Was Ancient Rome as degenerate as reported? I thought it was the beginning of Western dominance.
Was Ancient Rome as degenerate as reported? I thought it was the beginning of Western dominance
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Good show, but kind of jaded me because I was starting to get into in and got halfway through the first season, netflix pulled it off their roster. I was pissed.
That blonde chick was incredibly sexy. too bad what happened in the show
You've never heard of the vomitorium?
>1000+ year history
>completely different society throughout
No way to answer your question
Yes, it was pretty bad
Degenerate in different ways. The aristocracy were degenerate as fuck, but the average Roman family wasn't. Census data makes that perfectly clear.
each of a series of entrance or exit passages in an ancient Roman amphitheatre or theatre.
a place in which, according to popular misconception, the ancient Romans are supposed to have vomited during feasts to make room for more food.
Sounds like (((them)))
>Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!
Not degenerated, the Romans loved to have fun and enjoyed the life, Christcuck.
/ourguy/ Catullus didn't think too highly of his peers.
I will sodomize you and face-fuck you,
bottom Aurelius and catamite Furius,
you who think, because my poems
are sensitive, that I have no shame.
For it's proper for a devoted poet to be moral
himself, [but] in no way is it necessary for his poems.
In point of fact, these have wit and charm,
if they are sensitive and a little shameless,
and can arouse an itch,
and I don't mean in boys, but in those hairy old men
who can't get it up.
Because you've read my countless kisses,
you think less of me as a man?
I will sodomize you and face-fuck you
Lucy and this blonde were way hotter together.
Sounds like today
Humans never change, just technology
>10 year old HBO show
Torrents faggot
this, pretty much.
Somewhat. But a favourite topic of ancient writers was how degenerate everyone had gotten and how things were much better in the old days. So while a lot of the degenerate shit probably happened, there were also a whole bunch of normal people leading perfectly wholesome lives. We just don't get to hear about them as much.
R8 the ending
Assume that the degeneracy wasn't common place. Follow Tuchman's Law when dealing with historical sources:
Disaster is rarely as pervasive as it seems from recorded accounts. The fact of being on the record makes it appear continuous and ubiquitous whereas it is more likely to have been sporadic both in time and place. Besides, persistence of the normal is usually greater than the effect of the disturbance, as we know from our own times. After absorbing the news of today, one expects to face a world consisting entirely of strikes, crimes, power failures, broken water mains, stalled trains, school shutdowns, muggers, drug addicts, neo-Nazis, and rapists. The fact is that one can come home in the evening — on a lucky day — without having encountered more than one or two of these phenomena. This has led me to formulate Tuchman's Law, as follows: "The fact of being reported multiplies the apparent extent of any deplorable development by five- to tenfold" (or any figure the reader would care to supply)
>But a favourite topic of ancient writers was how degenerate everyone had gotten
The ultimate irony if this is that they are whining about the same shit from the 3rd century BC all the way down to the end of the Empire.
>In those days, I think, men did not despise humble ways of life, when they wore only one short and shaggy garment, when they were summoned from the plow to the dictator's fasces, and, on the point of winning fame in the consular robes, very likely wiped off their dusty sweat on those same imperial togas that they were about to don. In their time the magistrates were poor, but the state wealthy, whereas now the wealth of officials makes the state poor. What madness, I ask you, or what blindness, leads men to think that private fortunes can survive in the midst of the need and beggary of the state? Such were the ancient Romans; so they in their day scorned riches, though they knew not God, just as in ours men who follow the Lord still scorn them
Mostly a myth, it depended on where you were and at what time. Cato the Elder was so puritan he made the Amish look liberal.
It is on there now. I just finished season one. Too bad the main guy died of cancer.
You are thinking of Rome (HBO), while this is Spartacus (not hbo)
Pagan Imperial Rome, yes. Republican Rome, absolutely not.
>he never mentioned he is christian retard
thats why Rome civilization fall becouse they become faggots and enjoy life
You are correct.
If it’s any consolation, series goes to shit after the main actor dies from cancer.
I’d also recommend I Claudius.
Nice verbiage.
This is basically the tldr of it. By the time of Spartacus the concept of the virtuous Roman man was dead
>Classical/Hellenistic Civilization
>The West
Pick a number not equal to one.
The West is not a direct descendent of antiquity, no matter how much WE WUZZING happened during the renaissance and enlightenment.
Read your Spengler. Western (aka Faustian) is not the same civilization as Classical.
No it didnt go to shit because the guy got cancer
It wouldve gone to shit regardless without based Batiatus to carry the show.
Didn´t your ancestors (lusitanians / celts) fought against the romans too?
that's why it's funny being insulted on Sup Forums by meds who say 'we civilised you, stop ruining the west' when the fucking romans killed off plenty of nascent cultures in western europe and iberia and supplanted them with de facto military states in which the only joys were gambling, drinking and fucking whores from north africa
admittedly that does sound quite good though
also I'm E1b1b so one of my ancestors was probably a degenerate legionary from the balkans
Ancient Rome only became degenerate after the first century when they started to take Greek traditions. Republican Rome was very conservative.
That was just an exit.
> lupus
> Luparium
Whore house
> Founders of Rome where raised by female wolf
That is all what you need to know about "western roman" empire.
True Roman Empire was what you cucks call today "Byzantine". And it was destroyed by degenerate cuckolics and what saint was thrown to mud dogs.
Who was the first degenerate ruler? Augustus?
It's a jew depiction
Haplos don´t really mean that much, any of those markers can be in europe since the pre history, autosomal is what matter's
It was actually Tiberius.
This is true, though I acreddit the decline to writing. They got stuck trying to top the last thing they did. Cramed it into a shorter span that it could have and should have been, and probably had fuckery with a short budget
>Ancient Rome only became degenerate after the first century when they started to take Greek traditions. Republican Rome was very conservative.
Cult of Dionysus (Wine and Orgies) is an example.
I Claudius was a classic of its time, and quite the show for the 70's. Recommended.
yeah but E1b1b doesn't show up in iron age british samples, nor anglo-saxon ones
it's most prevalent in parts of britain today which are known to have had thracian/greek/balkan soldiers or settlers, such as cumbria
it's fine user, don't worry about me
my 80x great grandad was a brown closetfag from bulgaria
I accept that
Augustus was virtuous (he exiled his only daughter for immorality), and Tiberius is often considered by historians to have been unfairly maligned. Caligula is where it all went to shit, though Vespasian and the second century Emperors were relatively decent folk.
The elites liked fucking little boys. Outside of that they weren't that degenerate I think. Romans were all about honor though, It cancels out.
Rome and ancient greece froms the basis of our civilization you dumb mutt.
>Was Ancient Rome as degenerate as reported?
when it was falling, yes
in 2000 years no one will remember how well manered and civilized our ancestors were but there surely will be lots of informations about gay rights and black british citizens
Just the very wealthy in the last 100 or so years, vast majority of Romans were just working schmucks who got fucked the hardest by the fall of the Empire.