East Asians have a higher IQ than whites
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I get all tingly when I see an Asian thread
And Jews have a higher IQ than Asians
Bow to your Khazar overlords
Correct, only a hypocrite would deny this (often using the same arguments blacks use to explain away the white-black gap).
On a more important note, isn't it weird that South Korea is "no fun allowed" levels of conservative when it comes to their sexual mores yet K-pop stars effectively perform borderline striptease routines on stage?
That thot is not smarter than me.
Why exactly should I trust statistics collected and processed by literal whos?
Am I supposed to just blindly believe in whatever numbers some jews throw in the internet?
Fuck off Subhuman.
I'm pretty sure she's smart enough to explain to you how averages work.
Yeah. In fact, why believe any scientific publication that disagrees with you? I mean, it's not like these publications are constantly being peer reviewed or anything!
South Korea is great, but it's retard level compared to Japanese culture/way of life/freedom etc. Don't be fooled by k-pop memes into learning the language and moving there..
This left my disappointed ...
we know.
most of us are literally larping as supremacists because its funny watching the world shit its pants over muh KKK
>jews have higher iq
You know this is a fucking jidf meme right?
Jews don't score higher on IQ tests at all.
t. Mahmoud
God I love her
>no ass
white men are inferior
when this pseudoscience meme will end?
>Blacks have lower IQ than whites, tons of studies have proved that!
>B-b-but Jews cheated on those studies, they don't count!
Where did this poor girls ass go?
My grandfather saw this photo and he is the hospital now.
They have a higher intellectual capacity than whites, but whites are more creative and intelligent. The things we've accomplished speak for themselves
>the kike gets upset now that he's been found out
Oh boy!
Jews don't score higher on IQ tests Chaim. Get mad you hook nosed little wimp. :)
>gal gadot is all he's got
I have much more. And I'm not the one getting upset here
They also think like insects, hense why South Korea produces the worlds best Starcraft players: they are autistic AF
Who is she!! for science of course...
>um, user, my eyes are up there
>The things we've accomplished
Who is we? What are the accomplishments? They are usually highly specific to just a few people and completely reliant on environment.
>this passes for attractive in Israel
You people are disgusting. Literally worse than poos.
>Oooeeew I'm naught getting maaaad goyim! Yuuu oare!
Alright Ishmael. Alright now. Cool your jets little wimpy wimp. :)
Be quiet Paki.
>asian fetishizing bong
fucking LOL, one of many reasons your country is going to the pits
I'd just like to see some evidence that the IQ tests on Ashkenazi Jews are flawed in some way. Let me know when you're done having your tantrum
Yet lower curiosity
Don't lock your joints. Keep the weight on the muscles. Fucking Philistines.
get that buckytooth kike out of here, we're discussing women, not subhuman apes.
please gas all these fucking baseball cap wearing dumb ass chink girls
they're everywhere in montreal all looking 100% the exact same. fucking stupid culture can't wait to gas the japs
can't wait for the day of the crank when we pry open their fuckin eyes
Only according to faked tests in china, the rest is on par considering the non white youth in white countries.
I'm Korean you street shitter!
>Nuuooo goyim my lawering talmud skillschmickma tells me that I don't have to proouuuve anything. Jews always win xD
Why are you getting mad little wimpy wimp? :)
Why are you posting these fucking hideous jew cunts like they're somehow attractive?
Are you upset you're pathetic as a race? Low IQ. Bad liars. Ugly disgusting women?
Come on wimpy wimp. Open up. Let me know. :)
None of that dancing is attractive in any way.
>Higher IQ
How do you figure?
Chinks cheat on those tests as well. Gooks are just plastic chinks so I'm sure they do also.
Yes, and?
(((1 post by this ID)))
The door's that way, jew. go text your fellow bergsteins and greenfinkles you absolute rabbinic degenerate
I can guarantee you that one does not
here's what i don't understand about jews. when whites are gone, what's going to prevent chinks and muslims from genociding you?
So you don't have evidence? That's all I'm asking for
Go back to your gookhole and stop trying to brainwash young whites here with your racemixer webms. You're just as jewish as the kike you're whining at
whites ARE the masterrace
japs are working themselves to death and suiciding themselves like retards, not breeding like retards. same with koreans, weak individuality unable to do anything logical but go with the flow of the mass (which resulted in succes in the past without individual achievement)
africans are niggers and are incapable of doing antyhing
pajeets are degenerated aryans that have come to shitting everywhere
whites are powerful geniuses with great compasion and feeling for justice targeted for destruction exactly for the reasons they are great.
Higher average IQ. Thinner bell curve. Less idiots, but less geniuses, and geniuses make civilization. They also lack much of our innovation and creativity. Also, they're small, weak, and don't have our beauty. Black hair black eyes? Again? Oh boy.
And you know what? Even if none of that was the case? I was born white. I'm on the side of myself, my family, and my race.
They are alien to us. I'm happy for us to live separately. But they have no business in our white countries, just as we have none in theirs.
>Yeah. In fact, why believe any scientific publication that disagrees with you? I mean, it's not like these publications are constantly being peer reviewed or anything!
Yeah because the label "scientific publication" (according to who? where are the proofs of the independent and proper research? who collected and processed the information and how should I know if they didn't manipulate the results?) is enough for brainlets to believe in whatever it says.
Non-black women ought to be banned from doing black women's dancing. It's uncivilized and makes them look masculine and gross.
I w-was not starring at your feet. I swear!
who the fuck laughs like that?
