What the hell happened to Canada?

What the hell happened to Canada?
>go to local city mall
>only white skinned guy among hundreds of niggers/shitskins/muslims/pakis/chinks
>almost every female has a burka and every employee is a female wearing one
>played a game of "find white people" for fun
>only found 2 maybe 3 out of 100+ (only 1 had blue eyes)
>not even searching for pure whites with blue eyes/blonde hair, just white or fair skinned people
>still same results
>have to resort to going to Loblaws/Maxi to somewhat find a reasonable 20-30% of whites minimum

I am now a minority in my own city. What have you done to me Sup Forums? I don't remember Canada being this non-white 5-10 years ago. And I know about that le 56% meme. I envy you Americans. Anyone complaining about this should feel lucky if you live in a place where you can at least find fair or white skinned people not counting eye/hair color.

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We are supposed to just shut up and let our country be given away to foreigners. Diversity id our strength goy!


Those don’t exist in Quebec torocuck.

White people are boring and bland. You should be happy that so many vibrant cultures are here now.

They used to, shut up fag.

>sea of shit and brown/black

How you can let that reptile sleaze Trudeau live is a riddle to me.

I hear you OP. I was in the Superstore in Regina yesterday picking up some groceries and there are packs of early to mid 20s shitskins hanging out in there. If makes my wife so uncomfortable that we have to drive down the street to Saveon foods where it is too expensive for them to hangout. I guess thats the new cost of doing business in Canada though.

Le anglo terribly btfo with his shitty larp once again
Fkin anglo kikes I swear

Blainville is an off-island suburb of Montreal, in southwestern Quebec
Why do you even put a flag of Quebec if you're in fucking montreal I don't even speak to my cousins who live in montreal because they're so broken. I look at their parents with contempt for raising my cousins in such a fucked up environment.
In the head of a lot of Quebeckers Montreal is just a shit stain on the ass.

This. Only fragile, insecure whites have a problem with diversity. Canada is a cultural mosaic.

Montreal....south west quebec.
Shit do we even consider these people part of Quebec^
Gatineau tant qua y etre.
Des spot anglo plus finir... "pk on est si cocu" :(
Pass ca toujours ete dmm ben ken

Why does Regina have muds? Christ almighty

when skin color is an issue in your country

you dont have that many issues in your country

Which city are you from?
What district?

That sound so retarded and historically inaccurate though..

Malls are now hives of third worlders
It's not really that Canada is now mongrelized (although your faggot PM is pushing it there), it's that white people don't hang out at malls and niggers do. Same thing here in America

>people/entire cultures is nothing more than a skin colour

Cultural differences are kinda blurred after a few generations in certain locations. Sorry for the shitty wording, english isn't my first langauge. A paki/indian/whatever born in canada and raised in canada oughta be more "canadian" than their parents, and so on.


In Quebec i'm ok with 15% ratio of shitskins, as long as they speak french ffs.

Franco shitskin > white anglo

Maybe you should go back to where you came from cumskin.

TFW permits would be my guess. Hopefully they all head for Ontario when they get their permanent residency.

I live in a city that is fifteen percent black, but the local mall is 90% black during the week after Christmas. When the "teens" are out of school, white folks avoid the mall like the plague.

Do you even know the difference between canadian multiculturalism and communalism^

Canadian multiculturalism always implied the anglo on their side the french on their side and the natives on their side.
What we have now is not "Canadian multiculturalism".

Also. What is a canadian then^
A quebecker in my book is a french speaking person with a particular accent and who passes as white.
Now if you relativize what a quebecker is. What the am I^
Who are you to tell me I am nothing and don't you understand the implications of this you retarded pleb^
It's more complicated than what you get.

Montrealer here.

Nothing. We were always a multicultural country.

Effing anglos I swear

Where in Québec do you live?


you must all be poor

I can spend the whole day walking in my neighborhood filled with happy white families and their dogs and beautiful daughters, healthy sons

shitskins only own the depanneurs, even then they're pretty smart asians. u pob live in cote-des-neiges

The future, as the past, is rich vs poor. not black vs white. Join us and convert to judaism

>implying always mean 60 years ago
you really want those RWDS

I never specified they'd be your definition of Canadian. Hence, the quotes. Being a Canadian culturally isn't the same as being Canadian by the definition you propose.

