What's your opinion Sup Forums on ww3? It will happen?
WW3 will it happen?
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interplanetary. i hope.
Hopefully soon.
Why hopefully? MIllions will die.
already happening.
2029 or 2069, can't decide yet.
Never gonna happen, trips say so
It's starting in Iran rn.
so?. we are overpopulated anyway
No it's not gonna happen
Fucking responsibility
But I don't wanna run for my life. I'm scared of war.
Do you mean asian countries, africa, india?
Wtf denmark, i am not white but i am white enough to say "we" europeans dont need ww3.
Ameriburgershart land will just get an even tighter grip of the world after whatever conflict happens. It will be quick. EU will become Brazil, and Israel will continue to expand.
Nothing to see here goyums! Continue to watch the super special goyum-shart-flix special we put out for you! Cop the new Cardi B album senpai.... 2018 is going to be "lit" for the goy!
no... dipshit. i mean humans as a race. get your head out of the shitstreet
Kinda do because how else are Euroeans going to clean out their nations. Was is the continuation of politics by other means. Democracy has failed, thus other means are needed.
Hopefully BILLIONS!
With Trump elected, we are regrettably... saved. Democrats pushed a weak line with Russia. Pushing the bear back into the cave, now that Trump is in office the bear is free to come out again. Now the decision is do we spear for the sake of our morality, or do we let it run off and maul another hiker for the sake of personal freedom. The choice is yours user..
>he doesn't want to die painfully in a cold, wet ditch, his final thoughts of his family back home, praying your side wins so they don't find a similar fate.
Everything indicates so.
North Korea and Russia cant go on forever with the sanctions.
Iran is already buckling a bit because the long sanctions.
But instead of stupid politicians think, they aren't going to give up, like a good goy's.
War is coming.
Russia is preparing for it with the full force, why west isn't?
Main aggressor will be USA (not NATO), most likely towards North Korea, but it will spread like wildfire.
There will be no spot on earth left that wont suffer from ww3 in one way or another. Survive maybe, but not with huge sacrifices.
Think that 90% of population dies from it in 1 year.
how many people would be left in your own hometown if 10% survive?
In mine, 3000. Its still a lot.
Hopefully trillions!
If you are against WW3 you are a cuck
Coming soon user to a country near you.
Not in 21st century.
Real WW3 will be between Earth and extraterrial colonies.
t.eternal (((jew))) polaks will flood the plains of the world
Nothing - ww3 is a divide and conquer tactic
Just gonna be nukes thrown around like fucking candy
If it happens we're all fucked, no country with nukes is gonna hold back if they're about to lose everything
exactly. it’s just whichever country has less mercy
It's happening as we speak buddy, I like to call it the Culture War. Actually, it is the first proper World War, the rest were just localized conflicts that kinda spread somewhat.
some Enders game shit
This is how India becomes superpower by 2020. Even if India loses a billion people they got many left and they breed like cockroaches
Don't be surprised if you wake up one day and see Indian soldiers shitting up and down your street
Russia vs the west.
Its obvious, and shit will start over ukraine, theoretically - belarus
some countries will jump on russian wagon to make things more interesting. Like lebanon, syria, iran, even iraq possiby. china would be in question, north korea would use the opportunity.
western europe and us will be ashes, most of russia too, but due to geography, russia will come out as a winner and rebuild the world into own liking
it will happen in post-putin era
so 30's, or 40's
It starts tomorrow. Strap in, boys.
it'll never happen.
There is barely any conflict in the world now, it is theatre. The world has been controlled securely since wwII, cold war was a farce to make you think otherwise. Lmao. project paperclip u lil faggots
Fuck you India superpower by 2020. Hail fucking Pajeet! Victorious India army rapes and plunder Leafland. You will see faggot!
Big nukes wouldn't fly until we took moscow or push deep into chyna
By then we could have the capability to shoot most down or they would have pussied out or succumbed to rebellion
lame little war that killed 10k and lasted like 3 days
>Not become fertilizer merchant empire
Communist vs capitalists again. Guess who is going to win, that's right cunts: governments, not any people. Wars are a hoax to mantain status quo, sometimes some negroes robbing other negroes because they are a threat blablabla just robbing you some gold and food don't you mind.
im worried that WWIII will be a cold war and information technology war. If this is the case, i think we are already in it and there are many sides. Pol is no exception or innocent bystander, anons.
