Do you still like him?
Do you still like him?
he is a sionist so no
Yes. Sup Forums stands by the greatest president. Sup Forums is and always will be a Christian board.
he needs to at least start construction on the wall within the next month or so. fuck him if he doesnt
Never did, what is your point OP ?
He's okay. Better than any of the other shitstains we've had in the last 20 years. Pol is not one person, but pic related.
Fuck you faggot. I don't see you picking up a shovel you weak ass bitch. Go cry in your shareblue message board.
why is Sup Forums pol displayed at the bottom like some kind of 9gag fag shit?
yea now that we are pulling the commie interns out lol
gigs up bitch...nsa is probably standing outside...might as well just give it all up.
why am i not in jail POOv!
Yes, great man. Reading his books makes you realize how excellent he is
Absolutely, the local libs are still foaming at the mouth. Very entertaining.
mootboot #projectbluebeam #fuckingcucks #stolemydna was it worth it?!?! you will never fucking win!
Trump is not a zionist.
What are Israel's interests? There are three.
1: Expand Greater Israel.
2: Prevent Iran from achieving nuclear power.
3: Dismantle and disrupt coherent secular Muslim countries in the region.
Trump has already destroyed two of these interests. By vetoing any war against Iran and Syria, he has completely ruined Israel's path to success on point 2 and 3. Syria is the backbone of anti-zionist resistance in the Middle East, and Iran is the brain stem. So long as those two states are intact, Iran will achieve nuclear weapons by 2030. When Iran has nukes, Israel is fucked. They will be rolled back to their heartland and continue to suffer demographic decline until they cease to exist, or they will be nuked. There is no win strategy for Israel once Iran is nuclear. Trump could "renegotiate" the Iran deal 500 times, there is no way to prevent them from arming without physically destabilizing the country, and that requires boots on the ground or CIA intervention which the Russians will prevent. It took years of effort and enormous amounts of money to spark the puny uprising in Syria and that has already begun to collapse now that Hillary has been disabled
Point 1 has also been handled perfectly. Obama has stuck in the knife, and Trump doesn't need to twist it, he just needs not to pull it out--and he won't. Trump will seek to "negotiate" something with the Palestinians. Israel doesn't want negotiation they want submission. Without it their efforts will be hampered and they will be unable to extend their reach to Iran
Now let us look at this from the Israeli side. The UN has turned against them. They were expecting a bought-and-paid-for stooge like Hillary to back their interests by destroying Syria and giving them a route to seize the South and to infiltrate Iran.
Instead they get Trump, who is nominally on their side but who in reality has already ruined their last-ditch effort to bring down Assad. This is the problem: They cannot chastize Trump for anything he does because he is the only one who is even NOMINALLY on his side. They have to take whatever table scraps he throws them and smile, or else he might turn on them. The problem here is that there's nothing he will do for them that will solve their problems.
Here is the key: Israel is living on borrowed time. Every minute that we are not actively hacking away at Iran's buffer of stable states is a minute that the Iranians get to work on their nuclear program while pretending to be building reactors or whatever. Trump will "renegotiate" the deal with them but he'll focus on the money we gave them, rather than taking actual steps to fuck with their programs, because Trump has prioritized positive relations with Putin over positive relations with Israel.
Putin's geopolitical interests do not align perfectly with ours in most regards, but in THIS regard they do, and Israel is the eternal fucking albatross around our neck that needs to be thrown into the sea. If Trump steers the course he will be a disaster for Israel and our problems in the Middle East will reach a timely, pleasant conclusion.
The short version: Trump is a poison pill for the ZOG machine. They needed a Hillary or a Romney or a Bush but they got Trump, and it's going to destroy them.
I would unironically take a bullet for the man any day.
My life is shit and for all his flaws he’s basically the only hope for the entire west at this point.
never like him, guy is dirty fuck, smells like trash probebley
Do I need an explanation?
I do, I'm not sure if he's playing 4D chess for or against the Jews
I miss last year to be honest, 2016 was a lot of fun. I feel like the Alt Right is dying
He's a cocksucking faggot that sucks kike for breakfast.
Where's the wall. Where's the travel ban. Where's anything this scam artist promised. All I've seen is kikery and scams like the protect the rich-tax plan.
Ben we need to talk asap! in person!
i can explain what has happened! this is fooking crazy and i once you see this shit you will love Trump!
Like him? No... I freakin' LOVE him
But your life is what you make it user.
Be proud that you are on the right side of history.
