Im white British with an IQ of 130
Post your IQ and we'll see which country/race is the smartest
Im white British with an IQ of 130
Post your IQ and we'll see which country/race is the smartest
Other urls found in this thread:
140IQ here
Do I get to call everyone stupid?
Spanish American (I have a few drops of indian blood due to colonization rape though)
How much is IQ genetic. Me and my siblings all have IQs ranging from 135 to 150 and our parents have little to no education. My mom barely having a junior high education.
Just say your mestizo paisita. Why are you so shamed?
>Online IQ test
is this test a joke promoted by the website creator? Got 200 with 0 struggle
Pureblooded Anglo here, we were actually able to trace my family tree and discovered one of my ancestors came over on the mayflower.
are you kidding me? That was a waste of time.
It's made for retards. MENSA it is fucking not.
I have nothing against mestizos and I think a lot of them are friendly people but i'm obviously mostly iberian and 90% is Iberian and most people think I'm Italian.
I don't care if I'm not White but I think I'm more of a castizo than mestizo
I love political jokes too, how ironic :^)
The fact that you think this is how you determine the intelligence of countries, yet you get that score proves this quiz is retarded
>tfw voted for Drumpf
But it aint my true IQ since the test is too easy
White, rural Appalachia U.S.
Suck on that, urban retards.
screenshot or didn't happen
every iq test ive taken since i was 18 has put me in the 135-140 range..
all iq tests are a joke but that one was a real piss take
>Fags posting internet iq results.
I thought this board was smart.
>"I thought this board was smart."
to get the most out of Sup Forums you should read the text beside the pictures too
Its a internet test its not even standardized 80 questions like it should be.
I swear to god I didn't cheat, this test must be bollocks
romanian, 1/4 hungarian
got 25 points less on a legit test I had taken a few years ago
this one was nothing like it, actual ones are based solely on geometrics and shapes to be "culturally neutral"
Around 40-60% depending on who you believe.
>My parents have little education
What does education have to do with it? You can be as einstein and still be a fuck up
Yeah... no... 160 here, incredibly inflated results
yes, the test I had taken was about 200 questions long, no maths in there either
but romania is 1/3 hungarian.
Hi Vee
Purebred Albanian, probably some little Austrian my great great gramps found some qt albo-austrian before ww1 in vienna.
>200 questions
Jesus christ, I took a mensa test in school and I don't remember it being that long, what organization?
More inflated than Ven Bolivar tho
>intelligence is any indication of anything other than humankind trying its damnedest to measure mental ability
these tests are nothing important, nice time killer though
>The feeling when you can just copy a picture and act smart
>mfw superior shqiptar genes
Race-mixed 132
genius lvl iq brah
White American
This doesn't seem accurate.
Mestizo american.
Reality bends to my will.
It's a troll thread
The fact you think countries correspond with races, combined with the fact you believe an online IQ test will determine anything meaningful, tells me the test is garbage and that you're a brainlet.
The fucking number pattern recognition always gets me in these tests
Audible keks were had
I'm really bad with both numbers and patterns.
Thought this would look pretty good until I saw the other scores here.
I've skipped eight or so question out of boredom and got 120 IQ, this test is flattery for plebs.
t. STEM dropout
I got the same score
kek, this was mine.. fucking bozgor!
Got bored after 18 and started spamming I don't know.
Should be a timer tbqh
Let the brainlets have there fun
What a joke.
t. recovering drug addict
Took it a little distracted
I'm mestizo/American
IQ of 130
Never taken a 23 and me before but im white british as far as I know
Leoburger Da Vinci
i took one in 8th grade said i was in the 140's. it's probably lower now due to years of drug and alcohol abuse. IQ is a waste of time if you aren't using it to create wealth and passing it on to multiple white children.
LUL 160
So lying, that's what you want us to do? I haven't met that many hajis with a 130 IQ
Internet test so it probably means your real is around 90. My IQ on internet tests is 160-180 but I had it professionally tested as part of a job application process and it's around 120, which I think is accurate.
shitty iq test, very little g loaded
i'm serbian with ashkenazi jew herritage
Yeah as a nigger slave you mutt
This. I have a 135 iq consistently up to now (28 yo). I am making good money unlike a lot of "smart" people I know, and I am a mixed race hapa who is passing the IQ onto white children because white women love a hapa and want my genes.
Sorry whitey.
This test is bullshit.
Mixed mutt here
Btw I am white anglo/celtic
suck on dat, fag
>tfw in this day and age British person has to clarify that he's white
t.98IQ sub human
>He is not Serbian Orthodox...
Same result same ethnicity
You trip day on every board on this site kys
At least i beat OP
Trip fag
Austrian, Polish and French blood here with an IQ of 144
This is proof us Italians are superior to bong fags
Leomutt Da Vinci
I guess the French part is why I don’t have 150.
I'm a Reptoid from a nebulous star in another universe.
SERIOUS POINT: will someone go to the chippy for me. I'm starving and I can't be arsed.
I came 4 quarzillion light years, bought a 48" TV today and now I can't be arsed moving, you just stare at these things and it's like life but you don't have to use your brain. ...Transfixing....
Oh hang on Mrs. Brown Boys just came on. I'll go to the chippy myself.
This is shit, I think it just gives you +10 points for right question and doesn't take time into account. I also chose "I don't know on some questions" because they were difficult and I didn't want to waste time or points in case wrong questions are counted negatively. There's no way I have 170 IQ.
Besides it can't be used as some sort of represantation for Sup Forums because
A) Sample size is too small.
B) People with low(er) scores are less inclined to post their results and are more inclined to lie about them.
C) Mutts and Britbongs have no language barrier here thus they can be a little less smart on average, solely because of that.
Holla atcha dawg
I too can inspect elements
120, I guessed randomly.
How u do dat on da fone?
>>romanian, 1/4 hungarian
>Eastern Hungarian, grandfather from Budapest.
>internet IQ tests
facebook tier thread, fuck off
don't forget those quizzes you NEED to take, user
oy dis niba soun loike monty pyfon or sumfing
Burger education deniers BTFO I am as smaart as Ein stein himself
White Britbong
Fake and gay
Last time i was truly tested i was 128. I should be a bit lower now.