Let's get some nice crusader stuff in here anons.
Deus Vult
Other urls found in this thread:
*blocks your crusade*
Is that his trashcan from under the kitchen-sink?
*conquers byzantium*
Wouldn't be a crusade without Mohammedans to kill now, would it?
u mayyad?
No just disappointed a leaf would be taking their side.
bin that knife chr*stcuck
I miss last year when the Alt Right and Sup Forums was way more into the whole DEUS VULT thing
Now you have people who denounce Putin
Mmm. Wish I could find some of the older material too. Had some nice webms somewhere.
is that a picture for ants?
Yes, yes it is.
I wished the crusaders had nukes
we'll have 'em this time
>3.83 MB image
>not a loli
you had one job, OP