Why is obesity an epidemic in America, but among most other first world nations it's a non-issue?

Why is obesity an epidemic in America, but among most other first world nations it's a non-issue?

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because america is so fucking awesome even the poorest of citizens can afford food

Stop picking on boogie you faggot leaf. He's a good guy.

Because we’re a successful and wealthy country that has easy access to food. Even our poorest people have cheap and easy access to food

Americans can afford large portion sizes since they aren't being taxed at 98% rates to pay for commie programs.

>get off your ass
>says the morbidly obese cuckold faggot

It's an issue in Great Britain and Germany as well. And the spread of "body positivism" will make it even more of an issue.

nah he's a douche

It is an issue in Europe.
We are not yet at burger levels but europoors are getting fatter by the year and it's terrible.
I really hate fat people. They make my job more stressful than it needs to be

Fast food is way cheaper than food from the store and they also cook it for you

>europoors are getting fatter by the year
speak for yourself fat kraut

It's an issue, but we have nowhere near the sheer quantity of huge fat fucks. Once someone starts to become a fatty in that country, the portion sizes take them over the edge.

Boogie is a fucking loser. Can't organically lose weight. Also keeps getting cucked.

Single-payer healthcare was a mistake


The rest of the world isnt addicted to ((((this)))) yet.

Fatties are usually overall a smaller burden on the healthcare system. Instead of living to 90 and needing regular medical care, they die in their 50s from a nice cheap heart attack.

dno bout that desu he seems pretty manipulative

Because we have a bunch of fat people living off public programs and "body positivity" instead of shaming them into conforming to a healthy standard for society. But welcome to America, you are free to be a giant fat ass.

this is simply false, fatties dont just get a heart attack and thats it. they have the same fucking treatment for hips etc. just 20 years earlier.

if you finde a source that says fatties are a smaller burdon than normal people please share, i just dont see it.

My guess it's a lower-class thing which is very large in the US. Is there data on the obesity rate among the middle class and upper class in the US?

Mexican immigration

Because almost everyone can afford a car. Euros walk everywhere.

Not true.
Obesity is a huge cost factor. Before you die from a heart attack you are mostly on antihypertensive medication, most fatties require some kind of knee or hip surgery, diabeetus is expensive as hell to treat and nowadays most people dont die from heart attacks right away but make it to the hospital where they get expensive as shit treatments like coronary angiography with stent implants or bypasses. Not even talking about anaesthesia complications. And dont get me started on sleep apnoea
I see the effects of being a fatso everyday. It's the main reason why i hate fat acceptance so god damn much.

>they have the same fucking treatment for hips etc. just 20 years earlier

But it's usually not for another 30 years after they retire, nor is it coupled with the other health costs of old age.

mexicans are even fatter than americans
gotta get that fried mayo

Just ring up the NHS, i'm sure they have data on this.
Obesity is a net loss for healthcare systems

Oy vey. It's a Gingerbread Holocaust

One word: serving.
In every civilized country the manufacturers are required to put nutrition data per 100 grams of their product on the packaging, which gives away the food's caloric density at a glance.
Americans use this bullshit arbitrary unit called "serving" which doesn't have a single constant between foods, not weight, not volume, not calories. Which leads to ridiculous loopholes like companies being able to legally label pure fats as "fat-free" because after picking a sufficiently small serving and rounding down it does indeed contain 0 grams of fat. Doesn't matter that the serving itself is 500 mg.

> This dumb fuck sincerely believes the fuckups in Europe can't afford as much sugar and fat as American NEETS and poorfags

because america is an economic testing and battleground for multinationals that influence and use the population as cattle /thread

think a bit fellow leaf

To be fair in the EU you have both. You need the 100g thing but most, especially the unhealthy stuff has also made up portions. I bought some bags of chips for NYE and the 200g bag had a serving size of 30g. It's to fool people. Most normies think serving means the whole bag, check the calorie count of the 30g serving not realising it's an amount that noone limits himself to and they eat the whole bag wondering why they get fatter and fatter

>Less carbs
>Smaller portions
>Less processed food


>Less carbs

Yes that is one of the reasons. You idiots are replacing foods that are 4 calories per gram with ones that are 9 and infinitely easier to store.
Atkins should be exhumed and posthumously lynched for the damage he's done to the public nutritional awareness.

