How do we fix western women?

How do we fix western women?
There are scores of over weight under sexed women who in any other situation would be reproducing but have been convinced not to



Here you go faggot, now how do we fix this
Solid chuckle


I've gotten women like that to send me pics. Then I deleted them in disgust.


I'd tap dat

Just remembered the 14 words and maybe put a bag over her head

It's like an inverse TARDIS. Bigger on the outside.

idk but most american women are grossly overweight


go back to whence thou came

Bbwgw on Reddit
I'm not saying they are easily trolled but if you tell a woman he's not the best most beautiful girl ever you will get a lot of hate from the girl and from like 100 bugmen

How can a woman be so absurdly stupid as to be a fatty?

I don't get it.

Women receive absolute shitloads of free social status simply by being moderately attractive, which most women can achieve by simply not being a hamplanet.

A girl growing up in a first world country who plays her cards right and simply watches her weight can easily get away with not having to do a single day of hard labor in her entire life. Especially wily women will never have to do any work period.

It's a free ride for life. Literally fucking free. And yet ladies still eat themselves into hambeast status and then complain about the patriarchy when no man is willing to take care of them.





What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with this country

you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.

But then you can get that same attention and be fat so why not right?

fucking disgusting. I am glad I have hot slav women around me.

Yeah, after you fapped

Literally my life story.

meanwhile in mother russia

These women are the byproduct of the "thicc" meme being pushed to normalize obesity. If these women were shamed for their disgusting bodies instead if celebrated for their "curves" this problem would be much smaller.

Same but also

Nice cross

What’s that supposed to mean?

The weirdos that fetishize these morbidly obese monstrosities are more sickening than the fatties themselves.

And that's really saying something.

>my tardis
>it's bigger on the inside

..and that's supposed to be attractive? You're not only fat but your vag is cavernous?

It means she's a fucking whore.

Funny because it's true.

Not even. I enjoy the hunt far more than the actual quarry. Getting the picture is far more pleasurable than having it.

L a r d i s

1 of 2

2 of 2

at least a hot 10/10 whore, faggot

Yup. Behind every one of these lards there's men supporting them. That's the real problem with this.

This. Same goes for so many things.

Them niggas ban fast. You won't even get to feel the heat from the bee hive.

>the absolute state of American women

You have to be really subtle but I've been doing it for weeks now especially when you get one sending you dm's after you build her up a little

>i luv those thighs¨
Jesus christ how can anyone look at that and get turned on. it's like the neck of a turkey

>Implying the problem is only with the female gender
Most of our country is disgustingly fat. Won't be long before majority are literally obese. ~30% now with majority overweight

Honestly, if the choice was between a fatty and a smoker I'd choose the fatty every time.



Someone of your intelligence should not be considering breeding.

Sorry, bud.

It's also bigger on the inside.

Short for cross dresser. A fucking trap.jpg

Men aren't worshiped for being fat though. This isn't just an american thing anymore. The "thicc" thing is everywhere now. Women letting themselves go like crazy.

It's such a problem that there's even fat models now

Xenoestrogens in our food and water
Feminsim and cultural marxism in our educational systems
Jews in politics, finance amd the media

>being this fucking mad of other countries having hot women
sorry you have all the fatties

they're not
but the libtard thinks no one else other than them can save the world
and so they'll lie, thinking they're making her a favor, when they're actually encouraging her early death

I'm down with the Jews being the problem but do we have a smoking gun for pinning this on them?

i mean encouraging an early death for these landwhales might not be that bad.

fat acceptance movements

Fatties with vaginas. Eh, beggers can't be choosers. You might like playing with your Ferrari gear shifter, but I prefer my utility van.

Are those even real outside of niches within niches?

desu some of the landwhales I met were one of the most fun, likeable, down-to-earth girls I've ever met. But I just couldn't imagine dating one.

