/balk/ - Divide and conquer edition

Balkbros, where you at?


Self bump doesn't work, so have a bump.

god bless, greekbro

Hey man, is there an influx of liberal Serbs lately? I've seen some on Sup Forums. Or could they be proxys?

What do you think about the proposed confederation of Serbia, FYROM and Greece? This was discussed back in 1992 by representatives from our countries. Why aren't we doing this desu senpai?

probably not proxys. plenty of liberal people here. couple that with the fact i live in central serbia, which is more conservative than belgrade or vojvodina

Was that the flag? I don't have many imformations about it. But for a federation between us today, i believe it's very difficult because of the EU. But things are changing very fast lately so you can never know. I think that the only thing that passes through our hands right now is keaping the memory of our bonds strong and we wait to see for what the future brings.

I mean, we have libs too but you don't see them on Sup Forums.

Link me that FB page so I can like and share it.


That looks fucking disgusting and Pro-Islam. I'm not supporting that cancer.

find it yourself

you tried

would be nice as long as FYROM is split between us (and possibly albania as well if we don't kick out all the albos - better to not take clay if it comes with zergs)


honorary balk has spawned

That's the flag of the proposed Balkan Federation from like 200 years ago.

I don't get what that submarine-like object is supposed to be?

fully automated balkan orthodox underwater atlantean utopia?

Yeah i google it and it gave me that flag, it's Hercules club.

Nice digits

What do you think of solving the problem by sharing history and both countries being "right"?

It looks horrendously ugly desu

1. You change your name to something not involving Macedonia
2. problem solved (for us)

Ellada doesn't sound bad, I'll take it. You can have Macedonia


I would unironically be okay with this, for the keks.

bump for "Vardarska Republika"

Wasn't it Dacia?

Uhh, Wallachia what now ?

Realistically you are better off without Kosmet. You literally pay more taxes so Ajdëmi Popuxhi can build a wall around his house to protect himself from a bloodfued from Ilir Kosova next door.

But Vojvodina is a western country and is better off without you guys.

dacia is romania.


>Ajdëmi Popuxhi

Yeah no fucking shit

No offense, but, the flag looks like someone threw a used condom on the flag of Egypt and painted crosses over it. Seriously who ever made it should be eaten alive.

Greek politics are not known for being smart in the last 200 years .... as most balkan ones desu.

What do you think about Jovan Deretic, Radovan Dmajanovic and big influx of people doing interview where they disscuss how Serbian "WE WUZ KANGZ AND SHIET"? Miroljub Petrovic actually claims that Serbians originate from Jews.

Greek politicians are better than other human politicians

It was confirmed that Deretić is just acting (he told that it all started in a bar and he just wants to see how far it can go), but is the "Ideš pod mač" guy joking or is he really ill?

He promotes radicalism. He thinks that Christianity opposes Judaism and that Christianity is the key to defeating the Jews. He does explain how Jews are so efficient and what loopholes we can make to defeat them.

What a cianigger Deretic must be.

i always knew he was a plant to discredit actual historical findings to be ridiculed