I just told my sister that I didnt agree with her bf of 3 years because he is brown. She basically said she disowned me. I am probably not invited to any family functions from here on out.
How autistic am I?
I just told my sister that I didnt agree with her bf of 3 years because he is brown. She basically said she disowned me. I am probably not invited to any family functions from here on out.
How autistic am I?
Very autistic
Why do you think your sister cares if you "don't agree" with her BF?
It's not like you lost anything of value
The Toll will be paid.
Because I am taking on the fatherly role, because my dad wont.
>I am probably not invited to any family functions from here on out.
Enjoy dying the loneliest virgin death possible.
I would do the same thing, only I wouldn't wait three years. Sounds like YOU are brown.
Me and my gf are talking about having kids as soon as we can. Nice try though.
>trying to save your sister from the inevitable toll.
You stupid bastard. Don't you know that the toll cannot be stopped, she will pay it. All you accomplished by showing your power level is alienating your blue pilled family.
But if you wanted to cut ties with them, then congratulations. It was a masterstroke.
apologize to her. family is important. just make sure he isn’t Muslim. if he is Muslim stop all contact immediately
Never try to father your siblings. They will only resent you more than they already resent their fag father.
My sister is dating a Chinese guy (Americanized one who doesn't speak any Chinese) and it kind of upsets me because her children will be hapas. He's a nice enough guy but he's not white so I can't really accept him.
>loneliest virgin death.
What: was he going to get laid at the next family reunion? I'm all for the incest fetish, but its best to keep that shit strictly in fantasy land.
The kraut knows that a muslim bf will inevitably go crazy and slaughter the whole family. Kraut has seen it before, ghost yourself if he is mozlem.
you have 2 options
either pussy out and try to make it up with her somehow
or live a happy life without her
if you already plan on this, don't forget to send her cards with your lovely kids she will never be allowed to meet
Hapa girls are the most sought after females on the planet. Hapa boys are the least sought after males on the planet.
Just advise your sister to abort any male offspring she may conceive. It is the only moral option.
I'm proud of you bud.
He's a virgin by default and now he's gonna be alone.
You did good, I wish I could get away from family functions.
Fucking normies man
>I am probably not invited to any family functions from here on out.
Is that a bad thing? Seems like a win.
Also you did the right thing.
This, only arabs can get away with having brothers exerting a social control in their sisters.
We carry the pain inside of in silence and take it out on the voting boot.
When it comes to family, you put differences aside.
You dun goof'd. You're still going to be goaded by retards regardless, so might as well have a functioning relationship with your sister.
she's lucky he didn't kill her
I can understand why one may resent brown people this way
I'm a brown indian and i just wanna say
I think west is the best, my culture is immensely inferior to the culture white men successfully created
History has winners and history has abysmal losers
Brown and black people got the fuck beaten out of them by more intelligent beings who owing to a superior intellect were able to colonise primitive cultures
But even if i wasn't brown, I'd still say it's not fair to out someone based on their skin color
He may as well be bad for your sister but him being brown shouldn't tell you that
Cuck cuuuuck
Get back in the cuckshed buddy
You did the right thing, you have a duty to stand up for the genetic integrity of your family. At this point, have white kids, settle down, and get along with your parents as nicely as you can. Exclude her. Try to get the inheritance. Say things to your parents, "I want your grandkids to look like you, believe what you believe, and speak the same language you speak. There is nothing wrong with that. I don't want my kids to learn that the integrity of our family and culture is optional."
It's worked on my parents, they have totally disowned my race mixing brother.
>hello bitch lasagna.mp3
Fucking this.
dont' give up on family, keep telling her about the std rates and the violence rates and the family breakdown associated with it.
Also, look up bone marrow transplants and blood transfussions for mixed race kids, they are almost impossible to match with donors.
good job shes a dumb useless whore who couldnt get any better . perfect work, OP, remember, women's opinions of anything do not matter and they are merely programmable slates - in your sisters case, programmed by the media moguls
you didn't do anything wrong, she will get TOLLED soon
Greek here. My sister married an Italian.
