Id Buddishm and meditation Sup Forums approved?
Id Buddishm and meditation Sup Forums approved?
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If you didn't grow up a Buddhist with a Buddhist family in a Buddhist country with Buddhist traditions, then Buddhism is just a meme religion you're using to be different and act like you're enlightened, and you should neck yourself.
This tbqhwyf (To be quite honest with you, senpai)
False, the teachings are universal, and foreigners have been adopting the teachings since long before memes even existed. Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu went to Thailand in the 90s, and there were plenty of people who moved and stayed in Thailand in the 60s-70s.
Also Yuttadhammo is a leaf, so there is hope for people such as yourself.
meditation helps me get over a lot of my personal bullshit (anxiety, depression, feeling disconnected from reality) so I'd say it should at least be /sig/ approved
I practice zazen (almost) every morning and night
Makes me feel powerful which is probably the exact wrong reason to do it but you know
Feels good
A religion is not so much a set of teachings and beliefs as it is a cultural tradition. It exists deep in your bones. As a Westerner you are deeply shaped by Christianity whether you believe in the religion or not, you can't escape it. Buddhists who live in Buddhist societies are the same. You can't replace the role of your culture's religion with another culture's religion. It's an artificial substitution.
>Into Asian shit
Yeah no that's Northern, pro esport player
Cultural traditions are inclusive of teachings and beliefs, they are not separate things. It is not in your bones at all, neither metaphorically or literally. The religion of my parents causes them to be zionists, and if that's what "deep in your bones" causes someone to endorse then I couldn't care less about what is in my bones. I was shaped by Christianity as a kid but that changed when I was 13, and now it really has not shaping effect on me, I have escaped it. You can replace you culture's religion with something better, especially when part of your culture's religion is self-destructive (zionism).
He's been a monk for well over a decade.
The right way is to let go of everything including attachment to states of feeling powerful.
Memes have always existed. Energy and matter are memes in this universe.
Yes because that where European paganism was (based indo-Europeans) partially from (it was mostly from hinduism) unlike kikestianity which is NON EUROPEAN AND A SEMITIC RELIGION. Paganism developed apart from other religions and IS EUROPEAN. Just look at the roots of kikestianity, it is middle eastern, mudlsimes, shit-skins.
Good, keep practicing WESTERN religions and not kikestianity that has sand igger influence, look at the source of religions and paganism IS white not from shitskins
Your entire worldview as a Westerner is shaped by Christianity. You don't realize the extent of Christianity's influence on you because, like a fish in water, it's so ubiquitous you have no other reference from which to view the world.
False, memes are a product of the internet.
Approved by me for sure
I understand what your point is, that does not make me like a fish in water. I moved away from the Christian influence on my worldview at a young age.
It’s approved
I agree with this. Meditation has permeated most of the religions in some way, shape, or form over time anyway. It is universal. Also, if you have ever meditated before in any sort of legit way, you’ll know the proof is in the pudding; it has pragmatic effects regardless of your religious affiliation. You can’t just say “oh, it’s not Christian therefore it sucks”.
Anyway, user, I agree with you.
:/ you sound fucking retarded.
I became an atheist at a young age too. I came back to Christianity because I realized, whether I like it or not, I am a Christian. In the same way, I could move to another country, and adopt another language, but I will always be a American English speaker. I will never adopt the customs and language of another people as fully as my own.
I left Christianity simply because science contradicted it, and I still do side with evidence. And beyond that I don't think having a Jew at the center of one's philosophy will be beneficial in the long run. I don't argue against Christians much because I realize that Christianity often coincides with right wing beliefs (which I agree with) and higher birth rates (which I support). I may think it is wrong but I am also pragmatic.
I don't know much about buddishm, but of what I know I don't disagree with.
As an expat living in America (temporarily) and proud of the culture of my home country, I applaud that.
Siddhartha Gautama was an Aryan male that studied various religions in the search for answers. But those religions could not help him. He reached enlightenment on his quest and became Buddha.
If any Aryan male has the same problem, then Buddhism is the right choice.