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op is a faggot

gtfo zionist shill


t. faggots that would love to live under sharia
no wonder why yuropoors are getting that.

Agreed OP. There arent enough McDonald's, pussy marches, or abortions in Iran atm.

hey, let them do what they want, just don't intervene with western tax money. Let Israel, the Sauds, Qatar, liberal jews and globalists sort that out among themselves.

remove your flag if you support jewish destabilization of iran who is despite being a sharia shithole the only bastion of the aryan race in ME

Exactly. These yurofags scream "zionist" becauae we hate Muslims and want them to fail/die. Just ignore them.

The Shah is so much better, right? gtfo you wannabe nazi larper


Looks like some shills ITT Supported how Obama responded in 2009

>t.boomercuck, who fall into ''le based israelis'' meme

go back to r/the_donald

I'm so confused
>fuck islamists
>Islam is for pigs
>but if you're against Iran you're a shill!
What the?

40 years ago they have been the same wearing pali scarfs and praising muslim terrorists.


Jidf shill

back to 12 year old autistic memeing with le pepe on reddit.

Glass the middle east

fucking shills wanting to destabilize an aryan country

>Implying the major opposition leader right now isn't Ahmadinejad

Just unfiltered Ahmadinejad in power... so much for that nuclear deal

remove your flag, Jude

What a shame, Obongo will not help your "based theocracy" just like he did in 2009

CIA wants to help its greatest allies king saud and hook nose to destabilize the region in hope to get more control over geo strategic important territory and resources and interfere with Russia trying to become the hegemone in the region by allying with the reginal hegemon Iran. The usual shit show brought to you by the USJew

Fuck Iran. Aryans should not have to live under Sharia Law.

this shilling is worse than than jew trumps election shilling 2 years ago


Your neocohenervative Reagan created sunni Islamic terrorism and legalized a fuckload of shitskins from Central America
Where is your God now, boomer?



Fuck off zionist, globalist, cia spook, color revolution funding, asshole.

I won't let you pervert my nationalism into something that can advance your goal of world domination.

The Imperial State will rise again!

kys faggot.

what a surprise, i dont support ronald "amnesty for spics" reagan neither

It's what they want. Why try to control the destiny of a people? That's some kike shit.

fucking kike undercover REMOVE THE SACRED FLAG

fuck off kike

This was the plan all along... it is the synthesis of the democratic vs. republican dialectic.

Both Hillary and Trump aiming for Iran now - one pretending to do it for social justice and modernity and the other riding the waves of anti-islamic sentiment... finally, they have been able to create the public support they needed.

Expect a syria 2.0 in Iran soon.


Exactly. The false dichotomy that if you don't support israel controlling the foreign policy of the US that means you support muslims. Nobody is falling for it anymore.

is this your shah????


Well, at least he tried.
It did not work, it did not happen.
But it's better than Hillary "WW3" Clinton

THIS is the True Resistance... nto th weak, pathetic pandering of Antifa. Overthrow Sharia, and the West shall win.

oh my the kikery is over the limits


>meddle in Iran
>civil war starts
>chaos ensues
>Iran like Libya is the cork that holds in millions of refugees from Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, and central Asia.
yeah this is what we want, and totally not what (((they want)))
KYS neocon kikelover, being anti-Iran is being anti-white.

Don't fuck with the mullahs

How exactly, boomer?
Did not Saudi Arabia do 9/11? Did not Israel start the Arab spring? Did not Qatar finance the ISIS? Are not the US Armed Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan?


Nothing more embarrising than people who still believe that their governments have their best interests, while at the same time belonging in world treaties and a world banking system.

Show your flag kike


nah we're good. You can do it by yourself

You thought you could exploit our nationalist sentiments to advance your own agenda... how cute.

Fuck off devil.

This: When user reaches his limit.