Vibrant lmao fuck off

lol kys you meme

Montrealer here, wanna meet so I can kick the shit out of you? I've been fantasizing about beating a lefty for years now.

I hate the two equally, I remember kicking the ass of an anglo from Newfoundland with a sand kike. Fun night.
Fuck off sand nigger
I see you weak fags shaking in the cold all the time and I think to myself. What would do these weak natures do without a nanny state providing them everything^
My ancestors came here with nothing. They were the first to settle in america and furthermore in one of the coldest region on the continent.
You're not my equal you fancy kebab how dare you to tell me to go back lol
Follow me on a -50 night we'll let nature decide who has to go back.

The synagoge of satan is going to get exposed to the normies and you can't do anythings about it. Fuck off to reddit.


Lol this is how unoriginal and unimaginative the shitskin is... it will literally take a white insult and try to modify it to fit to whites. Not clever enough to come up with their own. I hate you people so much.

i thought outside of montreal quebec was only whites and wagonburners

Uch. Here in godly New Brunswick I see 20:1 whites to vermin at the grocery store and am still appalled

You in Saint-Laurent or something? Place Vertu, Marche Central and Norgate around the metro are more or less 40%-50% white I'd say.

Vancouver barely has any muzzies

Damn I'd so happily exchange citizenships with you cause if your concern are niggers or burkas (out of muslim regions and Moscow and few other areas that's not a thing actually).

Why? Bro, I live in CDN. We are entirely multicultural yet have very little crime. You have to prove immigrants are causing problems.

Montreal and everything to the west of montreal needs to get nuked.
Anglos, jews, shitskins, they're all there.

Montrealer here. Try living in any part of the city less than 40% white and you'll be converted. I had to go to school with hoards of shit skins because ass hole fuck heads like you are okay with them being imported in droves. Nobody at my school identified as Canadian, none. Almost all were at least second gen, I went to an anglo school.


Very few natives in Quebec actually but yea Quebec is 87% white as a whole.

Quebecker from the capital here.
I also want to kick your ass.
You fucking fag.

Bring back the gulags for montreal fags

Fucking anglos, they ruin everything. Someone needs to do something about the english cucks.


Capped your post because it's so accurate. Montreal is obviously the worst part of Quebec but it's also in my opinion the worst place in Canada.

Funny enough I've met way more prouds french canadians from Gatineau than from Montreal

I live in CDN. I'm one of the only white people in my building (unless you count ultra-orthodox Jews from eastern Europe as "white").

The only respectable french canadians are from the west.

And I've met more proud french canadians from the north coast than Gatineau.
What's your point^
I grew up in an isolated area next to an anglo city and at least once per month you get french people and english people fighting each others at the end of the bars.
I remember my friend punched a teeth out of a squareface once. The guy fell like a potato bag

White people created the safest and best culture in the world you fucking piece of shit. You're literally ok with some of the most dangerous and destructive cultures to flood into the best one. Fuck. You. Canadian and Quebecois culture are beautiful and worth preserving.


lol, did you go to scarborough town centre? I play find the white game all too often. it's the most (((diverse))) of the main malls in the GTA

guys calm down. he lives in montreal so he's probably not even white.

New brunswick is still very white, and since we're poor as shit the government doesn't funnel any refugees in this direction. Feels pretty good man.

Jews aren't white so no. I live in Saint-Laurent

>Saint-Laurent is one of Quebec's (and Canada's) most ethnically mixed areas, with some 166 ethnicities reported to live there in relative harmony.[8]

>Mother tongue figures from the 2011 census of Canada are: French (29.7 per cent), English (15.6 per cent), non-official languages (54.7 per cent; largest linguistic groups are Arabic, Chinese, Greek and Spanish)[9]

>In 2011 the immigrant population was 45.4 percent, according to the National Household Survey by Statistics Canada.[9] It is one of the boroughs of Montreal with the highest concentration of Arab Canadians.


It's a horrible cess pool of the shittiest races, cultures and people from all over globe. They are dangerous, mean, and worst of all very un-Canadian/Quebecois. I've traveled this country from coast to coast and I've never been a more horrible place than this city, especially in the (((multi cultural))) spots. The only way you can live in this mess and not be ok with it is to be completely oblivious to what Quebec and Canada actually is and unfortunately that is far too common in this city. Black people shouldn't even exist in Canada it makes no sense that there are any here besides Africville in NS.

be ok with it*

according to the last census 95.7% European-Canadian.
only0.6% nigs.

