1. The entire state will now ignore U.S. immigration law: Because it’s worked so well in San Francisco, California Democrats decided that the entire state should ignore federal immigration law. SB 54 forbids law enforcement officials from asking someone’s immigration or holding them for Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agents — unless they’ve been convicted of a crime. AB 291 prohibits landlords (you know, like, private citizens who own private property) from reporting renters who are in the U.S. illegally.

2. The DMV is raising vehicle registration fees: This is a minor blip in California’s war on cars, but it’s a frustrating one, because, really, this is the only thing that could make the DMV experience even worse. SB 1 increases vehicle registration fees between $25 and $175, depending on the vehicle’s value.

Other urls found in this thread:


>California won’t enforce the law
>Trump does nothing
>instead makes DACA permanent
4D chess

Go on

Feed my need for schadenfreude.
I'm ready for Cali to burn.

3. Employers can’t ask applicants about their salary history: Private employers — yes, private employers — can’t ask people who want money from them silly questions like how much money they’ve made in the past or are making at their current job. It will be interesting to see the inevitable unintended consequences of AB 168. It will be at least a little more difficult for a company to gauge what a reasonable offer looks like without knowing what an applicant is currently making or recently made. Sure, employers will ask questions like, “What would you like to make?” and smart applicants will clarify their expectations at some point in the interview process. But, really, it’s not the government’s business how an employer and an applicant work out any mutually beneficial agreement.

4. Low-skilled workers will have a harder time finding work: That’s just a fancy way of saying, “The minimum wage will increase from $10.50 an hour to $11 an hour.” Under SB 3, the minimum wage will increase each year until it hits $15 an hour in 2022. For people who already have jobs, this is no big deal. For people making below the minimum wage who keep their jobs and get a pay increase, it’s great. But for low-skilled workers who need a job, this is bad news. A company is not going to pay a 20-year-old $11 an hour if he’s only bringing $9 an hour worth of value to the company. It will either make do without that position, automate, or move to a state whose legislature has some grasp of basic economics. But, really, as with #3 above, it’s not the government’s business how an employer and employee work out a mutually beneficial wage. If an applicant wants to make $9 an hour, and an employer wants to pay $9 an hour, how is it not a bad thing for the government to say that’s illegal?

5. You can make up your gender on official state IDs: California will abolish its requirement that a person must undergo “clinically appropriate treatment for the purpose of gender transition” if they want to change the sex on their birth certificate, which means that men can say they’re women, and vice-versa, on state IDs like driver’s licenses. Beginning in 2019, driver’s licenses will have three options for sex: male, female, and nonbinary.

6. Schools will no longer be allowed to decide whether or not they’re “gun-free zones”: Because the legislature has decided for them. AB 424 says school administrators can no longer permit employees with concealed carry permits to conceal and carry firearms on campus. Which means the only people with guns on campus will be criminals and campus police, who more often than not can only respond to shootings, not prevent them.

Can Trump jail the entire Californian government

Why bother? Start shipping liberals back then glass the state.

You sound like a real ancap faggot for disagreeing with number 3

Isn't there some ammo ban going into effect as well?

The only good commie is a dead one. Sorry not sorry you Calicunts, that means you.

Maybe on the sanctuary stuff.

Yeah 3 is a good one, 5 is actually pretty fun, the rest are fucked

the government needs to stay out of people's business

what's wrong with 3? the employee will always be the weaker negotiation party.

Hey, you fucking idiot. You forgot about the only law that matters: WE HAVE LEGAL FUCKING WEED NOW.

I wonder how many people will list their sex differently in their ID just because they can?

As a teenager, I'd have told them to put me down as a woman just for kicks.
Maybe even at 21-23 just to take advantage of 'ladies nights' at bars/clubs.

So I could go to California on a tourist visa and just stay and live there permanently if I wanted?

Is there any state worse than California now? New York? Florida?

Goddamn I am so fucking happy to not live in that insane shit hole of a state. I am truly fucking blessed.

bread and circus

florida isnt bad just insane

cant wait for 5000 creepy dudes trying to watch a woman take a shit in the womens washroom to every 1 legitimate tranny just taking a piss sitting down because they decided to cater to 0.0000001 percent of the population.

7. A police officer cannot arrest or detain anyone under the age, or that appears to be under the age of 18, for solicitation of prostitution. This means that if you are looking to solicit a prostitute, just make sure she looks young. No victim, no crime.

New york is fucking expensive but man cali makes this shit state seem fucking sane sometimes

florida is one of the most free american states

NY is a runner up.

Ohio is second worst. They just made it illegal to abort down babies but it is perfectly fine to abort healthy ones.

What about people that are just trying to avoid getting picked up on warrants?
Have a warrant? Just change your sex on you id so if you do get pulled over, nobody will know.

