California appreciation thread.
Sup Forums BTFO
OP is a faggot
Best state in America!
Congrats to California. Usually disagree with their politics. Not this time.
Yeah so based. At least you can be high when the 1st amendment is striped away from you. Get new rights and lose old ones I guess.
DOJ reschedules cannabis in mid November right after midterms.
^^^ how to get the millenial vote ^^^
Landside Trump 85% victory 2020
hardliners will just laugh and tell Cheech and Chong jokes.
screencap this to avoid forgetting due to cannabinoid memory loss
They just outlawed buying ammo without a background check. My Bass Pro store also put all the ammo they have behind a sheet of glass so you can't just grab the case of ammo and go to the register. No, you gotta call some employee to unlock the glass, walk you to the goddamn register, and have you pay there. You can't even browse, because you can only have 1 person in the ammo section at a time. I can't even reload my own ammo because they're out of gunpowder
weed wasn't already legal in california?
i was smoking like a mad man when i visited in august.
Let the Nazi larping butt hurt flow.
Great, let's attract even more losers to this state. That will surely help.
You have to go back nacho nigger
Just a friendly reminder that MOST (but not all) of the spergs on here going “DUDE WEED LMAO”
We’re the social rejects in highschool who were made fun of by a chad who smoked pot so they carry a grudge against anyone who smokes. Don’t get me wrong if you have actual reasons to dislike smoking pot that’s fine, it’s not for everybody and the whole hrrr 420 blaze it culture IS obnoxious. But it really does show when you try and talk shit on people who smoke. We get it, women who smoked called you a Virgin. Calm down
I'm not celebrating until it's legal in Los Angeles
And buy legal I mean I can walk to the nearest pot shop and buy some nug like I can buy alcohol.
Anyone who looks at the facts objectively can see that marijuana is much safer than alcohol and that legalizing it will have more benefits than not.
Of course, like most things on Sup Forums, opinions are fueled by resentment, not facts or reasoned analysis.
Washington state here
you guys are late and our pot is still better than yours
In my school all the losers (me) smoked pot and the Chad's were all athletic healthy people who weren't always half asleep and too anxious to talk
northern california and oregon has the best weed, nevada is a close second.
never been to colorado.
Glad someone else agrees. It’s annoying as fuck. I have a job that pays well, a place to live, and paying my way through college what exactly is the problem if I smoke once or twice on the weekend to relax and watch a movie?
Guarantee they all have smoked at parties.
Alaska is in America you retard.
stop tripfagging for no reason
>Anyone who looks at the facts objectively can see that marijuana is much safer than alcohol and that legalizing it will have more benefits than not.
This will be the most DUDE WEED statement posted in this bread
It too late user, I've contacted the DEA and the lion from DARE. You're goin down for your weed crime.
Foster City here. Where can I go to get some? Do I just walk in and ask for weed? What do I purchase? Do they have some basic already made weed cigarettes I can try? Do I need my own bowl or anything? I haven't smoked since before gradschool almost a decade ago.
Yeah, I lived in California for a few years and a lot of the most intelligent, successful, high-functioning people I knew smoked weed, some of them almost daily. It's pretty sad that a place like Sup Forums which rejects the status quo completely eats up all the anti-weed misconceptions and stereotypes that boomers had. Either way I feel guilt free smoking at night after a long day of work or during the weekends.
Might be able to just visit a dispensary, also might wanna wait a bit for the crowds to die down.
Yeah I don't plan on going this month but definitely do want to get some legal weed and smoke a nice batch of weed after a trip through Yosemite or Lassen snow.
southern Oregon is amazing for outdoor but western Washingtion has best indoor and best concentrates
Probably cause the most visible pot smokers are the losers and they give it a bad rap. They're always smoking in the parks here and it gets annoying.
Holy fuck, they actually sell weed with such a low THC content????
I smoke nothing under 28%
>They just outlawed buying ammo without a background check.
so press your own bullets problem solved and you save money
Then go to Nevada to buy ammo?
>Anyone who looks at the facts objectively can see that marijuana is much safer than alcohol and that legalizing it will have more benefits than not.
There are a lot of retards on Sup Forums, but I think we can all unequivocally agree that cannabis smokers are the worst.
>I smoke nothing under 28%
You mean you smoke nothing that they claim is under 28%. We get labs warned all the time about inflating the THC in weed, one might get shut down. They do it because pot shops ask for more money for high THC.
When you live in a Republican state where people voted to legalize weed for privacy rights and not for stoners they regulate differently than "Is this weed really 28%?" "like. yeah man"
Anyone who smokes any substance is a loser by default.
stand your ground law in your state
you get attacked by a group of niggers
you're armed, and kill every one of them dead
Sup Forums hero first day in the news the catalog is all you
local jurisdiction also has to check blood for intoxicants on even an obvious self defense incident
you puffed twice on a joint 3 weeks ago
off to jail you go.
good shit.
You can be conservative and still smoke a joint or two, yknow.
So who was it? A jock or some Stacey who bullied you?
George Washington smoked weed sometimes.
Thats how it is in vegas
Hah that's cute. I have a PhD and make royalties from four patents on novel materials I designed in gradschool.
Why did legalizing weed make it degenerate lol oh well saves me money haha
I have bullets, reloading equipment, and primers, but I don't have any fucking gunpowder because every other fucker in this godforsaken state had the same thought.
>saves you money by allowing the government to tax it
Someone post a brainlet wojak
lets see some of your weed m8
No he didnt
Happy new year, glad you can finally post.
Reminder that this guy is a junkie.
What do you mean? I never was unable to post
COFag here, that's how it works here.
