

Good graphic, I really do think people here underestimate themselves. Some of us actually have military training.

I'm neither of those.

wtf, I thought we were supposed to be all pillow fuckers
did I buy an AR-15 for nothing?

melon pan is bredy funny for a disgusting unironic + ironic weeb



>Some of us actually have military training.
spördö spurdo heil pottunaama we gönna seiv western sibiliseissön tkse pstu prkl höhöö :DDD :DDDDD

reddit tier shitpost

Reported the FBI, thanks.

This is true desu

FBI doesn't have jurisdiction in Portugal you bootlicking faggot.

God I fucking hate normies

the alt right doesnt exist

>the FBI only investigates areas where it has jurisdiction.

Haha, hahahaha, ahahahah.

posting in leaf dispora thread

What a faggot you are. Are you going to report me to Rupaul?

Legitimate FBI agent here.

Can confirm; currently over in jolly old mutt-free England. It's swell.


What happened to him

That was mean senpai baka desu.


Seems legit


Indeed, whoever has a waifu is a cuck. Because they share the same waifu as many other people.

The funny part is thinking you can insult someone on Sup Forums using "alt-right" and "loves mango".

Do you really think we're not 100x worse than this? You can't fucking shame us. Cmon. We invent insults more effective than anything /leftypol/ could come up with for each other.

Like this one.

at least give us credit for not seeing ourselves as soldiers for Israel