That's more than what most people get to say.
user is right, user. Don't despair, you may be just an user on Sup Forums but you matter IRL to others
We need eachother for the wars to come, I'm going through a possible blackpill phase myself. But we are all in this together, for Aryans
>trump cultists actually believe a man who has only Jewish grandchildren is destroying ZOG
kike worship
Christ, I knew Trump cultists were retard, but this thread is just pathetic.
Isn't it just Ivanka? Plus it would be a good way to tell people he isn't an antisemite lol
>EU flag
>Mobile device
Fuck off faggot
was erased
>Do you still like him?
No. I love him.
Well, he hasn't accomplished anything, so what is there to like about him?
Unless we want to talk about our feelings and how he's triggering the left and how its so funneh xD
I'm ok with guy himself, he does just the right amojnt of things to get stuff in motion and let people more qualified to polish the details, something I enjoy in leadership.
He's not the one who got elected for promising to build a wall, dumbass.
Do you get paid to be this retarded or do you do it for free?
kek is chilln out relaxn all cool
looking for Chris DaBoot
Punk ass Comie fool
CuckHolster SaudiTool
graphtic sickness
and wonders why his garden
looks like his TrannyAss...
more passes that a can of canna-bass
1 fish green fish blue fish dudes booty smells like fish
Last year was 2017 not 2016.
Thanks for this perspective user. I for one, don't know what on Earth to think of Trump's tenure so far.
you know whats funny is when i sue your trans miniskirt off you and tube top then auction them off at the nazigobbleson auction of fucking transcuckery! #birdlips #cantgetwetlips dick the size of a mini mallow! and pisses he has to be the power bottom! and you fucking cucks think you will figure out my math? my marketing? suck a donkey dick you demon goat humping saudo chil trafficing pieces of and believe you will be sacraficed on the mount! MotherFucker (literally). Cannot wait till you are sentenced guilty and i get to slip the blade into your sick weak and thin tranalucent skin!
haha Ben, they are censoring this holy war! You wont beliebe it, it will be the bighest story for decades and im happy to give you the inside scoop! Guess we just two Yews in a YoD
Donald Trump has brought me more joy through pissing off leftist than all other people combined. I’d go to hell and back for him for this reason alone.
I am not emotionally invested in him. If he does good shit I will support him, if he does bad shit I will not. The main point is that jews and israel ruin everything and they have too much power over our government.
yeah. if you have any understanding of politics, he's as close to /ourguy/ as possible, without being JFK'd or impeached.
only people with no understanding of US political climate think he's not.
he's done some things i dont like, but he's still our best and most capable advocate.
i'm afraid our demographic problem won't be solved with policy.
we have about ten years until we're not majority, think of how the niggers and bean goblins will treat us once they start occupying our institutions.
they'll treat us alot worse than we have them. that's forsure.
i'm hoping for a civil war desu.
The only thing he handles right is immigration.
Though he mostly just talks about getting shit done and not actually doing anything. Where's the wall? Where's the muslim ban?
he isnt pissing off leftists cucks! wake up we all got played! Looks like Ben and i will be going to the white house soon!
I never particularly liked him and he's done nothing to change my mind since taking office. He's a typical big city shit-for-brains who thinks the rest of the country are dumbfuck retards. None of the shit he promised has materialized - the tax code won't change a thing for anyone who doesn't earn like 500k a year, plus I'll probably end up paying more since SALT deductions got slashed. Actually I don't blame Trump since it would pass one way or another regardless of who is in office, but for a guy who was bragging about helping the working people of USA, as of yet I haven't seen shit. The healthcare is still in limbo where Obongo left it. Our foreign policy is still shit as always, backing the literal origin point of all muslim terrorism and putting the interests of other countries ahead of our own. The military got another budget boost that will be safely tucked away in offshore accounts of R&D companies owned by the same guys who are already making a killing of the tax code, etc. If I was in a coma from 2016, just woke up, and you tell me of all the shit that happened since Trump took office, I would think Hillary, Senor Yeb! or Rubio became President.
demon cabal lol sitting here using cuckerymagic #cuckmagic #NOTgood
I like him more week after week
More than ever. 2018 will be a year of Trumppenings.
>The only thing he handles right is immigration.
if having worse numbers than King Obongo is the right way to handle immigration, I dread of the wrong way.
Yes, he is awesome and hilarious and makes world greater.
fuck these social psych ops are just a distraction for us from making money! its their bluff of a check mate but we already won ;)
I love him.
>because Trump has prioritized positive relations with Putin over positive relations with Israel.
Are you so sure? Trump went ahead with "declaring" Jerusalem is for the Jews and the entire world except for Zionists were pissed.
Trump told Russia about a mossad operation that caused the laptop ban.