Now her kids aren't going to have any real strong cultural identity b/c mixed cultures, which means they'll be far more prone to living a degenerate lifestyle.
I have noticed that I am only close to relatives that have both Greek parents, all the relatives who are half Greek/half whatever, they're always the distant relatives. It seems like mixing cultures ruins the extended family.
His seed would taint my bloodline for eternity. What dont you get about that pageet? Not all of us whites are suicidal cucks.
but really, fuck that guy. And fuck ur sister. By brown du u mean black or indian or what?
You did the right thing. Miscegenation is the biggest ''Fuck You'' to one's bloodline that can be made. I have an elder sister too, and if she were to date a brown guy, I'd make it perfectly clear that it's either him or me. Luckily my sister knows already that I'm a racerealist and our father is a racist, so I don't think she would ever do it. Miscegenation is effectively a statement that screams ''blood doesn't matter''. What unites siblings is blood, so one shouldn't expect one's siblings to take care of her or her mud-blood offspring if racemixing occured.
I'd allow my sister to fuck up in a pretty big way and I would only support her. She could do drugs, be a whore, steal, murder. She would still be my sister and I'd love her. I would not tolerate racemixing. That's the biggest personal insult you can deliver your family and ancestors.
You either stand for something or fall for anything.
you're autistic for asking
>mfw pasty manlet neet gets owned by his BLACKED sister
It's poetry in motion!
>wants to be a fatherly figure to his siblings
>”hey sis i don’t like ur nigger bf”
>disowned by sister
You should have told her this long before she was old enough to date. It's a bit late to tell her not to fuck muds after she's been fucking a mud for three years.
Just what little girl grows up thinking "I'm going to marry a sandnigger!". None. So whenever I see these white women with basically any other race I can't even fathom what went wrong in their lives.
What if your moms married a nigger? You'd cut all contact then?
You autistic fucks are retarded.
I told her not to date any others than whites.
For now she does what I told her.
You definitely have autism but you're right.
One day she will realise this. The savage will come out. He'll beat her half to death, or maim her in some way, and she'll remember.
I get that
One of the reasons i sympathize with you
But i continue to believe if you can father children of your pure race despite your siblings reluctance to do so, you'd be fine
Let her have him
And I don't say this cuz i like brown people or i prefer brown children
But let her be happy, man
Nothing personal man but you strike me as highly homosexual.
2nd gen Indian
shes gotta pay the toll now, or she will when he kills her
just make sure you make more money than her
Until she goes to her HBO or Uni and have all kinds of dick inside of her
>supporting race mixers
I told my sisters I would disown them if they burned the coal.
As long as the dude is white I don't care.
The purity of female's has died when feminism had been born.
This saddens me.
the toll will be paid eventually though
i'd kill her for disrespecting my father
very autistic of you to speak your mind
YES! very autistic.... autism level: very high
disown them. in a few years she'll be divorced and crying about it. when she comes back to with her mongrel child, just spit in her face and tell her
>when you burn the coal, you pay the toll
fuck them, you stood on principle and time will prove you correct.
Such is life. It sucks.
Can I plow your sister then as well?
Go make something of youeself OP, become a CEO, an owner, a manager or a leader. Make your retarded sister regret her decision to "disown" you. How does she have any say in what your family invites you to anyways?
Doing it wrong fag, you're the one whos supposed to disown first.
she'd cease being my mother. I wouldn't have anything to do with her ever again. even after the nigger gives her an STD and leaves her, I'll just laugh at her and call her a whore who got what she deserved.
The best revenge against your enemies is to live well.
Aye, the world is harsh, but the white race must be preserved.
What do you offer?
Did you know that, scientifically and statistically speaking, racists are more likely to have a lower than average IQ?
She's smart for keeping your dumbass out of the wedding.
My family is basically all egalitarian to my knowledge, and once word gets out that I am an evil racist I will be not welcome.
>> kill mom
>> call mom a whore
I guess I gave you tards too much credit.
You did the right thing, you spoke your mind and kept your dignity. You did the best you could to stop her from tarnishing your family's lineage. She refused and rejected you. Good. So she made her bed and now she can sleep in it.
