How can Sup Forums even compete?
How can Sup Forums even compete?
Other urls found in this thread:
>helping niggers survive
Back to your shit hole
By poisoning the water
Reddit gives them water
Sup Forums will send lead at them
Right wing safety squads. And what is reddit doing giving these niggers hope?
Why are they wearing matching clothes?
>in 20 years they will worship their voodoo witch god REDDAT RATHEESUM
when it runs dry, im sure it'll make a nice bonfire for a night.
Im not a boomer so I don't care about what some shithole that loves killing white people and eating each other has need of
>helping niggers
>niggers too stupid to make rain harvesting tanks
Should have been thanks to r.coontown
With ebola.
No need. It'll become a tap dysentery dispenser on its own in time.
Him and his twin look like they're planning on murdering the cameraman
>helping Africans survive
>healthy Africans create more offspring because they're too stupid to not have kids
>African offspring starves because Africans can't plan ahead
>need more NGO gibs
thanks Reddit
those niggers look like zombies
Slide thread, saw this exact post yesterday
good night sides
Those are the same fucking kid! African cloning conspiracy!!
>be christian
>help people all your life
>be atheist
>help people once
>make a photo and share on social media
>"Yes, in fact I am an atheist and I help people. Hurray for atheism. It's atheism that makes you do charity. That's what atheism is all about."
and a save
Africans can't into barrels without Internet meme communities
>Christian charities alone give literally BILLIONS in financial aid to the world.
>But hey, atheists bought some kids a rain water bucket.
Really makes you think.
>god is not real and we're all stuck on this organic rock suffering for eternity
>so let's make a group of humans that suffer due to their own inability to survive, survive even longer and suffer more, while they continue to hold their savage religious views.
all this just to pretend they're better than everyone else because not every christian church ever has donated a plastic drum to Africa. Wow. How smug for something that probably didn't cost more than 150 bucks for all the work involved.
Look into the dead eyes on the two on the left, chilling
If I know my Africans, then the money donated to this rain water harvesting tank, is not used for this tank. Some African entrepreneur, have one of these tanks, then take donations money and write the name of the donor on the tank, take some pictures with his child squad in different outfits (black children look virtually identical), paint over the donor name and replace it with a new donor.
This is the most likely scenario, Reddit Atheist fell for the "Nigerian rain water harvesting tank scheme". Perhaps it doesn't matter, they donated the money, so they could get something in return (satisify some altruism desire they have, to increase their social status, or some weird argument that "atheist can do good too").
>Africans needed fedoras to show them how to fucking collect rain
The absolute state of Africa
those niggers don't even look remotely grateful
>wanting niggers to live
>wanting more niggers
More likely some fedora actually went to africa as a volunteer and bought this, however this will end up in some warlord's possession in a couple of weeks
>The faces of those two kids on the left
What could possibly be in that water?
The loss still hurts every time I read the name. Maybe I'm a giant faggot, but it does.
Coontown was taken before its time.
>Christians donate billions every year
>Never seek attention for it
>Atheism donates a plastic drum
>Look at how fucking amazing we are
hezbolla isnt bad, they often denounce terror attacks
but they fight israel so the media would call them terrorists
Do you think they'll cook him, or just eat him raw?
We called in a airstrike in Syria.
This, we are much better at helping the world
helping niggers thrive so they can explode in population like rats and flee to Europe....
I just read that it was resurrected as bixnood on April fools and tried going there, but this is what I got
Look at their eyes. There is absolutely nothing going on behind them, no curiosity, no intelligence and perhaps, no soul.
>Christians donate billions every year
And the rest of humanity will be forever gratefull to you for that. Now we can have even more niggers! Thanks to selfles sacrifice of countless christians we can enjoy benefits of Umbutu and his wife having ten nigglets.
Didn't /sg/ bomb the shit out of some dunecoons a little while back?
>In before it closes due to AIDS.
Pretty badass. Can we do something in our spirit of mind?
the average plebbit user then
>implying it won't get torn apart and sold for scrap long before then
Let's buy up a building for white south Africans who are homeless
Why the fuck do they look soulless?
They have no light to their eyes. Animals have more life to them.
Now they can have 10 more kids per family
didn't Identity Europa go around certain cities during the Christmas weekend and give out holiday cards with money in them to white
homeless people? I'd say that's better than giving a group of monkeys something as simple as what a fucking bucket could do to collect rain water, holy shit are they backwards retarded
Yeah, just remembered I have a screencap
>How can Sup Forums even compete?
by poisoning the tank
If i remember correctly some german grup was giving soup to homeless ethnic germans as well. Charity is always good optics.
I wish that Africa was given free abortions instead of this crap.
Fitlering rain water?
If it collects rain water then the whole village now has a malaria hotspot
If water needs to be put into it and then the device filters it then the whole village now has extra work to do to clean water that their immune systems were already growing immune to, also can only filter so much at a time so their water production has slowed from mass heating to slow filtering.
Either way I think Reddit has out done us, what have we done to combat Africans?
How's that mosquito larvae water/gas can treating you bro?
Did I dun gud?
I'm gunnar post post what I dun on leddit for karma
89,000 updotes I'M KING N SHEEIT
It's not real atheism unless it's gay atheism
This sounds more like Sup Forums ;)
wtf? why do they look like clones?
wtf am I looking at ?
Wouldn't true atheists just let this sort itself out on its own.
>implying christ fags don't waste valuable money building pointless fucking churches and shit
It's all one big vanity trip for both camps
I suppose we can compete selling guns to the enemy tribe. So they blow up the tank and with luck all niggers die
>blow up a water tank
It’s because they’re feral niggers my white friend
Secular humanism is just castrated christianity.
Best kek of 2018
Churches are also charities you dimwit
anything that I dislike was probably derived from Christian influence, but anything good that Christians did was from closeted atheists.
Finally someone who is sane on Sup Forums :)
Took you long enough to understand.
>ensuring even worse wars in the future due to overpopulation
>my work is done here
>tips fedora
wait... are you trying to tell me that niggers are too stupid to build a large box with an open top and then cut a small hole in the bottom with a stopper?
Top kek
They haven't discovered the tank yet.