The Jewnited States of Niggerica
How do we solve the Amerimutt problem?
The Jewnited States of Niggerica
How do we solve the Amerimutt problem?
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Vote republican.
Stop voting Democrat
Bring back the lost art of burning witches and communists alive
>Jewnited States of Niggerica
thanks, I'll be using this for now on.
I take credit for its invention.
- Sp*ft
Anybody got the screencap of the US govt financing pro-immigration "education programs" for children and journalists in eastern europe?
The is the black pill that Sup Forums will never ever admit.
until the republicans keep electing jewlovers like Trump, it's hopeless, jews will continue to do whatever they want to America
you did not coin jewnited states. all you did was promote a variant.
t. Amerimutt
we're barely above water; my advice is just be patient if you want to see this ship sink.
If you approach to try and do something and speed it up it may pull you down with it.
Just stay away and wait.
Remember when Churchill sold the empire for a new navy and supplies when Hitler was kicking your ass?
The United States is THE Hyperpower. The most powerful and influential nation in the history of the planet. You will continue sucking our dicks until the unfortunate day comes where America falls. That will be a dark day in the history of the world.
Don't forget to swallow, faggot
fuck off mutt.
The Mutt is desperately trying to spread his 56% face to the rest of the world.
If he is not stopped, we will all share a most dire fate.
We must band together and repel the Mutt.
Keep crying little bitch. Next time Germany almost takes over your joke of a cucktry you'll crawl to us in tatters like you have for the last 100 years. How do those boots taste?
spasterisk or spazterisk both sound like shit names.
>be europoor "master race"
>get BTFO by patriotic American soldiers of mixed background
how can eurocucks compete?
Band together and sell your empire to the United States for a few boats. LMAO
Gene editing
>amerimutt pretending he has any say in the political decisions his kike overlords make.
>THE Hyperpower
Then why is it I cross into a third world country whenever I head into your shithole of a country? Granted we have our fair share of problems, but nothing compared to the shithole that is the U.S of A.
Don't worry dad, we still got your back, you pretentious snaggletoothed fucks.
these things wouldn’t be why in anything bu appearance idiot
>Eurocuck thinks his opinion has any credence to anyone, anywhere, for any reason
third world people with super riches just next to them
the fun part is that they both drink diet coke and go to mc donalds
Die you crooked toothed loser. Thread reported.
>Americans having anyone's backs.
Oh hi, Burger King !
That will never happen. We are Amerimutt. We say this to all nations and races of the world: You will be assimilated. Your culture, technology, and traditions are now ours. Resistance is futile.
Sounds like you just came up with the recipe for freedom, friend!
>Why does my anecdotal evidence mean anything?
Pro tip: it doesn't. Just cause you decided to talk shit doesn't change the fact we have the largest economy and military in the history of civilization no one gives a fuck about what some Queerbecois thinks
A fucking leaf.
You literally flushed your world power down the drain because the Germans and the French decided to have a rematch of 1870.
>tfw our trans army of color will march through the streets of europe again.
>Caused every war on this planet
>Steal from other countries
>Police state
>Home of feminism, SJW's and faggotry
>Is responsible for the invasion of europe with shitskins
>Literally the jewish motherbase
The whole world would be a better place without the amerifats.
Bretty gud bretty gud.
>Here's this one time America did something wrong
>America did not save the UKs ass in the largest global conflicts in history
What a genius
> jews will continue to do whatever they want to America
When you are going through a phase.
>I take credit for its invention.
no. i will take credit for its invention
t. america
>Caused every war on this planet
>Steal from other countries
>Police state
>Home of cultural Marxism
>Literally Jewish mother base (Martin shulz/EU)
Yep, perfectly apt description of Germany you got there pal. Lmao
You flushed multiple European empires down the drain in your search for world hegemony. You doomed millions of whites.
America has never saved anyone's ass. Look up your own fucking history you room temperature mongoloid. Everything ever done by the USA has been in its own interests.
>The United kingdom (churchill) did not give up it's empire in a lobby with Roosevelt to save Britain's ass in world war 2
Literal retard. You are objectively false.
You just described Britain
Why are Americans constantly trying to turn Europe and the world into the 30-52% face? Every NGO funds migrants, every American foreign policy in Europe and all American interests are to create multiracial market 'democracies'. That is all they've done in Europe for the past 70 years, promote multiculturalism, markets, consumerism, and 'democracy'.
Let me enlighten you.
This video is from 1943. Listen to the narrator. There was no great, secret conspiracy. Everything was done in the open. They were going to smash the Old World and supplant it with a unipolar world order with America as the master and everyone its slaves. This is what Americans dreamed, and planned and made happen.