>Only according to faked tests in china
Explain why Asians-Americans still outperform European-Americans, who in turn outperform African-Americans. Or why the average IQ of China is comparable to those of less corrupt Asian countries like Japan, Taiwan and South Korea?
>racemixing webms
You dumb white faggot. You think you have a chance with any of these girls? They are only interested in effeminate korean men to settle down with.
Oh fuck I didn't expect to laugh this much! The funny thing is you think you have a chance!
Your autism is showing
My homey took this chicks virginity...she was a drama nerd but kinda cute. It’s so lame that all these soyboys worship her just because she is famous...better looking broads on every street corner...in LA at least.
> 404 ass not found
Oh you walking stereotype.
Was that really so hard?
wrong, they are interested in money
Do you still support Asians after seing this?
>the jew gets even madder
>as the wimp fumes inside, his passive aggressiveness comes to the fore
You really are a wimp aren't you? I was just fucking with you Chaim but holy shit you're actually getting mad right? :)
Why are you so upset that you jews are in the bargain basements of IQ's along with the slavs?
Why does that upset you little wimp?
Unironically this.
LA is where it's at for the babes, never run out of supply that's for sure. Once I'm done vacationing in this shithole place of a country I'll be back home in Noho ready to get to the stomping grounds
>Do you still support Asians after seing this?
why would people stop after this?
Of course not.
Ashkenazi jews make up >40% of the top 1% of the wealthy in america.
Money = education = leisure time = reading time = exposure to higher logic and training = tutors = familiarization with standardized tests = high IQs
Those with more money are those with higher IQ
I score high on IQ tests relative to my cousins because my parents taught me mathematics at a young age and instilled a studious behavior and appreciation for knowledge. The east asians are strict parents that force their children to do rote learning over long hours and repetitive practice. Similar principle. More socialization and resources = higher IQ
How they got those resources in the first place is the cause for their being universally despised - and in my opinion it was not because of a particularly higher intelligence quotient - though obviously the race rivals the anglo saxons historically as the best or one of them - it was because of an immoral approach to business and relations with others
I think she's practicing her singing you autismo. I know its hard with you people and facial expressions but jesus fucking christ get a damn clue.
>random claims are proofs now
Wow incredible.
>those legs
Statistics show whites have higher IQ than blacks
> haha nig nogs are stupid LMAO!
Same statistics show asians have higher IQ
> well, you see IQ tests aren't a great measure of intelligence
> asians lack creativity
Compensating much huh? Everything becomes "broken" once it stops serving your own agenda.
The only thing that annoys me is that nobody can actually refute the claims of high Ashkenazi IQ. I'd actually like to have a discussion, it's sad that the quality has fallen so low here that I can't get a simple explanation
The difference between Koreans and Japanese is huge, Koreans are so westernized
>and in my opinion it was not because of a particularly higher intelligence quotient
No opinion about it. Christcucks handed the banking system over to Jews in the middle ages because of muh usury laws. Turns out a few centuries of monopoly on money changing has long-lasting effects.
>bunch of videos
>several books
>fucking youtube vids with a quick search
>all on how ashkenazi's cheated the fucking IQ and SAT tests and have been riding on those figures for 30 years where as newer IQ samplings put them at slav tier
Poor little wimp. Poor wimpywimpywimpwimp. :)
So mad. So wimpy. :)
Do you hate being a jew?
You should.
sauce and vid on new IQ statistics?
Surely, they way smarter than us,
or just conditioned to do great on tests
We have this thread every day.
Jews are white though.
God damn SK really is worst korea
So many sources and you can't point me in the direction of one that you trust and you know to be true?
No they aren't
>You dumb white faggot. You think you have a chance with any of these girls? They are only interested in effeminate korean men to settle down with.
>Oh fuck I didn't expect to laugh this much! The funny thing is you think you have a chance!
They'd rather date foreign men (americans because they are the closest ones and fucked both Japan and SKorea into submission) and jump on a dick in night clubs every time instead of wasting their time on local native beta orbiters.
Of course plastic sluts would aim on getting as much profit as possible which means sucking their producer's dick 24/7 and anyone with enough money to make their life better but when it comes to normal men they'd never prefer their own gooks over foreigners like americans.
Not like anyone would like to date those plastic hookers anyway if you know how actually they look without a ton of makeup and plastic surgeries. While Asians can only dream of looking somewhat Western and reshape themselves with surgeries and makeup, real Western girls can be just naturally beautiful without doing anything and that's far from being rare.
So do they test the ones in East Asia or just the ones that were smart enough to immigrate to a First World country?
>jews are white though
It's not even obscure information you fucking wimp. Stop being a fucking pathetic jew wimp like you have done your entire life you fucking wimpy wimp fuck! :)
I wonder ((who)) edited this wiki to add a not country to the list on wiki
Yes they are. Deny it all you want, though.
We should follow the example of the smarter humans and stop flooding our countries with stupid niggers and sand people.
east asians also test very selectively
ignoring all their hillbillies
>And Jews have a higher IQ than Asians
why is Israel a shithole?
I don't even care about this shitty bait thread, I just want to thank you for posting the hottest woman/Jewess there is.
I wonder what China's real IQ average is.
we have every thread every day
Jewish iq is a meme. Notice that all of these iq studies differentiate between east Asians and southeast Asians, as well as Ashkenazi and other jews, yet all gentile whites are lumped together - Irish with English, northern Italian with southern, and all of the rest.
The fact remains that 90%+ of all STEM related endeavors are the product of gentile European ingenuity. Word games and aggregation are all you filthy rats excel at.