BASED digits of truth
>future wiki page on ww3 will have Sup Forums as a faction
>is now /wikipedia/
WW3 will probably eventually happen maybe in the 2020s or 2030s. It's inbetween these two decades that SOMETHING will happen. Maybe the 2020s are the prelude to WW3.
WW3 is inevitable due to way our countries operate with giving welfare to those who don't deserve and dependent on it while also spouting hatred upon the host natives. At some point the economy will collapse and welfare will have ended due to this. Promptly after this is made well aware, MSM will likely point all blame towards the whites for this happening and tensions reach an all time high, because minorities and shitskins like their GIBS ME DAT and are extremely pissed that it's gone since they won't be able to feed their 20 kids. It'll be a similar situation like in Rome when Rome could no longer pay it's barbarian mercenaries well enough, but different since the attacking barbarians are mostly untrained in warfare, save for the ones who've actually been in ISIS and fighting for them.
There are various western countries which will fall into this collapse and destabilization. Those such as Germany, Sweden, UK, Netherlands, etc are WELL on their way to a situation like this happening. I don't know what'll be the exact situation in the US, but it won't be too different if the economic collapse happens here. If it doesn't, then we'll be watching our Euro friends fighting it out with the barbarian hordes they invited to their countries.
Middle East will be further destabilized, presumably for the Greater Israel plan. More countries will become filled with infighting not too different from Syria perhaps. Oh, and even more destabilization is gonna cause MORE middle easterns to march over to Europe, I guess. I just realized now that the migrants in Europe will likely try to go over eastern europe to avoid the war they started in western Europe too, so we're likely to see some action taken by the eastern europeans. Poland especially will be on the defensive here since it's gonna look real nice now.
#Breaking: #North Korean media is now claiming that #China has begun to deploy military units along the nation's border. There has been sightings of armour columns, and artillery guns setting up in positions along the border.
Following several months of similar reporting, #DPRK says #China is building up military units on its border.
big if true
No it won't happen because it's in no one's best interest. Lay it out for me, how many LARP and fearmonger threads will we have this year? 200? 300?
That's now how it works you little shit. Do you have any idea how much clearance and approval you need to actually use a single nuke? They aren't toys. You don't just essentially end the human race because you think it's "badass".
I found the posts in twitter and as long as i can googletranslate, the newslink i provided tells the exact same.
So, "true", but can be still just propaganda.
"I'm appealing to our shared values (which do not actually exist, but I pray to the God that I've never believed in that people are too dumb to actually call me out on that fact.)"
None of what you posted implies they plan on actually nukingthe US.
Hopefully in at least ten years. The Earth anime has run too long, it's time for a final season with all the loose ends tied up.
Ofcourse not. Just follow this logic:
If north Korea continues with nuclear program, they wil become serious threat and thats why USA has to deal with them with military force.
And if that happens, Nkorea would strike as hard as they can to South korea and USA.
Aaand if that happens and they actually have a nuke, USA would most definetly answer with own nukes.
China would have a neighbouring country that has been nuked and radioactive. Go to war with USA because of that and get rekt also? not a wise option.
So if youre Chinese leader, wat do?
Heres an idea:
If China attacks North Korea and deals with the leader and stops the nuclear program, no one might not get nuked, Nkorea will be stabilized, USA wont threaten anyone anymore and eventually everyone will benefit from that.
China most.
So, pick one choice that is best for China.
China will invade America
Russians will invade Europe
I know for a fact that Paris will be burnt to the ground
True if big
I thought a few months back that China would stop defending their buffer state after he did any more tests and did anything to affect China in any negative way. I'm hoping China slaps his shit and tells him to knock it off. Really I just don't want to die, that's all.
The great city will be thoroughly desolated
Of the inhabitants a single one will not remain:
Wall, sex, temple and virgin violated,
By iron, fire, pestilence, cannon people will die. (C.3:84)
In Avignon the chief of the whole empire
Will make a stop on the way to desolated Paris:
Tricast will hold the anger of Hannibal:
Lyon will be poorly consoled for the change.
Towards Aquitane by the British isles
By these themselves great incursions
Rain, frosts will make the soil uneven,
Port Selyn will make mighty invasions.
>Port Selyn is actually Port Calais.
Then don't run for your life, accept your fate
Why is science leftist trash
I'd like to add that the primary destabilization will be inflationary. Not just because of debt, but because the productive elements of the population will be too small to support consumption. Meaning, the demographic crisis that was supposed to be solved with third world labor, will only make things worse, because that very immigrant labor consumes more than it produces, and there won't be enough people that produce to support the people that consume. So it'll create an inflationary effect as there aren't enough goods being produced to support the people consuming.
