I see a lot of people shilling for Iran right now. I just want Sup Forumsacks to consider this. The current Iranian government literally hates the Western world, is funding terror against us, and is probably going to threaten us with nukes in the future. Not to mention, globalists like Soros supported the Iran deal and want that country to gain power, and the eurocucks at the UN are very pro-Iran. That regime and all the jihadis who support it need to get physically removed ASAP. Just because you dislike Israel, doesn't mean you should support an enemy that threatens them and the West equally.
I see a lot of people shilling for Iran right now. I just want Sup Forumsacks to consider this...
Other urls found in this thread:
So you're saying they'll nuke both Israel and the West aka USA, sounds like a good deal
>Iran is our enemy
Kike detected
No, that is not a good deal. Don't disappoint our meme president.
If you're a white American, being pro-Iran makes you just as much of a cuck as being pro-Israel.
Best move for our country would be to quit funding Israel's military, but support a regime in Iran that doesn't LITERALLY HATE OUR GUTS
I unironically do not care either way. If it's a struggle between Muslims and Jews then my sincerest hope is that there will be mass casualties on both sides
They hate Jews so I'd rather side with iran
If you overthrow this goverment it will be worse. Just your thick neocon brain doesnt want undert it
**want to understand it**
No the iranian government doesn't hate us. It hates our governments because they have been trying to DESTROY the government for decades now.
We are the ones meddling in their affairs and not them.
Iran is based. Nice try schlomo
>the (((Western world)))
Stop trying deflect the fact that western countries are just aligned to serve israel, kike.
gee I wonder why they hate the west?? They're probably just jealous of our freedoms.
If you want Iran to be more westernize then don't support a revolution or any other kind of armed uprising. Iran is progressing more and more towards westernization on its own, just give it some time. I mean just recently the police stopped enforcing dress codes.
Also when they hate the western world. Remember that it is mostly the same stuff a lot of people that live in the Western world dislike. And that terror funding your talking about is not even on the same level as what the Saudis are doing. Its hilarious that Americans are more welcoming towards a nation that funded 9/11 then a nation that mostly just operate in their own region.
Shut the fuck up about Jews, faggot.
Fucking this. Sup Forums newfags seem to think that just because they hate Israel, that means they're based as fuck. Wrong. They loathe Israel, but hate us because our governments support Israel and because they are fundamentalist Muslims.
Shut the fuck up and leave, JEW
Not a jew.
Your views are too Jewish for me Op.
the last thing we need is another (((regime change))) and (((refugee crisis)))
muslims need to be ruled with an iron fist to keep them from eating themselves. always have, always will.
>iran isn't our enemy
this is literally not the case. supporting israel means wasting trillions on the middle east and sending thousands of americans to die to sate israel's greed.
"supporting" iran means shitposting on the internet and cheering them on as they kill kikes and arabs without using our blood or treasure.
>I see a lot of people shilling for Iran right now
pic related is what should happen to Iran and Israel, then we need to weed out the cunts at home
>conservative, religious society vs capitalist, atheist, feminist, nigger loving, gay society
You are though
Pol is going through a Phase. Because of their hatred of Jews, they'll support Muslims. What they don't realize is that the Enemy of your enemy isn't your Friend.
shias are not muslims
>hates the (((((western))))) world
we all do.
>Sup Forums is going through a phase
Hello newfriend
get out jew. im not going to go die in iran so israel can see "regime change" there.
>they don't realize is that the Enemy of your enemy isn't your Friend.
Fuck off right back to (((leddit))) faggot
>hates zionism
>hates western world
Wait a minute...
Holy fucking reddit JIDF
>The enemy of your enemy isn't your friend
And which one is it that wins if you kill them?
Fuck off cuck shill Israel SUCKS, Iran is based
>is funding terror against us
Proofs, faggot. 9/11 wasn't an Iranian Shia project...
Iran. Iran so far away.
I couldn't get away. Fuck I'm drunk.
>The current Iranian government literally hates the Western world, is funding terror against us
which terrorist attacks against western country's have they funded?
They have had ties to Al-Qaeda and have attacked our embassies:
Ideally, the US would go back to its glorious imperialistic days, colonize Saudi Arabia and the entire rest of the Middle East, and baptize them all.
Saudi Arabia funded terrorism, not Iran.
Yeah i just want to see jews die at this point. We can always easily deal with Iran because they wage conventional war. The kikes are subversive parasites making them 100x more dangerous.
>muh ties
>muh wmds
>muh greatest ally
>muh assad bad
>muh libya bad
Its pretty funny how le 56% face can be friends with the Saudis.
We're inundated with people who love Iran so much they fled that shithole to live in western countries and now live in a fantasyland about how great Iran is.
> is funding terror against us
Literally when? There wasn't a single terror attack by an Iraeian in the last 3 decades.
Israel is financing ISIS. It's a known fact. Israel and it's golem US must go.
fucking shill, literally nobody of worth believes what the msm says about Iran anymore.
your time is over.
be afraid.
Saudi Arabia and your own fucking country funds it, retard.
I never said I liked motherfucking Saudi Arabia. All kebab regimes are equally shitty in my opinion. Including Iran's.
I really don't know who's shilling who anymore.
It helps Hezbollah fight Israel.
The U.S. is an Israeli proxy. Look at Ops flag.
Now you know why he posted this.