High fructose corn syrup is the answer, everyone other first world nation uses cane sugar for the most part. They've known about the metabolic differences forever.

Most Anons don't seem to understand that mass third world immigration is the cause of literally every American stereotype directed at whites.

And it wasn't even our fault. Ted Kennedy slipped the 1965 immigration bill by lying to the American people that it wouldn't change the ethnic composition of the county.

And now we're racist for noticing he lied.

The difference from table sugar is minimal. The problem is they put it in fucking everything.
>HFCS in bread

Several factors. Amongst them:

1. The American food industry uses more cheap, low quality, and unhealthy ingredients, such as:
- high fructose sugars
- processed vegetable oils high in polyunsaturated fats
- dwarf wheat

2. there is a fast food "culture" with an emphasis on easily palatable, high caloric, processed foods

3. Low-IQ segments of the population are specially prone to fall victim to this kind of combination of open market and lack of cultural pressures to eat healthy.

4. The American population is milked for everything dollar the market can get, including over-prescription of pharmaceuticals and lack of well-intentioned, interventionist health care that might, for example, lead to corrections in individual diets and nutritional guide lines.

US Tax payers are actually subsidizing the corn industry billions a year for that cheap HFCS to stuff into the shit you eat as cheaply as possible. It's a pretty commie-like program actually, welfare for the rich is cool but.

>Get off your ass and just do it!
>Says the guy who's been promising to lose weight for a decade

Yeah I meant to also add that subsidizing and making it cheap as possible also permits its overuse.

Doesn't a pizza cost like 25€ there? I know chicken and steak are expensive as fuck. Meanwhile for $25 in the US you can buy enough chicken with sides and a drink to feed a family of 4 from KFC.

That's our issue, cheap delicious food that makes you fat because no one knows how to control theirs portions or exercise effectively because we've also eliminated PE classes in schools.

Food in germonistan is way cheaper than in the US. At least that's the impression i got from my 9 visits to burgerland.
But you replied to a mountain jew. They are so filthy rich, the cost of living there are humungus

A normal, decent pizza from a restaurant is more like 9€. Though pizza isn't healthy in any case.

The US has a higher disposable income than most of the rest of the world, and as a result uses a smaller fraction of the household income for food.

>Food in germonistan is way cheaper than in the US. At least that's the impression i got from my 9 visits to burgerland.
I spent a few weeks in Germany in 2009. I remember spending a lot on food but can't remember exactly prices. Then again I was playing tourist.
>But you replied to a mountain jew. They are so filthy rich, the cost of living there are humungus
That's fair.
>A normal, decent pizza from a restaurant is more like 9€. Though pizza isn't healthy in any case.
Neither is fried chicken but it's what the kinds of people with weight problems like to eat. My point was that it would be harder for a poor euro to eat fattening foods than a poor mutt.

Damn now I want KFC.

>other first world nations
>first world


>My point was that it would be harder for a poor euro to eat fattening foods than a poor mutt.
Do you burgers really think of us as that backwards? (((They))) push the same disgusting shit than they do west of the atlantic. We have every kind of snack/candy/processed shit/soda that you have. Sure maybe different brands and all but a fatso burger can lead the same disgusting us lifestyle in europe without changing eating habbits too much
And for traditional foods, try staying thin on a schnitzel and bratwurst only diet.
I think what makes the difference between yuropoor and burgerland is indeed the serving size and the cultural acceptance of processed foods

Not exactly it just needs some tweaking. If someone who's obese wants tax payed healthcare then they should have to agree to a lifestyle investigation. If they're living in a way that show's they're not seriously trying to lose weight then they have to pay out of pocket

Blacks and Hispanics have substantially higher obesity rates than whites. When in doubt, the answer is usually niggers and spics.

