>Be Mexico
>Have two sea routes with the biggest nations on Earth, have China, Japan and other Asian powerhouses to the West of you along with a route to Russia, have Europe to the East of you
>Have two giant, powerful, rich countries north of you, willing to protect you in case of war and trade with you constantly. They won’t even bother you.
>Have nothing but weak nations to the south of you, only needing to wall off a tiny area and can live nice and prosperous
>Have everything needed to be a successful nation, have borders, boundaries, and other trade routes that leaders in the past killed to have
>End up a shithole
>Have Africa tier economy despite all the greatness you own
>Have landlocked countries better than you in everything
>Can’t even properly manage an economy despite being in literally the best position possible
>Be above Kazakhstan and Botswana
>And below European countries that were Communist at some point
>Be Spain
>Give Mexico Viceroyalty status
>Be treated equally
>Reject it
>Fight for independence
>Somehow win, descend into a hellhole
>Be worse off now than you were before independence
>Have other Viceroyalty be better than you
>Be a bigger shithole than most of New Spain
>Countries that weren’t even Viceroyalty are better than you
>Have one of the lowest economies out of all of New Spain
>Have better opportunities than most of your brothers and still fuck it up
>Be an even bigger shithole in the Americas
>Have countries smaller than you come out on top
>Be worse than some countries that were practically Communist at some point
>The biggest powerhouses of Latin America tend to face one way in sea routes for trade
>Still do better than a country with two ways to trade in the world
>Can’t even do better than Brazil despite being Communist for a while
>Blame the United States for their constant America invasion and saying it hindered your growth even though the Southern Cone seems to be doing fine
>Use more land than the majority of the world
>Rank 13 in overall land use
>Still do worse than those with less land
>Even Gibraltar has some the least amount of land in the world and still does better than you
>Can’t even become a world super
>Have some of the most fertile land with 13% being usable
>Make some of the world’s largest amounts of corn, beans, cotton, wheat, sugarcane, coffee, vegetables and fruit, cattle, grain, refineries, shrimp
>Still fail
>Be one of the world’s top vacationing areas
>Still a shithole despite constant amounts of tourism to your beaches
>Other, less fertile countries still do better than you
>Be rich in natural resources
>Have resources that nations killed to own
>Have resources that could make any nation wealthy
>Manage to be poor despite your natural wealth
>Claim the northern territory of the United States is rightfully yours
>Can’t even do better than those states
>Can’t even catch up to them
>Can’t even do better than American Samoa
>Have the states you used to own do better than you in everything
>Some of them even have higher economic power than most countries in the world
>Be the United States
>Be as helpful as possible to his southern neighbor
>Even buy the land he lost as compensation for kicking his ass too hard
>Even take less land than was previously negotiated
>Immediately trade with him after the war
>Turn the land he used to own into prosperous nation-tier places to live
>Constantly complain it was stolen
>Constantly talk about how your people are going to take it back
>Not even thankful about having the chance to live in a prosperous country
>Continue to lower the standard of living, the IQ, the way of life, and the culture of everything you touch
>Turn entire areas into no-go zones that were once beautiful tourist attractions
>Complain when the United States says we should take less of you
>Be ungrateful towards everything
The truth is, Mexicans are extremely hard workers Sup Forums. It takes an extremely hard working person to fuck up this hard.
Couldn't agree more. Mexicans are a plague
M*xico is a fucking shithole.
We are as mongrelized as them yet look at us.
Holy shit, Mexicans eternally BTFO! How will they ever recover?
chicano asqueroso
Burrito monkeys are worthless
You are Right!!!
Your country has no reason to be poor
>getting conquered by a shithole like mexico
at least we get the last laugh you kike loving faggot
Immigration is down and deportations are up senpai.
good luck deporting the legal beaners
its not like they are breeding you out, right?
One word. Communists.
japanese are the only nonwhites who can make a cool country which isnt a shithole.
I don't mind the legal ones, they are generally great neighbors and always willing to lend a hand if I need help and bring me delicious food. The only downside is when they have parties they are pretty loud but they always invite me too so whatever
good, I guess if I didn't have a choice about getting replaced by some other country's trash I'd force myself not to care as well
>Have everything needed to be a successful nation
Except an intelligent and hard working people.
Mexicans had one chance at getting good in the revolution, but fucking us envasador and madero fucking ended the revolution dream, your goberment installed an autoritarian goberment and it lasted 80 years, it killed students in 68, and fucking exterminated rural comunitys here and you expect mexico to be any competent? Fucking delutional, your fucking jew country is the root of all fucking shit around the globe
Your answer:
México is so near to America so far to god.
you're wasting your time, amerikeks not only turn the other cheek to all the disgusting shit their tax money finances, they even welcome it
>Implying it wont come to that.
I know im but it gets me everytime how can they endorse the things their goberment do, one thing is to accept you cant change it and another is to endorse and promote it
>Immigration is down and deportations are up
incorrect on both counts