In Las Vegas they take your ID and record it into a database along with whatever you purchase
not like alcohol at all
the medical database pre recreational was insecure and got hacked at least once.
hmmmm what could I do with that information...
the final redpill is that Sup Forums as a collective is asleep with one eye open, poisoned by cuckservativism and puritan "no fun allowed" bullshit
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
-genesis 1:29
Dude ignore that motherfucker Stoners usually say retarded shit in order to defend their God Drug.
>I can't even reload my own ammo because they're out of gunpowder
Go to another state and buy some you goof.
That lot#, kek
Reminder that this guy is lying and if he's not he probably got it by sucking some dick.
>34%-20% Tax rate on a PLANT
>Oh forsure my man all this money isn't going to go into pointless projects for "the least fortunate", no way would this new tax be implemented to line the pockets of the cabal of democrips.
>woah bro weed is legal now, but if you get caught driving high it's the same as a DUI/DWI except they can't measure how high you are so they can charge you no matter how much you smoke
>For sure this isn't going to make weed dealers more rich and help the cartels.
>2 puffs
>3 weeks ago
Yea that's a passed drug test buddy.
rescheduling is bullshit. take it off the schedule entirely. no regulation, no taxes.
california is ruining pot like it ruins everything else.
i'm sorry stacy called you mean words but i'm not gonna stop doing something i enjoy to make you feel better about being excluded.
i would gladly share my weed with you if we ever met in real life though.
So basically, nothings changed in CA. Even in the 90's the cops had better things to do than SWAT team some legless vet over pot. I know how bad America hates it's vets despite the lip service they give.
I meant since you turned 18.
i have lived in california for years now, and all i can tell you is that the entire state is full of nothing but beaners, SJWS,illegal immigrants, and people who dont speak a lick of english, at its worse, there are "people" who are all of the above.
>Pro weed states are very anti gun
>Pro gun states are very anti weed
Why can't I enjoy my freedom.
Nope. It's called reading literature and proper design of experiments. Being a brainlet, you wouldn't understand.
Sucking dick? No. Taking a bite of a shit sandwich every now and then? Oh yeah.
go to and enter your location and it shows you dispensaries. a lot of places might not be selling to everyone right away, in that case you can go to a "doctor" and get a medical card for about 30 bucks, just tell him weed really helps you sleep and have the name of a shrink in the area to give him and claim he treats your depression in case he asks.
You can travel to different states. Live where you need one, visit where you have fun with the other.
23 bud but nice cringy joke
Wait, I read as we are, not were. Sorry.
I'll just wait until it's easier to buy and the crowds settle out. I don't want to be medically recorded as some loser with depression and sleep problems.
Drudge is a Jewish supremacist and revealed his kike ways by going to vehemently against Roy Moore from the start. Get fucked, Matt, you fucking snake in the grass.
>pot tax, prices stay same or even go up
>now a sugar tax, aimed at poor fattys, which in cali means mostly mexicans
>retarded high property taxes no longer mitgated by federal tax wrtie offs
Thanks Obama, Thanks Governer Moonbeam. Fucking assholes.
wtf I'm moving to California now
Sorry brother.
>In my school, all the losers were the ones who didn't smoke weed.
The hell kind of school did you go to?
Get fucked and proofread
>rescheduling is bullshit
thats never going to happen. the states are getting close to 30%.
the two big barriers to the pot industry right now is interstate commerce and banking.
You can do that in California... i use an Amazon style app that lets me put marijuana in a digital shopping cart. I check out and it is promptly delivered to me in 15 minutes. Or if I'm running errands I'll swing by the weed shop, but it has long lines
California here. Don't care, stopped smoking pot almost one year ago.
I'm speculating they legalize medical use to get the ball rolling. then a slow drip into across the board.
political not logical
I agree with the ruining statement.
You’re not my real dad Steve fuck you. I hate this house
>grew hemp means the same thing as smoked weed
medical information is protected under HIPAA m8 the only people who will ever have access to the information are you and your doctor. the company that runs the verification service has to follow strict privacy laws and afaik greenlife has never had a data breach of any kind.
The father of our country kept meticulous diaries, wherein he noted “Sowed hemp at muddy hole by swamp” away from the hemp he grew for fiber. “Began to separate the male from female plants at do [sic –rather too late” and “Pulling up the (male) hemp. Was too late for the blossom hemp by three weeks or a month” indicates he was going for female plants with higher THC content. There is also indication he used hemp preparations to deal with his toothaches.
Fuck off braindead pothead lolberg jewlover
it costs a shitload of money to grow really potent pot. so much so that its more cost effective to just grow a shit load of mids and process it into wax or concentrates. if you want to get blasted or have a high tolerance you should be hitting a dab pen or something. flower is for boomers and casuals yuppies who just need to blow off steam from being a wageslave.
There's a few good folks that live there user. I am from Florida. Moved here a few years ago for work. It is as you say but at least there are those that enjoy shooting shotguns and enjoying nature's splendor in the national parks.
But seriously
>Why are most Californians so disconnected from reality?
it's an excerpt from his journal you shabbos goyim puritan kike-chuffing mong
>process it into wax or concentrates
This is new to me. I am working in a pilot plant. Some of our polymer processing equipment comes from industries the design systems for Cannabis concentration. The crossover is crazy. At least if my company tanks I know their equipment enough that I could work for them.
Sup Forums is your family, you don't piss on hospitality.
>living in a state where medical weed is still a political minefield
I love the south. Weed makes degenerate filth. Guns make a man
So what does guns and weed make you?
The answer is high and mighty
Depends on your day job.
Gay jewish navy seal?
>So what does guns and weed make you?
A Bisexual. Because you have a hidden identity.
>drugs are bad guys
found the DARE teenager
You are the teenager that smokes weed. Grow up
what are you getting paid now? if you can run a CO2 extractor you'll make 70k no prob.