Truly the last Bastion of Whiteness in Canada.

All the maritime provinces are. Even Halifax is very white.

>I am now a minority in my own city.
That's your problem. Move to the glorious white countryside and let the shitskins starve/freeze when shit hits the fan.
Also, this. Malls are nog magnets and don't paint a very accurate demographic picture.

*Tosses match in thread

hope it stays that way. being that small and tight is dangerous to the zog. they'll try to brown and fuck you when they get the chance. be alert.

Maritime master race. Halifax is sadly trying to turn itself into Toronto 2.0. Having so many universities makes it a leftist hotspot. We need another Halifax explosion.

Looking at the numbers of religions though the only significant changes from the year 2001 to 2011 was the doubling of Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Protestants(other category)
so who knows what the fuck it is now. The census hasn't been done for sometime.

What town bud

I just heard about someone in my extended family who met a girl from the US. She wants to move up here. Despite the fact that she has a job in an industry where there are shortages, she doesn't have enough points to be considered worthy of immigrating. To have any chance, she'll have to shell out 3-5k for an immigration lawyer to work on her case. Meanwhile, a jobless, illiterate refugee with no skills has more points than her and will be allowed into Canada. This country is fucked.

kek is right, leave the city and your troubles disappear. Go more north, where the winters are longer, and the gibs are less. where there is no public transportation, and every man is worth his salt.

left Toronto last year and never looked back.

non white cultures are the most boring retard. fuck off back to r/asianmasculinity chang

Oh I should add, not only these refugees will be allowed in, but many are fast tracked for citizenship, and can get it within 6 months. We literally have six months to figure out if these fucks could possibly make good citizens before being stuck with them FOREVER.


I was in Halifax in the summer of 2016 and it was incredibly white

Quebec is the only place in Canada with a hint of nationalism left, and they're a bunch of frog fags so good luck Canada.

Halifax is really attractive to immigrants. Beautiful and prosperous coastal city. Probably the most prosperous in the east.

Halifax has enough to make the nogs impudent though, hence it is by far the most crime-ridden city east of Montreal

I dont mind people of any colour, I just hate the french.

>when you can't tell what is satire or genuine leftist cuck mentality

was in old quebec city last year. They really know how to preserve and be PROUD of their colonial history. made me sad to think how far-gone ontario is.

Quebec has Quebec nationalism, not a whole lot of love for the rest of Canada. Most of the provinces are like this save Ontario perhaps. The Maritimes have East Coast pride. We pretty much band together. I bet the artic has some sort of North of 60 pride.


Go fuck yourself you self hating cuck. I have to live in that shitty fucking province.

You make an effort to speak French and all they do is act all snobbish around you and mutter "maudit anglais" whenever your back is turned. Fuck em all to hell.

Nogs were surprisingly Canadian when I was there. I know North Preston is a shit hole and it's full of crime but the good nogs were actually behaving the way any old Canadian would and I would guess it's because NS is the only place in Canada with a historical population of them.

I say it time and time again the only way the individual identities of Canada are going to survive the meddling of destructive zog powers of the future is to Balkanize.

Hey another user from Regina cool. I thought I was the only one hahaha

Learn French and support Qebec.

Vancouver? Toronto?

>Canada is a cultural mosaic.
Only since the 70's when Trudeau took office you fucking goof

Look at the flag OP posted retard he's obviously talking about the shittiest city in Canada aka Montreal. The most black AND muslim major city in the country.

from what I know about nog history in Nova Scotia, wasn't it during the American Revolution when the british promised the blacks freedom if they would be loyalists. Then after the war set up spots for the blacks to live free.

you got ethnically replaced, and it's only the beginning

long term the Canadian elites seem hell bent on swelling the population to over 100 million, by then whatever white people remain will all be geriatrics and Canada will become a Pakistan/China of the North

"le maudit anlgais" fucking destroyed it's own culture and tried to destroy French identity, see we don't cuck our culture out. Why don't you try to wake up your people if you want some respect in the first place.

Probably around the same time all of the states is The New Mexican Republic of America

Trideau supports facist regime in Ukraine. This demonstrates everything about his views and principles.