How is #3 good in any way at all?

Just tell them how much you want. Stop being a beta.

Assuming you're actually British, doubtful. Too much white privilege. Find some way to be a victim, then maybe.

>Tfw I live in Commiefornia

I'm Mexican but I want out of this liberal HIV giving shithole. I will happily kill the enemies of the whites to accomplish this.

Florida only has like 4 liberal cities, its really nice.

so it's good because...?

I know a place you can go to....

can the federal government place economic sanction on the state of California?
that would be awesome if they could
die in a fire


Fuck off nigger you are not welcome here

florida is a lovely state

2nd Amendment here is awesome
no need for smog checks
no need for front plates
the conceal license and drivers license last like 6-10 years or some insane amount.
cops here are taken care off compared to california

You can no longer order ammunition online and have it delivered to you.

Nice. Hopefully they secede in 2018

Do you know how much california brings in terms of money?

Fuck that. Trump should order ICE to transport illegals to California. Just bankrupt California

Florida would be even better if it WEREN'T SO FUCKING HUMID IN THE SUMMER. Shit, even spring time its humid as fuck

3rd one makes sense, not sure why that isn't a thing nationwide

My car registration was $95 last year, fucking $134 now.

>This is a minor blip in California’s war on cars
There was a movie that came out back in the day, called The Last Chase, about banning vehicles for private use.

I remember seeing this movie in the 90s, rented it from BlockBuster (remember blockbuster lel). It's fucking creepy how this is all coming true in California.


california causes more damage than anything.
Their like fucking locausts the way they invade neighboring states and turn awesome towns into liberal shit holes, with horrible traffic with the most retarded and under-insured / uninsured and unlicensed drivers that this country has to offer.
the state is infested with liberal cancer and is nothing but a liability. Its barely enjoyable to visit there and you certainly dont go there for the people

3 makes sense. When do potential employees get to ask what the company paid their previous employees? They don't so neither should the company.

Look everyone we had a good run but it's now the time of the chink. Prehaps when conservatism is popular again we can return from the madness

califag here who has traveled extensively.
can confirm this is the worst shithole. only liberals and beaners like this place.

>AB 291 prohibits landlords (you know, like, private citizens who own private property) from reporting renters who are in the U.S. illegally.

Not enforcible. Free speech and all that.

The feds need to setup a reward for information leading to the deportation of illegals.

YOU have to look young. If the girl looks young then you're just adding stat rape to the solicitation charge.

Answer the question. I dont want to hear a non argument.

The point is employers want to know how much you made at your old job so they can lowball you as much as possible. They want to offer you as little as possible so they'll only go so far as to pay you enough more than before to convince you to leave.

Potential employers knowing how much you're payed now just gives them a negotiating tool to fuck you. Do you really think it's not bullshit for employers to require you to tell you this information about yourself then?

OP sounds like a real idealistic faggot acting as if the government is doing employers an injustice, but really, the law is only a good thing.

>h - hey guys, lets just lose the end-game
>after the half-life of the radioactive atmosphere and soil has been surpassed after the trannies decided to nuke the world after they decided that it was supposed to have been born a star, and not a planet, we can think about the rebirth of conservatism

they should be allowed to ask whatever they want. The person doesn't have to reply honestly, or at all.

Or, you know, just mandate id checking when hiring, and impose strict fines for not doing so.

how much money do they bring?
not nearly enough to cover for their eternal kikery and faggotry. Certainly not enough to justify the exorbitant amount of resources wasted to keep those brainwashed dirtbags breathing, not excluding the water that they steal from the Colorado River to survive

Killing yourself is a good first step Pablo

3 makes complete sense

What if i told you they still bring in surplus revenue to the country? Midwest states are literal welfare states that spend more than they make.

Hey fuck you, florida is fine

>government regulating speech makes someone ancap
Kill yourself shitskin
When should the government ever be allowed to say "you are not allowed to say this"
All this is going to do is force employers to low ball people right out of the gate. Real fucking simple.
>hurrduur i dunno what to hire this person at. I can no longer ask them what they made so i can no longer incentivise a switch to my employment. I guess Ill just offer as much as I can!
Said literally fucking no one ever.

No that's fucking stupid. Businesses shouldn't be allowed to do whatever they want, that's the point

Why not EO martial law for the state of California?

Sucks since a bulk of the states population lives in those cities or on the outskirts.

Not even trying to be unbiased OP. This thread is retarded.

Wall the shithole off, stop giving them water from other states, and since they love them so much, import every illegal spic in the USA into their liberal paradise.

Lol dude you think this is an infrignement of freedom of speech or something? I was wondering if somebody would say that. Ever heard of labor laws? This isn't about free speech, it's about worker's rights.

