Lmao yurop is doooom!!!

>lmao yurop is doooom!!!
>t. 56 percenter
Why are americans allowed in this board again?

Honestly, all of the Americas are trash.
Especially South America. Mongrel capital of the world

Turkey alone has 80 million people.

Sounds like you will believe anything you read.

la creatura...

Turkey isn't in the EU or Europe, you dipshit.


>Why are Americans aloud on this board?
Why are Eurofucks aloud on a bored made by an American? Go post on the European equivalent of Sup Forums. I'm sure you guys have a website that allows free speech and exchanging of opinions.


half of the eu are ethnostates in eastern europe with practically no minorities

if you include the entirety of the eu yes non europeans are "only" 4% of the population of the entire eu but that's cheating

just look at france or sweden non europeans control entire cities and the police are afraid to arrest them, london and her surroundings are majority non whites, in entire counties of western europe whites are already minoirites when it comes to live births or in the under 5 demographic

we warned about non whites, but all you do is deny the problem

but you knew all of this already

Nigger, or European they're both the same at this point.

>burger education

Because Sup Forums is an American imageboard, duh.

t. mutt who can't read

Oh man my spelling has been checked, guess I was wrong about everything! Guess there is really is a board for Europeans who can post about Right wing ideas, talk about the jews, and be completely anonymous. Oh wait that's the American Website Sup Forums. What exactly does Europe have that's anything like Sup Forums?

Beats being a nigger.

how is being a mongrel sperm cocktail better than bring a PURE AFRICAN BULL?

Because when I get pulled over I go home to my family, and give my grand father a call instead of being pulled over and shot because I wuz a kang or some nigger shit.

your 1/1873717478264827473 german mongrel family?

Euros hate America because they don't live in the greatest country on Earth.

Nope just my American wife, children, mother and father and because your a nigger let me explain what a father is that's a man who got your mom pregnant and didn't go for a pack of cigarettes but stuck around to raise me
I don't get caught up in the ethic meme, unlike you who lemme guess was a kang of Africa?

Sup Forums can't stop purity spiraling into oblivion

bump for mutt tears

They count north africans and kebabs born in Europe as European you dumb nigger. Look at their birthrates on your cucked soil.

Choose one, the year is 2040.

A. A country has gone from 60% white to around 50% white with a majority of the other half being some form of latino, a majority christian based demographic who are family and work oriented with slightly lower intelligence.

B. A continent that has gone from 95% white to 20% white in 22 years, the other 85% being low iq barbaric north africans with no ties to christianity or modern civilization or middle easterns whos entire goal is convert or kill the remaining 20% whites and claim said continent as islamic territory forever.

Tough call.

>56 percenter """"""""""logic"""""""""""

Not an arguement.

Your forced meme can't change the doom on the horizon, unfortunately for you.

We do, but it is not in English

We're just warning you with ridicule. If you want to import niggers then that's your choice but know what you're getting yourself into.


>A continent that has gone from 95% white to 20% white in 22 years
You retarded boi.

Europe is not a single country. We are not all suicidal.




It's ironic because that gif is a metaphor for exactly what America is doing.


While it's true regions like Scotland, Norway, and East Germany, will likely break apart from their arabized/nigga infested home countries, they better start building up a military fast. Arabs and Blacks will not tolerate any independent white Christians who refuse to be bred out of existence and will try to destroy them as fast as possible. Or at least that'll be the official reason, the real reason would probably be "weez runnin' out da whit womenz, betta' takez sum frum dem whit bois."

we arent the ancestral homeland