What I don't get is how you can be fat and still have zero tits

You can attribute the encouragement of most problems to many oligarchs from silicon valley, PACs and donors, etc. which in turn are often run by jews

Looks like female amazing atheist

>being this mad there are hot woman outside of USA


Keep sucking that tobacco dick, Achmed


the absolute state of USA

I wouldn't even know how to have a conversation with a fucking moron like her.

Get out and talk to women. They wouldn't be horny fatties if you lazy bastards would actually date and marry chicks. Where do you think the expression "he made me an honest woman" comes from? Women were designed to have families, you have only yourselves to blame if you are not marrying and fucking women into the wives they are meant to be.

Just go along with her bullshit and poke a hole in the condom

If you are Chad enough and just ignore the retard shit it's like talking to anyone else

Very well said. Every woman can be broken.

Now that's an ass

Why is Reddit like this

>2 back to back 'ur mad' posts
>over gold digging fake eastern European semen depositories
Dude, we get it. you have a prostitute fetish. how much is a half and half where youre from?

There's more fat women than fat men, BMI stats are being fudged by not adjusting for men's thicker bones, greater muscle density+mass, and ability to build mass with less effort.

Ahh so it's men's fault that women are fat... I see... I see

What really kills me is that if I message women like this on online dating sites they all think they are too good for me.

>Now that's an ass
That can't fit in a chair

>implying you wouldn't suckle those degenerate udders

If you are going to be fat at least have the decency to have tits
I'm not sucking your sideways tits (yes they can be that bad)

Nigga you can't fix that shit it would be easier to rebuild a city after it got nuked.


>"he made me an honest woman"
What does that mean? That woman is fulfilled (="made honest") by marrying and having children?

Nah. Women are taught that they are blameless in general. "Nobody ever taught me proper food portioning" is usually the excuse I hear from them.

Yeah nobody ever taught me either but thank God for the information age.

So glad I chose not to have sex in this modern day

Women with relatively high levels of body fat have always been attractive. Skinny women have only been attractive for a small period in history (the 1970s and 1980s). Paintings and sculptures going back to Ancient Greece prove this.

The common argument from pro-anorexics, which is what I assume you are, is that these were all depictions of noble women who were predisposed to becoming fat anyway. This is absolutely false on two counts: one, these were not noble women but models who represented the feminine ideal, and two, peasants could become quite fat in medieval and renaissance Europe. This conception of peasants as starving slaves is false.

Obesity is another matter entirely. But men have not been brainwashed to like thiccness from a meme, it's part of our nature. If you can't get a thicc girlfriend because you don't lift and you're a sticc, it's time to hit the gym, bro! Don't take your anger out on healthy women and men just following their instincts to mate with fertile partners.


No man actually likes landwhales. Everything about them is revolting.
Men go for them due to low self confidence.
They pretend they prefer it to save face.

Pic unrelated

A plump woman in the middle ages meant she could breed lots of kids and also plow the field, win-win.

No, what's worse is being that fat and having no ass.

Replace women with fat black/spic tranny's, and that's the story of my life on Grindr.

Amen leaf. Manwhores are worse than sluts

Wtf is a tardis

jesus christ when does a body decide it's okay too have skin that actually folds when you're standing upright, also someone took this pic.

Take their rights away. This isn't rocket science you spergs.

You ban internet porn and websites like Reddit where thirsty nerds shower 4/10 women with attention and money if they show off their bodies. These women see they can get money and e-fame with absolutely no effort, they don't even have to look good, they just need to take nude pics and put them online and bugmen give them money. Why reproduce or get married when you can do that?

Imagine every time you jerked off you could go online and record yourself doing it and some techbro numale bugman gives you $100 every stroke. That's what it's like being a woman online.

The Holy Roman Empire wasn't really holy, Roman, or an empire. You are an idiot!

Women plowing the field is more of a renaissance thing. Medieval women were more confined to the general area around the house (i.e. chicken coop, home garden etc).