How do you explain Jews being more intelligent and better educated than whites on average yet not being the master race?
How do you explain Jews being more intelligent and better educated than whites on average yet not being the master race?
Their souls are rotten.
There are more white geniuses than Jewish geniuses anyway, just due to population size.
Master race is a stupid term.
Superiority stems from more than intelligence alone ("muh dick", I know). Jews may produce a lot of thinkers and inventors, but they suck at nationbuilding, since they're parasitic by nature.
Other than that most jews are physically weak and unathletic.
Jews are the master race. Many Sup Forumstards are in denial.
>but they suck at nationbuilding
>most jews are physically weak and unathletic
Israel is one of the most succesful countries in the world with one of the world's best militaries despite containing only 8 million people.
gee, I wonder why
There are more whites with an IQ of 130+ than there are Ashkenazim on the PLANET. Their overrepresentation in positions of power and influence are due strictly to a tribal preference that they have tried to subdue out of whites -- they call it 'racism' to love your own people.
I saw a study that said that Jews were overrepresented at Harvard Law by a factor of 24 times. Guess what, the Dean is a fish-mouthed, hook-nosed kike.
Many among them act towards every non jew as if no morals exist.
You can get ahead if you are willing to enter scummy industries.
I've seen a lot and I'm still surprised regularly about how much vicious hatred jews have toward us.
>Jews were overrepresented at Harvard Law by a factor of 24 times
So what, who wants to be a lawyer? The Kikes can keep that "profession".
because anglo americans are trash.
Mediterranean folk of any kind are the superior western leaders.
>Israel is one of the most succesful countries in the world with one of the world's best militaries
They are mostly uggos. Master race has to be predominantly attractive.
>How do you explain Jews being more intelligent and better educated than whites on average
Are you including Israel in that average or artificially constraining the pool of Jewry to a cherry-picked standard of Hollywood executives, music moguls, pornographers, and lawyers?
Law does not have to be a dishonorable profession. Think of the founding fathers, who had nothing but disdain for the Jewish oligarchs. Or those Judges and prosecutors that actually bring *justice* to those unruly negroids who rape and murder our people.
Because Jews corrupted White culture.
Cut dicks. Less time spent on sex more on nepotism.
only people interested in the law making process should want to be a lawyer
>fuxk joos!111
>doesnt care about bias in law propogated by a supposedly malicious group intent on destroying the way of life you sit around and yell about
>More Intelligent
Show proof.
>More educated
Amazing what you can do with rampant nepotism through academia, and never knowing what work is. Asians wipe their ass with the tribe in every category, White's have the creativity ambition and ingenuity that compliments a world with Asian participation.
Hows it feel to know you're entire tribe is as useful as Africans
They're smart, but ugly and physically weak.
>has highest rate of nepotism among professions.
>jews 24X representation
>best militaries
Best at fighting Arabian hill-tribes.
Nice thumbnail faggot
If jews are so intelligent, why is the average IQ in Israel so much lower than the average IQ of USA? Really makes you think ...
According to Sup Forums everything ever made is controlled by the Jews. Media, Entertainment, Sports, Countries, Militaries, Governments, Companies, Organizations, Even the most powerful country on the planet is supposedly controlled by (((them))). Yet the same fat fuck hicks on the internet that never finished a book in their lives and work at some dead end job (for the jews) think they are still superior.
There are no jewish engineers. Jews are good at math, finance, they are good orators , but they invented a shit.
White men, on the other hand, created material world.
See heavy prevalence of genetic disease in jewish populations
Specifically selective inbreeding