It's not about hate or resentment against brown people. I don't consider a human being inferior due to his ethnicity or race; but it's undeniable that miscegenation breaks bloodlines. It creates rootless cosmopolitans that feel like they don't belong anywhere. They see their ancestors and think, ''I don't look like them''. It's a tragedy of great proportions! What is eternal is beautiful.
I can't even tell Italians and Greeks apart so it's not really racemixing. As we can see though, even cultural differences can create friction. It's line drawn in water and while it's preferable to find mates of same cultural origin, it's not the worst thing in the universe if one were to find a partner from the same race but slightly different ethnicity.
Soon brother, soon. The fire rises.
I'm an operational manager at Strukton, 189 fit blue eyed Aryan man. Do I qualify to further the white race with her?
And now she's getting plowed by his BBC harder than she ever did. Good job user
>china swede damage control
>implying theres anything worth salvaging
Then try and pass it off as a joke or something. Your sister's genes are forfeit. It is up to you now to have white kids.
you did the right thing user
Should've said it more lowkey... like "i want my sisters daughter to look like her.. you know i love you sis!" it wouldnt make a difference but she wouldnt be mad probably
I notice our generation is waking up but very fucking slowly.
You certainly qualify, inteligent, nationalist, woke, white.
You got a great future ahead of you, comrade.
Why are you even here? Stupid French cunt.
She should have taken the BMC, you would all be happier now. She brought trash italian bloodline into your family. SAD!
>it's not the worst thing in the universe if one were to find a partner from the same race but slightly different ethnicity.
Agreed. OP's sister's husband is a Caucasian Indian so it's not racemixing
She's going to get that brown dick regardless. You need to learn that you can only control your actions. I assume that your sister is a grown woman so you have no business saying who she can fuck, date or marry.
No wonder why women hate you idiots when you oppress them like that. Virgin fags.
Its ok OP I disowned my brother hes dating a chink
Gotta stick to your guns. What good are convictions if you dont follow through with them when times get tough
sweden everyone...
Did you try an indirect approach to make her understand that she might be doing a big mistake? She is your sister, she cares about you more than you think. Even though you are autistic with your word choices that doesn't mean that she's actually going to disown you. Blood relations are way more important than love our anything else and I'm sure your sister understand that. Try to make up with your sister, tell her you did a mistake and you want to support her and if there's enough time before the wedding, spend more time with her and show her what she is going to miss. Humans are social animals and always gravitate towards alike beings, I'm sure given enough time and enough shadowing might change her decision or take some time to think about it.
you're doing gods work user
While i completely agree with how such a union would shatter the white bloodline and potentially leave the future progeny without similar looking ancestors ( which is absolutely an undesirable outcome), you can still accept though that this union might produce if not white then more intelligent offsprings than even a white aryan could have
After all is it not true that not all whites aren't competent and some (infact a large number of them) can be dimwitted and a few people of indian origin can be objectively brighter human beings (pardon the expression)
She won't be my mother anymore.
I stand with you, leaf.
You did the right thing
i dont know about autism, but i have same thing happening with my sister.
Lucky that my whole family and relatives is disowning my sister.
Of the left continues to push their ideas of a United States of Europe like (((Schultz))) wants us to be in 2025, we will have our first actual chance of an uprising.
Thank you brother. But I still must inquire, is the sister available? Is she fertile already?
You'd be jealous or what?
Is he a respectable person despite his skin colour?
Because that kind of makes you an autist. Extra funny if you're a lossless virgin.
>retarded way of writing
How you do fellow racists, amrite?
fingolian with the truth
Of what exactly? Just turn your retarded logic around. What if someone told you that you couldn't do something because of "reasons"?
You'd tell them to fuck off. It's your choice.
Move to Ottawa user and help me start my construction company. Trying to make a red pilled construction crew to take over.
So if you want to be the man of the house how come YOU'RE the only who won't be invited to family functions? Your coalburning sister is the one who should be disowned.
If you need to show her endless news clippings and photographs of women who burned the coal, so be it. Make it known the risk she takes sullying her bloodline, so nobody can say they were surprised when it happens