Also, what does calling me a shitskin do for your argument lmao?

Its mostly Mayor Cities in New York everything else is fine.

don't forget that California also passed universal healthcare, including for illegals, but Jerry Brown veto'd it at the last minute, stating that it was "impractical." As in, it would obliterate their economy.

They do you pathetic bugman

This thread is retarded
>states right! (but not if those states are liberal)

california hasn't done anything for the states i like except flood them with low wage, mexican workers who cause accidents all the time because they come from CA and think they're allowed to drive.
They also take over businesses in the towns they flee too, destroy any hopes of maintaining any reasonable amount of parking options.
I dont give a fuck if some revenue goes to a food stamp program for illegals because california jews made a business out of raping children and making them movie stars.
Colorado keeps California on life support, so even if they were contributing something to this country, it only granted permission to provide it.
oh and just killl yourself faggot, your state has created a cancer infested shithole out of something otherwise beautiful

You will still be arrested for getting a prostitute. Fuck, people are goddamn dumb.

>1. The entire state will now ignore U.S. immigration law

Don't listen to this bullshit. I lived in California for 27 years. Here's the truth.

The entire Californian economy is built on the backs of Hispanic slaves. And that's what these people are, SLAVES. They get paid shit and don't get any health care.

The Elite in California are terrified of losing their slaves. They're worried they won't have any Hispanic slaves to clean their toilets, pick their fruit and wipe the asses of their rotten, spoiled kids.

This is the real truth about so called "Sanctuary Cities" and it's fucking disgraceful.

Asking that falls well within freedom of speech. You can lie also. Maybe you are a retard nigger

Read a article today on muh legal weed in Cali. $15 a joint and $150 for an 1/8
Revenue won't be 1/8 what they're expecting...Stupid fucktards.

the absolute state of corporate cucks disagreeing with #3

Jesus Sup Forums

Califag here. I dont have any warrants but I see a lot of uses for this. For example, change your legal gender to female and then you can get hired for many more jobs because muh affirmative action.

3) What is the purpose of this question anyway? If you hire me to fix your motorcycle for $30/hr why doesn't it matter that I make $165/hr doing software development as my main job?

California and Arizona want some sort of pipeline to bring water from the great lakes to them fuck you niggas

Florida is a great state, but it's getting ruined by Northern transplants that are fucking up our culture and politics. Stay the fuck out you dirty snow bird boomers and kikes.

>CA enacts law requiring 72 hrs notice and a federal judge warrant to investigate immigration status / workers
>feds: lol knock knock

>$150 for an 1/8
WHAT THE FUCK 300% MARKUP over high quality street vendor......That is absurd. They will make nothing.

That’s 200% markup numbnuts

>floridaman meme

Fuck off, Florida is great

How isn't Cali a second-world country by now?

Just how bad is the wage suppression, and structural unemployment in the wake of all the immigration?

Yeah that's a good one there actually.

Yes they should have also passed a law making the state of California the only legal employer. After all business people are greedy capitalists. Read this also

Just tell me how much doing this work is worth to you and I'll call you back...maybe. You low-balling fucks are the worst.

Dear California,

I would be pretty interested in tolerating your horrible traffic because of the cool sights to visit and the laid back attitude. I would get a nice job in silicon valley making a tidy sum and be happy and successful there I think.

However, I have a lot of guns and ammo, and I hate your politics.

Your politics are sinking your state, like Sweden.

calm the fuck down
its because like 0.1% of the dispensaries are legally allowed to sell it right now. Its scarcity, until the summer time/next year, when the rest of the dispensaries are allowed to sell and grow crop.
same happened in CO and WA

It's the top feature story on Drudge right now check it out

You have to go back

I'm leaving ASAP. The few Republican holdout zones cannot fight off the encroaching horde of beaners unless the rest of you fuckers help us change the constitution to say that States cannot disobey federal immigration laws if they want to have open borders with the nation.

You forget "couching it all in holier-than-thou rhetoric about helping these poor, hard working people".

>3 makes sense
Kind of. But it's a good way to gauge their performance.
>Imagine an applicant works in a generally low paying feild, but makes $20 an hour.
It shows that they're a good employee that was worth a lot to the previous company. It can also be used to see if they're a shitty employee.
>imagine they've been at the same company for 7 years, but still make roughly starting wage.
It shows they don't take much initiative/go the extra mile/make themself a valuable employee.

I thought 6 was already a law.
As for 5, are you allowed to make up a gender and pronouns?

If I can legally force people to call me Il Duce or The Chief, with threat of fine or jail time for getting it wrong, I am totally taking it.

This so much. Although I think they have always been a problem, they are just more obnoxious than before. New York and New Jersey scum...