Hurf durf m8
Hey guys, I just got here.
Could someone explain to me what sides there are, and what they are supporting? Why are the protesters protesting? What are they protesting against and what do they stand to gain?
Also, what's this about the CIA being behind this? Would that actually make any sense for them? I thought the CIA supported the ayatollah...
IS-RA-EL will win.
Death to Pakistan. Death to Iran. Death to Islam.
>he thinks Israel is our friend
>I thought the CIA supported the ayatollah
Wut? They supported the shah and got him installed from the late 50's until he was deposed, the CIA even supported Iraq in the iran-iraq war
>unrelated pic
Hmm I see, my history is very weak. If that's the case, then what's the issue here? Isn't it in the US's best interests to stand with the protestors? And does israel play a role here?
>globalists like Soros
just kill yourself now kike, the ovens are coming.
You only need to know one thing about Iran: They support the Rohingya over the Buddhists
There are no jews involved in this situation unless you can link Buddhism with Jews, and they are getting involved on behalf of their sandnigger friends and supporting those who are killing buddhists
So to that I say fuck them, and shame on you Sup Forums for falling for taqiyya
Watch this for a quick crash course, it's only 10 minutes
History of U.S. Intervention in Iranyoutube.com
Thanks for the link, i'll take a look
>Al-Queda, a Wahhabi group that literally HATES Shia Muslims and calls them heathens.
Sure thing Moshe
This, sadly pol wont ever recover from the migration due to the 2016 election
You supported ISIS to fight Assad.
I'm not the one using taqiyya to make white nationalists like Islam by fooling them into thinking my country only fights jews and leaves everybody else alone
Eurocucks are siding with the Ayatollah because they're afraid of getting even more refugees. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. All the real men in Europe died in world war two.
>bomb millions of muslims
hurdur they hate freedom
All the pro-Iran shit is plastered on Russia channel 1... These are all pidorushka and vatniks.
KSA and Iran have been in a hot proxy war since 2011. Americans, if you don't support ksa and Israel it will become a direct world war. All the Russian faags are just saying "Israel exists and you hate jews so support russia and Iran, be a super cool pro-Islam jihadist". They don't give a fuck as long as you waiver in supporting your %current_allies
Yes i completely agree with that picture.
Man on the left is killing a journalist who didn't do anything while also chanting extremists believes saying that he will cut the neck of every non believer if he has too.
Man on the right is executing a pedophile who raped 18 kids.
What is actually going on right now in Iran? Why is the media ignoring it? I'm assuming the MSM ignoring it means something good is happening, but I don't want to be uninformed like leftists are.
"I told you a bard wasn't going to work in this campaign"
LMAOOOO SAUDI arabia supports ISIS not fucking IRAN , iran SENDS their soldiers to KILL fucking ISIS. it s FUNNY how TRUMP during the campaign said SAUDI arabia and qatar fund ISIS , and now suddently HE IS BFF with the suads and ENEMY of iran , lmao the kikes really got him
ye right fuck of mohammed
Fuck off, Shmuel
Al Qaeda and Al Nusra are wrecking shit in south Iran in Sunni areas, blew up pipeline, university leftists are protesting, military guarding street corners.
This bitch told us that we should support Assad because he was secular, but his opposition was Islamic extremists. On the other hand, she supports the Ayatollahs who have turned Iran into the capital of stoning women to death.
Iran deserves a good beating after what they did during the 70's. I never had any problems with KSA
I can see through your lies you hook nosed rat creature
The pipeline was blown up in Ahvaz a Shia majority people. It was blown up by the sons of Ahvaz. They are mostly Shia but Arab nationalist. The only place where Sunnis are the majority is in the Kurdish areas of Iran. In the south it is majority Shia by a long shot.
What I don't get is why the MSM isn't all over it. Leftism in action? They'd eat that shit up. Trump hasn't done anything big in the last week or two, other than the tax bill.
If you kill the Kikes, the Muslim problem stops
>The current Iranian government literally hates the Western world,
And so do we.
The reason, why terrorism is rare in Iran, is because it is 90 percent, Shia. The people who attacked Tehran last year were the Kurds.
Iran is a fucking white country (Persians are white genetically, and I'm talking about pure ethnic Persians, not turkicized mongrels, and yes, they do exist).
No clue why we should hate them, many of them are white, they hate the kikes, are traditional af, and could wipe Israel off the map.
>Hurr Durr you must support one or the other.
I hope they both turn eachother into radioactive dust. If I had to choose a side to win I would choose Iran since they post no threat to the US and aren't the ones who have subverted our politics, media and banking for the past 80 years.
They dont fund terror against us . They fight terror, the counter jewish and saudi influence they stand against kike banks i back them
Fuck off jew
it's true that they used to be white but look at pictures. there are not a lot of those white persians anymore.
They hate cristians. Christians are treated absolutely terrible in Iran. If you think Iran loves white people. Remember that the current Ayatollah of Iran was responsible for the negotiation of the American hostages in 1980s. He first let the black hostages free without getting anything for them in return. He also studied in the Soviet Union. So, he probably loves the Jewish bolsheviks.
Israel killed us sailors never forget uss liberty
removing a CIA puppet?
>The current Iranian government literally hates the Western world,
Wow really? You think after being anally fucked by Israel and its vassal states for 50 years they'd be more gracious, huh? Really makes me think
This was so evident.