Only non white countries dont have univeral health care is this proof that the usa is not white
Only non white countries dont have univeral health care is this proof that the usa is not white
>Iraq and Afghanistan universal healhcare provided by United States
>United States no universal healthcare
Belarus is the whitest country on earth lol
But France,UK and Germany are non-white
Most of those blue countries don't have universal healthcare.
>implying ethnostates exist anymore
Ours is kinda shitty but yes it does exist.
Although you can just pay for health insurance here which is not even that expensive, I pay like 130 dollars give or take for it.
For small non serious stuff and if you live in a somewhat small city (which does have a public hospital) since some really small ones don't. You're kinda alright with public service.
For actual life threatening shit I wouldn't trust them unless they were the closest place I Could get and there wasn't any private hospital near.
Some sort, shit it's cool as fuck.
So, according to you :
>Belarus, Bulgaria, & Serbia aren't white
>Japan, Saudi Arabia, & Brazil are
Do you realize how retarded you are yet?
Belarus, Bulgaria, and Serbia aren't white regardless of what kind of healthcare system they have.
> Belarus
> No universal healthcare
We have a universal healthcare system, what kind of retard made that map?
>american reading comprehension
Ask me how I know you have low verbal IQ and probably bombed the english part of your SAT.
...said Germany, without the slightest hint of irony.
What the fuck? How's that working out? I think my friend from Belarus mentioned you have universal health care. It's like a standard in a post socialist countries and Belarus seems to still be in love with the old days.
old data, we have universal healthcare since 2012
hospitals will admit every patients but kick them out if they reach insurance cap and cannot pay the rest
North Korea clearly has one
This. One of the hospitals in my citi is called Hospital da Morte.
new zealand isnt a white country