Talcum X thinks this thing is white! Someone should introduce him to a white person

Talcum X thinks this thing is white! Someone should introduce him to a white person.


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Coming from a white guy that thinks he's black

he's as white as shaun is black.

There is no one more qualified to tell us about who is and isn't white

Why do you post this guy's shit or look at his twitter? Ignore him. Don't give him clicks. Don't give him attention.

Has there been any black pipo who have called him out on that?

Talcum is 2 or 3 levels above you guys in general shitposting skills. It would take a fairly sophisticated recursive algorithm to untangle all the levels of recursion going on. Its honestly a testament to the white race.


Holy fuck. That comment section is horrendous. These people are fucking insane and would legitimately kill all white people given the chance. They fucking hate white people. You can't read those comments and tell me that these people don't hate white people with a passion.

> he's white


>he's white

>this is considered white in America

he's blacker than shaun

>even if your dad is white, you're not accepted as white.
must suck being part whitey

>If he was something other than white his race would have been headlined or even mentioned in all the many news articles.

what mainstream media outlet actually does this? is stormfront or breitbart or ramzpaul now msm?

These people think that white men who do bad things are never in the news. They are in fucking la la land.

that guy is mongolian

The only guy Sup Forums universally agree is "white"

Christ the Amerimutt memes are real, that guy looks just like it.

Pure as driven snow this one

AKA: dare I say it Californian


The overwhelming majority of people killed by police are also white.

Seems fair to me. After all, whites still make up the majority of the population.

Holy shit those comments
>he's black!
>no he's white!
>fuck black people!
>no fuck white people!
The need for amerifats to classify every single shooter based on their skin tone without actually knowing his race is fucking hilarious, each side is so desperate to turn every psycho into a martyr for the opposing race to push their own racist agendas; black or white you're all fucked and I can't wait to watch the race war from down here and just laugh at the absolute state of america

This post


>an actual fucking mutt

These are the creatures we have to deal with in our country

>Someone should introduce him to a white person.

What's his address so I can send him a mirror?

This stop being baited by the white nigger

Is '56% Amerimutt' the meme of 2017?


>Somehow though, the heat in America is on everybody but them.

And the overwhelming majority of people who shoot at cops are black, they just have piss poor aim.

he is dumbass

>40% of cop killers are black, according to FBI statistics
>OVERWHELMING majority of cop killers are white



I swear to God this wigger loves to fuck with statistics.

>You are blocked from following @ShaunKing and viewing @ShaunKing's Tweets.

lmfao what a faggot

Forgot pic, btw.

Proportionally, blacks shoot three times more cops than their population, and whites shoot less than one time their population.

Lol in the comment section someone cited coulters law but said the longer ID takes the more white the shooter is. Bullshit. When the shooters white his face and name are all over tv in seconds. WHen its a muslim we need to hide his identity to protect innocent muslims goy.

He did the same thing to me too after I sent him the story of a two-year old boy in Chicago who was shot and killed, and his killer hasn't been found yet. Within a few seconds, he blocked me.

Shaun is such a baby he can't handle the truth.

This, are they retarded? If the culprit doesn't even look vaguely white enough to be labeled as ''''''white'''''' the media won't even mention race for as long as they can possibly hold off on doing so.

""""black"""" activist


>Matthew Riehl

He was not white, he was a Jew

>The Riehl family comes from Germany and is of Jewish origin. The meaning of Riehl is "gifted one".

he also had the typical nasally Jew voice and weird overly loquacious Jewish mannerisms


100% Jew

The killer looks Asian or Mexican/Latino, goes to show you that the only way for white males to get brownie points and maybe getting that puss, is to go to the white guilt and act like a beta male and twisting ANYTHING bad happening is ALWAYS the "white man's fault" ....

Jews can be white. Jewish isn't a race


>the heat in America is on everyone but them
So when talc leaves work shit gets all black mirror style on him and it’s suddenly 1954?

>they really believe this

it's like they're on another planet


Low tier bait, shekelburg.

They have Coulter's law backwards.


Someone should tell him he's being Anti-Semitic.