What would global situation today look like if Clinton would won the elections?
What would global situation today look like if Clinton would won the elections?
OP is a faggot for asking stupid questions
can't fucking wait for may
may is solid
march might stick around
august is good
september you can go ahead and start early
Im serious
WW3 or something worse?
World peace
End of world hunger
First colony on Mars.
That's the 1st term of course.
Wait so Russia wouldn't mind her shooting down their planes...?
I still don't think Clinton was supposed to win. Trump was the obvious hero within the context of the 2016 election. This is obviously false now but during that time, he was the savior.
Anyhow, assuming Clinton won and assuming she enacted the foreign policies that I can recall, there would have been a lot of pressure on Russia for no real good reason other than outdated, Cold War era fear. This would isolate Russia and push it closer to China which would have been a very stupid move. There's a very good possibility that China isn't building up its defenses and navy because "lulz USA so big and scary." If China were to go on the offensive, Russia would come to her aid in such a case. Any such war, whether proxy, arms, trade, or full-scale global would probably not look too good for the US and the West as a whole. But as FPBP () said, this is a retarded question since it would never happen. Anyone with a bit of knowledge on geopolitics knows such policies are abhorrent and of no value to the oligarchs and their long-term goals.
>tl;dr Read a book you dumb nigger and go clean my toilet
Americans would have been bullied away from Sup Forums just like the Indians. I am happy that Trump has won, but it would have been a lot funnier for us Europeans on this board, because Americans would have been permabutthurt about the situation. I bet there would be memes even meaner than the muttmemes we have today.
GOP congress so a continuation of Obama's policies, a liberal supreme court justice and no tax reform.
Country still flooded by immigrants and "sanctuary states" while ICE can't really do much.
Probably more economic migrants from Africa/Middle-East
there are no stupid questions only retarded answers
have a sneak peek on December
To add to this, DRUMPF was supposed to be the key to getting out of the global shitstorm that's coming. Trump promised more isolationist policies that would channel finance back into the homeland, a peaceful dismantling of the American Empire.
But, as is usually the case, he lied. Trump has continued to show an abrasive attitude toward the Chinese and part of me suspects this has to be the way. China likes to say it is building it's military "in peace" like a certain German dictator in the early 20th century but there's a good chance they will eventually come to challenge American hegemony that the U.S. is not ready to let go, apparently.
The current global political situation still had room for WW3. Actually, it seems inevitable. At best, I think we can hope for what the Cold War was with Russia, proxy wars and arms races. But, things can get sour very quickly as far as I can tell. There is no real way to predict what will happen.
>mfw actually saw that buzz lightyear pic earlier on Sup Forums
what terrorist attacks are going to happen this year?
Those look like CIA nigger memes, especially june.
here you go
I thought it was settled, Pepe is the ultimate meme frog.
That shits so far down the memory hole man. Sheeple still refuse to believe
>There are no stupid questions, only stupid people
Any ideas for September?
December is lit
Most memes are CIA memes. But we get to expand the spurdo series and make soyboys into Gods.
the normie verse looks odd this year
I like this image
Mine is from TOR i paid in BTC for it you scrub
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>best girl actually won
there really is justice in this world
I for one look forward to shitposting the september meme.
>August fucking BASED
>implying that's even a bad thing
Cities are disgusting liberal cesspools full of darkies. I'll take comfy forests and corn fields any day.
how legit are these leaks??
you must consider the fact that cities are full of non-whites
i would rather trump dismantle the "empire" than the liberals get control of it
i paid in BTC form them user they are from TOR it's real deal
>posting the wrong image