Éire/pol/ - The Nation Survived Another Year! edition

Thread theme: youtu.be/krZEfzKAhD4
National Party: nationalparty.ie/
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>Gerry Adams Loughgall set-up claims 'utter nonsense'

>Man injured in west Belfast 'paramilitary-style shooting'

>Coveney to meet Brokenshire over Stormont power-sharing in early 2018

>Varadkar rules out reshuffle even if Fitzgerald is cleared

>SF leader knew armed struggle had become a political liability

>Secondary school students to get classes on sexual consent

>North Korea wrote to 'Taoiserch Charles Haugher' asking for a letter to be read in the Dáil

>A disputed Irish-UK territory is one of many fishing problems caused by Brexit

>'Not on my horizon' - What Micheál Martin said when we asked if he'd ever run for the Áras

Other urls found in this thread:


first for dead antifaggots in 2018

Cllr. Séamus Treanor - Democracy and Racism Explained

Cllr. Séamus Treanor delivers a speech at the first Ard Fheis of the National Party │ An Páirtí Náisiúnta in Co. Clare. November 2017.


Fascism will never happen here. You're all retarded lemmings.

So will anything happen with that whole Gerry Adams thing?

Id imagine people would be pissed, would they not?

The National Party aren't Fascist so I wouldn't worry about that

We don't need it. Just NP to get what we want done.


A New Year Message from the President of the National Party

>Xenophobe? Well I’m not afraid (North Korea excepted) much less irrationally afraid of the foreign. Racist? Hardly, without arguing the point Pan-Europeanism leaves me cold in the “Identarian” sense, and positively hostile in the European Union sense. And no amount of explanation will get me to understand, much less accept “white nationalism.


>the opposition is a buzzword

These sorts of accusations have been going on for years lad, the problem is noone can make them stick and the guy is near impossible to trip up with questions as he is well used to being interrogated anyway by the likes of the RUC

Why isn't the thread in Gaelic to keep immigrants like me out?

Because it would sadly keep our own and the Diaspora out

Ignore posts like these Ceann Comhairle he's obviously baiting

No harm in responding to them lad, keeps the place alive and many people honestly are unaware of our linguistic situation be they lurker or foreigner if it is bait it's a good one to bite.

Great essay
oh, so there really hasn't been any sort of 'public out cry' or anything of the sort then?

You're taking the piss if you think any party will ever knock FF or FG off the seat of power. This NP stuff is a massive waste of your time, it's never going to be go anywhere. Stop embarrassing yourselves, if you want right wing policies go harass a real party to implement them

No and there won't be because all the accusations as I said will never stick, if there was damning evidence however people might start sympathising with the dissidents who have been calling him a traitor all along. But for now no cigar

More from the New Year Message

>I am of Ireland, that is my ideology, my life, my reason, my hope, all that I am and all that I wish to be in this world is bound up in one word, Éire. I have no “isms” for “older than the Old Woman of Beare”, this living thing, Éire, has seen all the “isms” come and go, seen pharaohs build pyramids and leave them behind, seen the Empire of Rome rise, rule and fall, struggled and seemingly lost against England, only to see it become an Empire too, upon which the sun never set, until it did set. With no such grand ambition did Éire, our Ireland, survive, never fully conquered and to this day never fully free, but alive always.

>We have not always had a State, how could we then become statist? We have not ever controlled our economy, so small matter to argue socialism against capitalism. There was survival, and there was hope, one day; “Not Free merely, but Gaelic as well, not Gaelic merely but Free as well.” And that remains today as ever before the only authentic Irish will, the only intrinsic, the National Idea. All else is foreign one way or another.

I thought that because people on this board are nationalistic, that a lot of you would learn the language if you didn't know it. But I guess it's hard if you're an adult. But if you then speak it to your kids they soak that shit right up, I learned English from watching complete gibberish to me in the start on cartoon network

in memory of óglach sean south who died this day 61 years ago in an attack against RUC/b special barracks in county fermanagh along with óglach fergal o'hanlon

That was a good read.

