What your thoughts on Sweden Sup Forums?
What your thoughts on Sweden Sup Forums?
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How is this even a Question? We all know it's a shithole polluted by Muslims.
Paradise on Earth
Smaller towns are not too bad.
I like that they have open-list proportional representation. Sabaton is good too.
They are all cucks
they have a general election this September
Dey're bretty nice guys :DDDD
Seems like it used to be a nice place.
Fuck off with the same lame treads day in and day out for months now...
>be me
>be Swedish
>used to be nice place
>step outside
>immediately raped and then beheaded
It's death throws are quite fun to watch before it is reborn as New Somalia
You have no idea how beautiful it is outside
till you realise that everyone around you is somalian and live with welfare.
Post pictures. I bet the northern Europe wilderness is comfy.
Shit you can't talk about in Sweden: Refugees
ebin homo-erik gay benis x---DDDDDDDDDDDDDD homo svensson :D:D
Cuddling young criminals in Sweden
Not that bad most of the time. But in general Americans are friendlier. Most Swedish people are stuck up cunts, and most immigrants are aggressive low IQ fuck-ups.
pic related taken this summer.
finnish people sound like retards. like look autistic too
Sweden Forced to Raise Retirement Age to Pay for Refugees
Sweden said it would raise the earliest retirement age from 61 to 64 in order to secure future pensions.
seems comfy as fuck, i wish they'd stop letting muslims ruin it
this is the shit i mean, look how nice that is
And bear in mind that this was taken at 02:30 am
Swed -istan, not Sweden anymore, its pronounced Swedistan.
beautiful people, indo-european/hunter rape babies, most swedes are 1/16 Slavo-Finnic.
I liked Beowulf, nice read.
it gets dark here at 5:30 and doesnt light up until 7:30
>Typical Swedish household
We truly live in the future our forefathers fought and died for
you are a fish person. not a human. finns are finn people, truly
On the contrary, this is during the winter at 3pm
cant wait for all of the swedish women to make babies with muslim men
Quite nice
Sluta fjäska nu
That's in Germany
Pic related is in Sweden
So gorgeous.
Thank you for sharing
I cant decide if I should visit Europe after it's infestation is removed, or now before the nogs destroy it.
you don't have school uniforms homo-erik :D
Atheist shit-hole
>if you don't understand every obscure climate known to man then you are dumb
pure autism
We do on some schools
This is an accurate representation of Sweden 18 years ago
Biggest metropolitan cities are now overrun by immigrants. Immigrants are the successful people, and if you want to succeed in Sweden, you better not be a racist
The rest of the country follows the urban cities's suit.
>girl in the middle is ethnic swede
retarded people
Sweden sucks giant elephant balls in hell.
Just that you know.
Well, that depends on where you want to go. The smaller towns and the countryside in Sweden are as it always been for the most part. If you go to any of the bigger cities in Sweden you'll probably see a lot of Hazaras and other bearded children running around
quiet you beasts
Been to Stockholm a bunch of times due to work. Last time I went I didn't bring enough clothes a coworker offered to take me to a place called the Kista Galleria. I asked if there was anything in Bromma or Solna where I can buy some cheap stuff, he said not really. Went to KG and all I could think about was that it looked like a Arab shopping mall with Scandinavian influence. But I'm in Sweden of course. Saw a shit ton of hot Arab girls. Co-worker said they were speaking Farsi. A crap ton of Young adults and older men were around too. Only real swedes I saw were the ones working. The whole time we were there, he was telling me how Sweden is becoming an extension of the middle East and that their for and culture is getting better because of it. He was Pakistani if it makes a difference. Funny thing is that he said we should leave before it got too dark because the area becomes really unsafe. My point is, that Sweden should really wake up and keep those people in check. Actually, kick them out back to their sand shit hole. Posting this on phone while shitting so sorry for mistakes.
>My point is, that Sweden should really wake up and keep those people in check. Actually, kick them out back to their sand shit hole
Easier said than done when 87% of the population are retarded shitheads who rather stick their heads in the sand than to take care of things.
Sweden's a hellhole. Period.
We should build a wall tbqhmf
ahhh ggggh I gotta poop real bad sorry cant think to BRB
I got raped last Thursday when I was there
Better than spain, many spaintards here think they are white when they are ignoring the 900 years of african dominion. Here in mexico we had no african dominion we had spanish dominion spanish, Spanish + native = Mestizo's. Still not white but if you do the research spainards have more nigger blood than mexicans
No you weren't, they target whites.
It is my homeland and that of my ancestors as far as recorded history goes. I used to love it. But for the last 25 years or so I’ve started to lose faith and it has gotten progressively worse - a steeper and steeper decline into a black hole.
Soon, we will pass the event horizon. The last Swede will bring the flag with him.
Tack, behövde ett gott skratt
Ignore those guys sweden is cool ;) i've been there before it was a snowy day and i was on a boat going through a river. It was a beautiful experience
I wish this was possible
A high quality people, a shame that they were corrupted by the Kikes.
Kom til Far Norgebro.
Silly Norab, oil is a finite source - you’ll run out soon and come crawling back for a Kalmar union!.. right..? Right!?!
You should build a wall around Oslo and nuke it Bjarne.
>you’ll run out soon and come crawling back for a Kalmar union!
you seem to have forgotten who ruled the Kalmar. You rebelled remember Sven? That is how your pathetic notion of a nation came about.
Cool story danskebror
If I wanted a union with a middle eastern country I'd choose Saudi-Arabia, not Sweden-Arabia. Do you even still have Volvo? Or are they sold to the chinese?
Dont worry you'll get your wall and mexico will pay for it ;)
Go choke on rod polse, Preben
Skane is a rightful Danish clay!
If only Denmark asks us for help, Polish Jomsvikings will help them in retaking it.
>What your thoughts on Sweden Sup Forums?
يجب أن نغزو بقية العالم
Nuke it into glass, pig fucking mahammed followers have destroyed it
still salty even after so many years. You rebellious scum are not better than the burger mutts. You destroyed the Kalmar union just because we committed light genocide on your nobles and taxed your population in excess. We needed that cash for stuff you whiny brats.
Don't worry it will happen soon enough
is it not true that the government flooded immigrants into small cities on purpose? i heard that dozens of small country towns were forced to take so many immigrants that they were completely destroyed
Whats that line again in your national anthem? Oh, That’s right:
>Po szwedzkim zaborze
Every high evolved people on middle-earth will eventually reach Cuckolden, the everlasting land and spiritual locus of the cucks.
European vs European
Can things get any better?
Here's a picture from my hometown as a token of our friendship, based mexicobro
Point out those places where they are from on a map. Southern west coast fags are more Norwegian than Northern Swedish people.
>muh European unity
fucking meme flags
Hopefully it burns like Cali did
>muh meme flags
>Only blonde hair and blue eyes can be NASOC!!
a bunch of faggots tbqh desu.
Meme flag posters are all leafs,poo in loos,swedecucks and off-duty explosives
good one Sven