Remember how black people casually went around Britain during the middle ages? You will now.
Remember how black people casually went around Britain during the middle ages? You will now
i love niggers, please dont kill me
>You will now.
Since when do awards matter to artists? Guys like Kubrick would have told them shove the award up their ass.
Boring afternoon fucking that ass?
>the past was a horrible place and shouldn't be repeated
>it was also a multicultural paradise where minorities were just as common as the majorities
I don't think they thought this one through.
Dr who has an awfully funny bent nose desu
a nigger is gonna play a figure who was white in real life that just died?
Just call it the 'Nigger Meaningless Handout Awards' and get it over with.
History repeats itself
BAFTA = Black As Fuck Thicc Ass
> le epik kek
> t. Middle schooler
Fucking hell, the British media are insane. It's like the internet said no country can have a more cucked media network than Sweden and the BBC replied with "Hold my beer!".
>mfw my History Book said that Warsaw was spared because of its high Jewish Population
Makes you think who could have been the perpetrators.
It is January 1, and I think the advocates for "more diversity in the media" on amply catered for already this year .
London stabbings
#champigny 30 blacks beat a white woman
>making Nazi-period piece after 2019
OK then.
Make a historical documentary about the British Raj and how evil and oppressive the Brits were to the Indians.
To make sure it's "diverse" all white roles are played by black actors.