The school system here teaches foreign languages better than it does our own, there is no focus on conversational Irish until the last year of school where they expect you to be fluent for a 20 minute exam after teaching you nothing for your whole life. so you either have to be born into a family that speaks it or learn it yourself. This is made worse by the language only being showcased on niche Radio and TV channels it's a fucking travesty.

pls r8

The badge bothers me, nut I'm bad with photo editing

This is what I hate all the old dregs who still give a shit about civil war politics fucking up our country.

posting gearoid until we get a good fashy 32 county republic


It won't if we take your attitude. FF and FG are not fixed powers ya know? Nothing is.

The wave has to crash at some point.

>Farage-backed 'Irexit' conference branded a 'sham' promoting 'incorrect information'

>A Nigel Farage-backed conference to discuss a so-called 'Irexit' from the European Union has been branded as a "sham gathering" by Fine Gael Senator Neale Richmond.


why is there an accent on the E of Éire ?

The Age of the Gael is over.

The time of the Nigerian has come.


Because that's how you pronounce it. Éire is Ireland in Irish.

>In forming together as a political party, we had no notions that we had discovered a new thing, and the few (alarmingly few when I think of it now) who did carry it out to the world we found it waiting for us, for the Party was but a vehicle, the Movement a means; The National Idea had formed itself, by itself, in the minds and hearts of mostly young men and women, inspired not by us, but a tradition stretching from myths and legends of the ancient Gael, through the flesh and blood martyrs of nearer times to this new generation, who sought not to create but to serve. Something greater, older, finer than anything we were, or could be.

>Our enemies, the enemies of Ireland, quarrelling among their “isms” they imagine us much like themselves, only the bad to their good. Paschal Donohoe wants “a holding Centre”, Paul Murphy wants it to be 1917 again, all playing at politics, a game of constituency boundaries, selection conventions and career moves. When is the next General Election? Who will be the Minister for what? How best to manipulate the P.R. system, to maximise not only the vote, but the distribution of the vote.

>“Are you afraid of elections?” goes the taunt, “You’ll lose badly” goes the prediction, as if our minds were to be focussed on such things. It means nothing to us how many snouts are at the EU trough, how deeply they are buried or how quickly they can gorge. The time will come for elections and victories too, and in a time after that Government.

there is galeic posted all of the place and street signs though

Do we all agree that Barrett is a racist?


>We are the Party of Nine Principles, clearly stated, firmly upheld. We are against abortion and will fight its introduction in law, with a tooth and nail campaign the like of which has not been seen in decades. 1983 will pale. We know mass immigration is the destroyer of nations, that pious platitudes on diversity or fake compassion will not shield us, and unchecked we will be lucky if we are given reservations in our own homeland. As a people we have been under the heel of Empire before, so neither the continued occupation of six of our counties by Britain, or the occupation of the twenty six by the Federal Union leaves us unmoved. And there are matters of Civil Law for change and reform. We are about all those things but more.

A gesture that the Scots and Welsh and even the Cornish and Bretons have all performed but nothing more

Saw nig when i was walking my dog. Thought my area wasnt that bad

>The National Party apprehends an Ireland that holds the graves of our Fenian dead, and the final life and death task before us. For now we are summoning Ireland’s children to her flag, in the name of God and the dead generations, from which she receives her old tradition of nationhood, and preparing to strike for her freedom.

>That is the spirit and the motive which guides the National Party into 2018, stronger than we would have expected but not nearly yet strong enough. Intelligent enough to know where our strengths are and, yes, our weaknesses too. Smarter than our enemies unless they show something we have not yet seen. Confident without false hope, organising rapidly but emphasising character over numbers, determined for the long struggle yet ready to seize opportunities presented. And none of it for ourselves which is why we cannot be understood, except by those who share our faith, cannot be defeated by any force, save one that could fathom self-sacrifice and we have no such enemies.

>We are not deluded. 2018 will not bring victory, but just as 2017, it will bring more of the means. To all who have been with us thus far, be proud of what you have done, and do more.

Fag. Nigerians didnt fight for us and never will

those are some digits I can get behind

It's amazing to see how Ireland heals herself from disease when left alone.
T'was just a bad flue is all.

God must be with me

Nice to see the maps I've been posting are getting around the place

Good song.

So you don't deny it?

Hows he racist?