Of course, Americans didn’t expect to be supplanted by Jews and other subhuman minorities, but ultimately they didn’t care because Americans believe anyone can be an American so it’s meaningless who comprises America as long as America swallows up the whole world
America was very eager to destabilise and bomb North African and ME countries and then shill for the refugees and economic migrants they themselves had created.
America and it’s people deserve nothing but contempt, and don’t let them off the hook by saying they good bois who dindu nuffin. They knowingly and willingly set up the world to be destroyed on the altar of progressive ideologies and persist to this day in sacrificing everything in the name of universal liberalism. Read Heidegger, read Evola, and you will understand.
America. It is the enemy of all that is European and Natural.
tl:dr: Americans betrayed everyone and didn't care if they destroyed themselves in the process.
If you know how to fix it, tell us.
>How do we solve the Amerimutt problem?
Fight and beat us. Go ahead, try and invade us you Redcoat wanker.
Why does Britain write TL;DR autistic shitposts in an attempt to hurt complete anonymous strangers feelings in a superior country?
Success breeds jealousy
All the other countries bitch about america because they are jealous and simply do not matter. They are totally irrelevant.
What the fuck is the Suez Canal Crisis then? read a book you nigger then come back to me :)
>He wouldn't have won the revolutionary war without massive french assistance.
>He later betrayed the French too.
Too stupid to read.
>Go ahead, try and invade us
your populations is already up to 44% taken
many of your cities are mostly non white and already taken
nothing but hope it implodes on itself and balkanizes into globally irrelevant states
those jew loving burger eating abominations will never turn on their masters
hes' right you know Europe falls out of relevancy on the world stage with each passing day
>No ur dumb
Actually, we WILL be a serious problem in 100 years when spics are 60%+ of the population and they've implemented socialism. Imagine a marxist beaner POTUS and CIA... we may well be the one to start nuclear holocaust.
The French literally didn't do dick except give us a nice statue. That's cool and all but we humiliated the Brits on our own.
Who wants to live in the city anyway? Rural and suburban living is far superior
Le butthurt amerifat with his reddit mays mays pic
>How do we solve the Amerimutt problem?
civil war
>gets btfo in ww1 and ww2
>blames america for all it's problems
Don't worry Eurobros, the US is already done for. It's just a matter of time now. Give it 20-50 years and this country will be Brazil. It will cease relevance within the century.
>entire thread consists of jews posing as shitposters so the topic is not even talked about
Good job, Sup Forums. You took the bait.
Day of the DNA test, balkanise, and repatriate all non-whites in our new region.
It's time to come home, white man.
>the US has greater GDP but ours is spread more evenly
how does that affect it's position on the wold stage?
you're calling me ignorant but it didn't even seem to read your own article
>France had been secretly aiding the American Colonies since 1776, because France was angry at Britain over the loss of Colonial territory in the French and Indian War. In 1776, the Continental Congress sent diplomat Benjamin Franklin, along with Silas Deane and Arthur Lee, to France to secure a formal alliance. When Franklin came to the signing ceremony, he wore, as a symbol, the same brown velvet suit he had worn when he appeared before Britain's Privy Council in 1774.
>France aided the colonists by providing military armaments and loans. France's support deepened after the Americans beat the British in the October 1777 Battle of Saratoga, proving themselves committed to independence and worthy of a formal alliance. King Louis XVI approved financial assistance to the American colonists only four days after Franklin and his comrades requested it.
During the Revolution, France sent an estimated 12,000 soldiers and 32,000 sailors to the American war effort, the most famous of whom was the Marquis of Lafayette. He became a good friend (ami) with American commander in chief George Washington in the process.
Wrong again. Without the Frogs you'd still be firmly under our boot.
How are we falling out of relevancy if the EU has a greater GDP than you overall and its funding is integral to NATO?
muh amerimutt
This one?
America is the country which feigns friendship with all, only to turn around and stab them in the back. It is modern USSR.
Implying the jewish owned media would give any candidate that doesn't suck jewish **** exposure.
Hopefully at some point, when whites will be a minority, they will either balkanize because civil war or became 3rd world more than they already are
In both scenarios their military won't be anymore capable of being world police, so the jews will have to search for another dog will protect them from muslims
China? Russia? EU? who knows
bump for truth
It won't. There is no political solution. No amount of hardwork or money or voting can fix the US now. Only war can set things straight.
Most everyone I know is in agreement that the US is head towards a very big one soon, within the next 20-50 years.
>funding is integral to NATO
(pic related)
>How are we falling out of relevancy
Russia and china are continuing to gain power wile Europe almost seems to be backsliding
>America was very eager to destabilise and bomb North African and ME countries and then shill for the refugees and economic migrants they themselves had created
Uh, that was France and you faggots.
And Muslims