Read it and weep
Read it and weep
Good thing my film is coming out this year
The real concern here is that your computer might be about to shit on you if that's how it compresses its images.
I dont care what BTFO awards are just came here to call OP a faggot.
How does a BAFTA award measure up to a Grammy?
people who care about film awards should be killed
this is not an ironic position
whats a bafta and why would anyone care? movies supposed to be art anyways and artists shouldnt care about awards when creating
this is true
most people don't even give a fuck about it anyway, with one exception, ,,this movie won an oscar, maybe i should watch it sometime"
This has been the case for years. They're just formalising it at this point.
Do these people really think that actual "alt-right" artists (like MDE) care about the approval of people like BAFTA or the Academy?
If you hate (((diversity))), you probably don't really care about watching Harvey Kikestein pleasure Meryl Streep's anus with an Oscar for 2 hours. You don't want to be part of that gay little club in the first place.
What if the movie has a ton of different races but no black people? Is that not diverse?
This is why I stick to anime and video games
who gives a shit about awards since only opinion matters are those of viewers who actually pay to go watch the fucking movie at the theater! Lately I found that every movie that's rated shit on "popular" critic sites are actually the movies I enjoy the most and shit they claim to be "SENSATIONAL" is unwatchable garbage!
>be one of the most beloved book series with a massive fanbase, reliable box office draw McConaughey and a dearth of summer blockbusters
"Hey let's cast a nigger as the protagonists, people definitely think niggers are cool"
and nothing of importance was lost.
When was the last time the British made any form of entertainments that was interesting enough for me to care that they are forcing diversity into it?
who the fuck cares about A-List movies?
I'd rather watch The Room instead of Star Wars 12, the prequel-sequel 2.
What if you had a 100% white cast, but every actor is from a different country. Brits, Americans, Russians, French, etc. All with different cultures, languages, phenotypes, etc.
How about if you had a 100% black cast, all from the same miserable African deathpit, all sharing the same culture, language, and phenotype.
We both know which movie would be attacked, which director would be blacklisted, and which actors would never work again.
Okay, fuck bafta then. It isn't basedon the merit of the film but rather the race of the actors. Why should such an award be taken seriously?
we need a movement against movies like BARBER SHOP where it's full of racist niggers and not a single white person as main or supporting actor
>implying film awards matter
I could literally buy a website now, set up an "academy" or "institute" or whatever, legally register it, create an award or series of awards, and then put out an annual list giving said award(s) to any movies I want for any reason and eventually some jackasses in the B-movie world/press would start treating it like it was real. How do you think the Razzies or vidya awards became a thing?
Who gives a fuck about (((Hollywood))). I stopped watching movies and TV shows long ago. Fucking degenerate.
Governments give tax cuts to movies to have blacks and Muslims etc in them. It's propaganda.
Who the hell would pay for propaganda? If they wanna release it for free is consider watching it.
Yeah, it's time to demand shoehorned white "diversity" in every single piece of black culture until they cry uncle. I can't wait to see Matt Damon play MLK in the Spike Lee biopic. Or force Jay Z to include a country song about 9/11 on his next album. See how they like it.
Diversity just means formerly white
This is an outright attack on us
aka only women and niggers
So why not disregard thst and just make your own award show?
>be me
>writes comedy movie script about some jew in nazi germany
>will cover up Sup Forums jokes with anti-nazi jokes so (((they))) think I am one of 'em
did I outjewed the jew?
>Weep for hollywood
>basically weeping for rapist paedos that cant even iron out a good original plot between a whole bunch of over paid money obsessed degenerates
Truly pathetic
Supporting big budget drivvle in any regard is childishly lame
>muh white everything
Its all trash, white black mixed who gives a fuck
Films are abstraction and thus degenerative
Care about the reality you have an effect on instead of wasting energy on shit you cant faintly influence