Got any more?

you sound like you're just looking for screen caps guy

>Cllr. Séamus Treanor
>elected in Monaghan Town
>where FF and SF are both very popular
>speaks at National Party event
>is Independent

*inhales again*
OH NO NO NO HAHAHHHAHA his seat is gone, baby. Even if he keeps it, what good will it do you?

>he's afraid of North Korea

the laughter never ends

Your comrades are the likes of the 'lads' in shown here

Is this thread about Irish nationalism mainly?



>if you want right wing policies go harass a real party to implement them

Aint gonna happen. Tories implemented Gay Marriage, the Taoiseach is a gay man. These same parties push for mass immigration so that they can cut labour costs for their friends, and both support Abortion Laws. Neither support economic protectionism. What is there to infiltrate?
Besides, the Left tried this decades ago, it didn't work and it was dropped as bad praxis. What makes you think it will work for you?


I couldn't find a good article on the expulsion of Militant Tendency from Labour, this is the closest that Google offers. Point is, the Far-Right cannot succeed in the replication of this policy.

How many slavs are on here tonight?

I'm a black trans woman, if that counts for anything.
but its OK, I did vote for Trump

I'll dump the map and information images I have


No you're not. But i mean Irish fleg posters. Even Éire/pol/ has been vodka'd

Thanks Éirebro



That's ogham sites? There are many more ogham stones in Ireland than that

I don't know how many there are but that's from this map

The point of the image is to show the types of stones and the spread throughout Britain, as far east as the east coast.

I'll have more on it in a few minutes


Can I expect any kind of hard border between the north and south when I visit in June? Please respond.

Robbing woores.



Alright. Just figured cause of brexit...if that's still even happening. Most of my family is in and around Belfast so I'll be touring around the whole island, not just the Republic.

Well it doesn't have many recorded in Ireland.
>There are roughly 400 known ogham inscriptions on stone monuments
>Ireland has the vast majority of inscriptions, with 330 out of 382.


If we were to "Éirexit" would the south regain all the sea territory?

>tfw your countrymen on Sup Forums are centre-leftists, LARPers, and the mentally ill

I'm not mentally i'll anymore. Not that much anyways. I'm almost like a normal person at first glance.

should negotiations be handled appropriately, I would see no reason as to why they would not

whats the craic boys


>Bu-but the queen donated £2,000, the equivalent of £61,000 today to aid all those hungry dying people!


cut it with the meme flag

The appearance of such individuals is immaterial.
I actually despise Labour and I want to see it buried. I strongly dislike the fact that Labour Youth continue to use the Starry Plough,

This is unclear, as the British do not respect the concept of Irish Democracy. They have shown this for centuries.
The fear over the failure of British recognition of Irish Democracy (ie: Concept of a Hard Border) was fielded two decades ago by Dissident Nationalists and their fears have been vindicated by history. Who knows, it is quite likely that a Hard Border may be implemented over the coming months.


In London and in Dublin they pretend to speak of peace
They say give us your weapons and we'll make this bloodshed cease
But the south Armagh sniper he's heard their lies and double-talk before
He won't be fooled or cheated anymore

The Armagh sniper he hasn't gone away
His rifles oiled and loaded he's just waiting for the day
So if the British government should break their word well then
The sniper will go back to work again
I'm a-comin back boys



Pats should be given out i nGaeilge.



Any book recommendations lads?



If it wasn't for them anglo's and scandiniggers.
Wut? How?

Google what a haplogroup is

Tiocfaidh ár lá


the coming Revolution by P.H. Pearse
Short stories by Pearse (for the feels)
A path to Freedom by Michael Collins

Whats Wrong With The World? by GK Chesterton
Orthodoxy by GK Chesterton

The Dispossessed Majority by Wilmot Robertson
This last one essentially chronicles the demographic decline of the US and projects where it will go. was written back in the 70s
Its well written, and I think its relevant because there are parallels to what is happening in Europe atm.
However, its important to take into account that the author is an American, and America is the subject matter, so it does follow a "White Nationalist" slant.
Even so, the author does understand that Ethno nationalism, and not white nationalism is best for Europe

>Any book recommendations lads?

Here's some wholesome, casual reading mo Chara.







I got a path to freedom not sure if its the right one though looks a bit small

Ill check out the other ones. What do you think of culture of critique it worth reading
Thnaks for the recommendations lad