Our economy is based on consumption and that includes the food industry. Every single holiday is a "food" holiday. People just eat too much. And people eat too much bad food.

Americans are hedonistic subhumans with no control over their base instinct. Like a dumb cow, they have zero control over instinctive urges and so mindlessly shove cheap hormone infected jew burgers and sugary corn syrups down their fat gullets while praising their jewish overlords

>If someone who's obese wants tax payed healthcare then they should have to agree to a lifestyle investigation
Basically i agree but i'd have to make a slippery slope argument here. As much as i agree in the case of fatsoes this may lead to downhill mountainbiking being a reason for exclusion. You dont need to speed down a hill on a bike to stay fit. You can stay fit by riding the hometrainer at your gym... And so on. The danget is especially given in state controled healthcare systems because we all know that governments like to overreach their powers.
Fat acceptance should be illegal. And fat shaming should be encouraged. I dont think you can legislate a healthier way of life but you sure can shun people not complying and bully them i to a healthier lifestyle

fuck that fat fuck
hope he dies

>Do you burgers really think of us as that backwards?
Not at all.
(((They))) push the same disgusting shit than they do west of the atlantic. We have every kind of snack/candy/processed shit/soda that you have. Sure maybe different brands and all but a fatso burger can lead the same disgusting us lifestyle in europe without changing eating habbits too much
I'm aware, but like you said the serving sizes are much smaller and it's not culturally acceptable to eat it regularly. I remember I could get a small fry, 6pc nugget, and drink for the same price as a 10pc meal at McDonald's when I was in Germany.
>And for traditional foods, try staying thin on a schnitzel and bratwurst only diet.
With regular physical exertion it's definitely possible. It's the same way with traditional American meals of bacon, eggs, steak, potatoes etc. When these became traditional foods one would need 4,000+ calories in a day.

Part of it is that for decades, the government has subsidized the least healthy foods.

>With regular physical exertion it's definitely possible
Jepp. And here lies the solution to it all.
Exercise more. We have really gotten lazy af
>. I remember I could get a small fry, 6pc nugget, and drink for the same price as a 10pc meal at McDonald's when I was in Germany.
Dude, you should avoid fastfood joints like the devil avoids holy water.

Crashing your mountain bike is accidental, not chronic and won't happen often enough to waste tax payer money. Being fat is a constant health issue (not a risk but an actual issue) that people choose to continue suffering from

Without a doubt. Spics are heinously overweight. It's part of their culture to clear your plate.

>t. used to date thicc hispanic qt and saw this behavior every dinner with her family



>Crashing your mountain bike is accidental, not chronic and won't happen often enough to waste tax payer money.
I agree but riding the hometrainer at the gym is far safer than mtb'ing. "So goy, you dont need to be downhilling. We will only cover gym related injuries." i know it sounds far fetched but i am completely sure that our eurodictatorial gubernments would go there. Ourbsocialized healtjcare costs billioms and there is immense pressure to save money

The gluttony is spreading to other nations. :)

Lets not forget that most americans don't give a flying fuck about serving size or even are literate enough to read and comprehend the basic "warning labels" that keep our lives in order.

Lets not forget about Sugar....why is sugar not listed on the label....Oh thats right because there is a HUGE lobby effort to keep people from knowing the truth about EXCESS sugars...

the hell are you talking about? it's becoming a world-wide issue.

Safer doesn't mean anything because once they start that slippery slope there's no way to stop it until they reach the point where only people who eat a healthy diet and rarely step outside are covered. It would be ridiculous to apply a rule designed to stop people who are intentionally making themselves unhealthy to exploit tax dollars to people who happened to get hurt while doing something healthy

that cornsugarstuff they recently allowed in the EU as well makes fat, but don't worry burgers, because of capitalism, we will soon join you

Yes yes but you are reasonable...
You are nothing like a european government official. I totally believe they will go there. Especially if asshats here keep voting green.

Because, as a US citizen, it is the biggest country profiting off of fast food I'm pretty sure. The advertisements, and in general how some people are just too lazy to make food.