Once the inflation happens, the state will wither away, and with it, globalist control. The Czar couldn't stop the Communist revolutionaries once he couldn't afford to pay for his government, likewise it'll be something similar play out. RL organizing will become very possible at this point, both for the Islamists and the Nationalists.
>vig user
>virgin user
oh. my. god.
I "like" this scenario.
Will the white europeans win ?
The Good news is that the Globalists will be defeated when the inflation takes over and destroys their governments.
The Bad News is that the Russians will then probably become the new masters of Europe and go full Mongol.
of course. wars are inevitable. it's just a matter of when. china is trying to stave it off for as long as possible because they cannot into war, but it's just a matter of time
>American education strikes again.
It's a French city. Used to be the seat of the Pope in the 14th century
new zealand
I assume he is quoting Nostradamus a 14th century mysticist who for a prophet was surprisingly shortisighted if he expected the Pope to still be in Avignon in the far distant apocalypse
Business jews run America and we all know this, but they also run Russia as well.
I think all these skirmishes are more of a reason to display/sell weapons than anything else in most cases, with proxy armies fighting for economic interests on the ground
stfu pajeet
Small scale battles that cost millions in taxpayer money are inevitable, but not straight up nuking other countries because "I hate them", dumbdubm.
they're there to stem the ride of refugees. kim asked for it honestly
So i get it :
>Uprising and civ war in Europe
>When we're done russkofs come in
>We surrender (flag not related (kek))
>We are once again a white nation
Well, not that bad.
Prophet power rankings.
>Aloris Irlmaier.
>Marie-julie jahenny
>Siener van Rensburg
All three predicted Muslim Immigration in the 19th and 20th century, centuries before the people in the CFR were even conceived.
that portuguese politic corrupt motherfucker
no you idiot. see
Pretty much. Putin right now is doing a major arms buildup and is intelligent enough to read the writing on the wall.
that's just technology. people thought WWI and WWII were impossible as well because
>muh interests
>muh alliances
all it takes is a match to set off the chain reaction
Come at me niggerboy! I fuck you up long time! I wear the Indian peace symbol on my bloodred flag, you will feel it up your ass. Make ready your vegana
>Marie julie jahenny
She predicted that a new french monarch will come in Britain.
This french king would be the greatest king Europe ever knew, and this king will definitely remove all the kebabs in Europe.
He will conquer Israël, and convert all the kikes.
Britain, the french region, not Great Britain.
Yeah, I remember that time Russia nuked us all to hell during the Cold War. Everyone loses in every thinkable way if you ever use a nuclear warhead on another country, as in nobody gains anything from it after all, so I have no idea how I can still breathe without a hazmat or even use a computer.
Oh wait.
Yes it's a theater, but they'll make another war happen all the same in order to rearrange the world as they please to make way for the new order. The first world wars were the same.
What's fucking amazing is that she predicted Muslim immigration in the fucking 19th century. The grandfathers of the Globalists were children at the time she predicted what their descendants had in plan. The only reason why she is number 2 is because half of her predictions have yet to be realized.
What's absolutely amazing though, is that NONE of the prophets predicted the Cold War turning hot and that the Cold War was something that was uneventful. All of the prophets talked about this era far more than they talked about the 80s, which is extremely interesting.
Well my white nation, and my culture are the only thing i want back in my life.
I believed that Putin was in (((their side)))
>Everyone loses in every thinkable way if you ever use a nuclear warhead on another country, as in nobody gains anything
that's no one ever fought a war. oh wait...
We will have major historical habenigs in our lifetime. Bigger than the 2 previous world wars, that's for sure
putin doesn't give a shit about france, keeping it white, or your culture. sorry, but only french can save france
*that's why
I hope that she was saying the truth. I dont think that all of this will be realized, still i might believe in the return of our king that the freemasons took away from us.
As always, everytime we didn't have any king, or leaders, we always did fucking shit.
Conventional wars you little shit. We've long moved on from Hiroshima. We're in an age where actually using nukes rather than just fighting over them is unthinkable.
>find a match
he means a counter bud
Has been happening since shortly after WWII.
Silent weapons for quiet wars.
Hitler once saved France. He can do it again. But French people need to believe in him. Again. Belivie in Hitler frogs