Trump's CIA told Russia about a terror plot by (((them))) that foiled it.
Reminder that these people are Gaytheists.
lol wait are you saying Obama is /ourguy/??
Vote red or blue your masters are kikes.
I’m impressed at how he still shitposts on Twitter. I was afraid he’d tone it down after winning
no. Obama was part of a plan that got foiled half way through by Trump. Obama will be hanged for treason.
I don't really mind the Israel support because it causes infiite butthurt across the world, but I'm a bit disappointed that he hasn't puleld out of the middle east like he said he would.
Oh okay I see what you'r esaying, makes more sense
Sometimes I feel like Trump is playing the Jews (and the Jewish establishment certainly doesn't like him), sometimes I feel like he is unaware of the Zions
Hard to tell, idk if he sold his daughter to the Jews to play them or not
he is another globalist puppet
the sooner Sup Forums wakes up and realises he is another Zionist the better
>but he upsets the snowflakes
yes, its called backing both horses in a two horse race
Yes. Politics have never been this entertaining. I voted for Trump because he was the chaos canidate.
Dude. Jared Kushner is an ORTHODOX JEW ANTI ZIONIST he's gonna be the one making speeches exposing the kikes once the indictments become public. Not every Jew is a zionist.
This is the first time I've heard Jared be refereed to as /ourguy/
Let's meme it happen though, that would be awesome
i like anyone who can wind up people so easily and make me piss my sides laughing
Im not even joking.
I have my doubt but I'll keep an open mind. user
mental niggers -Ben lol (except), Trump got played by saudis acting like mossad! you fucking cucks! and the saudis along with those that belie e in a "religious" war...the false cabal or kabball whatever or however you spell that shit since ive hat a .istype bot in my shit for a while qhich someone first let me know about from Iran which is qhy i dont buy their shit. Smh. yes! i was supposed to kill him years ago when my son was first born his name is ARCADIOS BECAUSE HIS BABYLON WHORE EGG DONOR IS A haddad aka jihaddad and ststated no jew or Christian names but then wanted me to take him to chuch? why? cause she and they have bedn trying to groom a queer antichrist since it didnt work with me and so they have fucked me up almost enough to question it yet have to drug me and even wjen drugged it doesnt work out well for them from their fear tactics. yes obama is the one to be sacraficed! jesus fucking cheese and rices mangs what do i have to do besides spell out GIVE ME OBAMA AND GIVE ME THE BLADE! HER FATHER AS WELL! THE STORM SERIOUSLY HAS BEGUN ITS TO LATE! Q WAS SHOT! AIRFORCE IS BEING DEPLOYED...AS I KEEP SAYING BEN WE NEED TO MEET IN PERSON. YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN DUMB IT DOWN ENOUGH FOR THESE FUCKING NORMIES. LOL JK KEK LOVES YOU.
If I like him ?!
I couldn't love him more
You should have voted for Hilary then you fucking idiot.
>The way I try to define the President's foreign policy objectives to people is he really has two major foreign policy objectives. Peace and Prosperity.
Kim Clement is a preacher who makes a ton of prophecies. Only thing is, I think this guy might actually be in secret societies. He talks about Trump. He talks about “The Giant” “The Giant of debt.” aka the Jews. He also talks about someone close to Trump who is young. Could this be Kushner? He says that what this man will do will SHOCK everyone. He is a genius. It really feels like we're watching something crazy Anons. This man also died before Trump became president.
He makes the right people go into an eternal impotent rage. Pretty damn funny 2bh.
Most certainly. Thank God for Trump.
And I'm guessing you are personally going to write a check to fund the wall, right?
Are you fucking retarded?
Someone please lynch this rowdy nigger
Yes If nothing else the shitlib temper tantrums are worth the price of admission.
I am disappointed with his levels of shabbos goying though.
along with all state and federal officials...two questions!? Do you wish or see a reason to harm people according to religious texts without first being striked and do you believe in a constitution? im dead serious about cutting out the entird garden that poisons us from becoming more independently fruitful.
duh fuck to early to discuss history fruit loops!
>Too much of a candy ass to even show his real flag
the wall needs to be self sustainable and auto fixable.
tgey used the truth of a lot of shit thats why they fucking bought it!
Well I'm a little concerned, he sides with the demonstrators in Iran and we know what happens when the US/international community sides with demonstrators.
No fuck no. I love him now
I'm at the "at least he's not Hillary" point.
Less and less the more (((circumcised)) dick he sucks. He was supposed to be the one.
Trump is awesome. I'd like to know what's going on behind the scenes with the globalists though he seems to be playing them off against one another.
Best president ever