style for a woman to engage in.

Thank fuck those disgusting trans-things kill themselfs so much no?

Shaving doesn't last long enough, and waxing is too messy. I pluck daily and have an epilator, but it doesn't leave me hairless long. And it's not like I grow a lot of body hair as it is, it's just dark. Braiding dust run in the family much, so I'm lucky there.

We need a market analyst to figure out how long it will take to crash the dating market. Women already have a hard time finding stable relationships I'd wager if even 15%Of dudes transitioned we would have complete anarchy in terms of the likelihood of living a traditional lifestyle.

>. its all valueless and the only thing that matters is her womb. wow. what a loving and wonderful life style for a woman to engage in.
yeah if i want a clean house i can hire a maid or do it myself you lazy faggot
and given woman declining happiness i am correct
the only reason to be a couple is to build a family

a man who denounces his masculinity, by dressing and acting like a girl and allowing themselves to be fucked by sick-in-the-head beat males who cant get real girl with vagina

our enemies are laughing at our society because of things like this.

kill yourself degenerates or someone else will.

I imagine this trend will be perpetuated as long as women continue to hold the idea that they deserve everything for minimal or no effort. We live in a timeline where even mentally ill faggots understand femininity better than natural women, which is why they're getting better at the appearance aspect.

I'll admit that some trans ''girls'' can look really cute, but good appearance is useless if you can't get pregnant.

>Braiding dust
also if you meant balding it doesnt matter if it takes longer than normal you'll grow more masculine, widows peak and then bald
>I have dark hair
all the more reason to use lazer.

The market will crash becuase women aren't worth buying despite the fact that their entire value is between their legs.

>I am correct
then why pray tell are you and so many others arone?

I have saged this thread, but god is going to sage your soul.

why would anyone do that when they can make idiots come out of their way to kill them and possibly garner the chance to retaliate?

>pay white woman to give you their baby
>make brazil white again.

There are no passable traps

>implying fags have the physical capacity or force of will to defend themselves or "retaliate"

bump ^:)


>what are guns?

>hen why pray tell are you and so many others arone?

>I have been dating traps/trans

stopped there, kys


>being a gay hating virgin neckbeard that hates blacks
>Still want to fuck feminine men in dresses
Yeah not gay at all.


You're a poof m8

As long as you're willing to overlook the fact you are having the conversation with an intensely mentally ill human who will do nothing to help you grow spiritually. Just a mindless, aimless semen receptacle. Absolutely fucking disgusting

What is "thot" niggerspeak for again? You normie faggots make me sick mimicking their speech, I fully expect to see more unironic ooga booga posting until I can't take it anymore and quit coming here


LOL, pick one. Guns are scary, they make loud noises and can be dangerous. Not really for the sort of people who like sodomy as a life decision.

>denounces his masculinity
You also do this by submitting to imaginary friends :)

>No longer they are dominated by social rejects

Fucking kek, I appreciate your honesty OP

>Constant propaganda encouraging promiscuity and deriding commitment and having children
>The pill destroys a woman's pair bonding
>etc. etc.

Modern society is destroying everything.

God imagine getting blown to heck by some mad muslim bastard and your own parents don't even give a shit

He must have been a right arsehole

Parents who have dyed blue liberals only see their children as a tool that was lucky enough not to be aborted.

>whats the diffrence between a sex doll and a trans
the sex doll has a pussy
>whats the diffrence between a trans and a woman
the woman has a pussy
>whats the diffrence between a op-trans who bascily looks female and choped his dick off and a woman
the woman has a pussy
while a trans has a fake pussy

the trans won't moan when you get on top of her the same way a woman, does she wont look in the eye the same way a woman does.
a trans is bascily a sex doll
if you care about yourself, if you care about your people, if you care about the world
fuck a woman, take shit nagging and raise a few children
Otherwise fucking a trans is no diffrent from fucking a sex robot, but if you choose to fuck a trans or a sex robot, STFU and GTFO, nobody wants to talk about it, nobody wants to her about it, do it in private.

Why do you need approval? why do we all "accept" this type of behaviour ? Do it in your own home, and bedroom without anybodying being accepting or being ok with it.


Save the human race, by shoving your cock in a womans vagina, a man with a fake vagina won't smile the same a woman will.

alright, the (((mods))) delete /sig/ threads, and this is still on the fucking board?

when are you going to realize we are actually winning and just need to unite against the kikes?

So do you jerk off the dudes dick as your fucking his shithole you faggot? Trannies are for faggots in denial.

>people who play butthole roulette all day long
>afraid of guns
sorry senpai, no one would use the pill if men didnt want to fuck women without the possibility of kids. its not like we need em to dyke.

as for modern society, you are right, if you truly only care about us/thehome/thefood/thecomfort as a means to get your heir, society is broken and I cant wait for it to die. eat shit

Spearmint Tea, Soy Milk, Tofu, Flax seeds, bro. Quit eating red meat, eggs, liver, and butter. Tucking your testicles into the inguinal canals will also reduce sperm, and later will reduce testosterone production altogether. Be a girl. It's so freeing!

I wouldn't be surprised if more cis women "top" than trans women these days. Regardless, just knowing how likely you are to get raped by cis women in court makes it a lot gayer than dating a trans woman.

>I have been dating traps/trans since 2009.
kill yourself faggot and take the basket case faggot you're dating with you
also stopped reading right there

High test women are going to have a hard time in the coming years. If this shit gets more mainstream dudes are going to have to start asking if women are biologically female. I imagine that after being asked by every dude you meet if your a real women (because you are high test) shit would get depressing real fast.