Convince me not to renounce Christ.
Convince me not to renounce Christ
If you have rejected Christ's existence you have already attempted to renounce Christ. If you accept Christ's existence then you should know by now that by rejecting Christ we only hurt ourselves.
Why renounce something that only benefits?
You can't do that. Once you come to Christ, He is with you until you die.
There's no real danger.
Christ will always welcome you back.
>worshiping a brown jew who got nailed to some wood so he could open daddy's magic skyland
no thank you
>current year
>worshipping a sandnigger religion
shiggidy diggidy doo
Try harder
Memeflags are here to repeat their tired line.
Why would you say that?
>meme anti-theism
you cant even pick a white deity to believe in? how dare you post on the same imageboard as me
fucking scrubs
that's literally what christcucks believe
We can't because Christ is the only true God.
Ye too obvious
*tips wolfcloak*
then your god is a sweaty sand person. if you're gonna larp, you can pick a European religion
There`s no reason not to. If you are not an infantile adult and you have a life task, you don`t need to believe in imaginary person.
Jeez buddy, if you're thinking like that, you might be too far gone. Get help big guy.
prove to me that your god wasn't an Arab and I'll start going to church again
How is he a Sand person? Bible literally says that He is white as wool or snów and has red eyes.
What's imaginary about something that has consequences?
it says it in your book. that's a perfect summation of your nigger faith
Even I don't go to church. Christ was a philosopher that had the gnostic experience. It's not a big deal what race he was, because he was correct.
because you should always do the opposite of what the average idiot who thinks he is wise does
look at the posts surrounding your question and act appropriately.
no, it says his hair was like wool. a really European trait there, buddy
Convince yourself.
For unto us a child is born. For unto us a son is given. And of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.
The blood of the Son of God was bleed for your redemption. Believe and be saved, or die.
>It's not a big deal what race he was
literal christcuck
If you renounce him now, you'll get a free pastrami sandwich.
Jesus is back in form of Donald J. Trump.
MEGAPEDOS please accept him as our saviour!
Consequences? What are you talking about?
Because hell is forever.
Why is him being a sand person bad? Also, hair and eye color doesn't describe what race he is.
Do what you want, but be aware that every action has consequences.
I will never renounce Christ Jesus, but I will take those delicious pastrami sandwiches.
I have been a christian for a long time
Gnostic now
Christian cuckery brought me to this
Denial of race above all
I don't care what does He look like, I just answered user's question. And God has no race.
If belief in God causes a person to react a certain way, then that means that believing in God has consequences so therefore not fake.
Oy vey, negotiations have to start somewhere. Maybe you can keep Jesus out of your heart two days a week?
>denial of race above all
Who is your dealer?
t. Christian
Oh, ok. I was just confused as to why God's race was important. Since you just explained, he doesn't have a race.
Arabs are your enemy, not mine.
Impossible, but I require a strong White race withal
How does christianity support a notion of a white ethno state?
Please, no shitty bible quotes about jewish seed
I want a specific notion of a white ethno state
It doesn't exist
Deal with it
if God created us in his image, then he must have distinct physiological features. that means there is a possibility that "God the almighty" is a lip smacking jiggaboo
have fun in heaven, fag
Thanks, I cannot wait for the second comming.
When you perish because you care about pakis and niggers more than you care about the literal saviour of humanity.jpg
>siding with god over anime
fuckin newfriends, man
This is fucking embarrising.
this is similar to tempting to God
good luck out there and sage
You are arguing that the Bible doesn't mention x so it therefore isn't comptable with the bible. Which is idiotic considering that the Bible doesn't mention a lot of things. An ethno-state isn't non-compatible with the bible, and as history has shown, Christian ethno-states did exist, were good for a decent time, etc. Your wishful thinking (or denial) isn't the same as what is and what isn't.
>I cannot wait for the second comming
you sound like a literal homosexual awaiting his cumshot
Pagans belief in gods make them react in a certain way too, that means all of their gods are real.
this was better than the last jedi
>OP posts once
>No explanation for why considering renouncing Christ
>Thread devolves into retards arguing about belief.
Recognize a bait thread when it's made you retards.
Thats your opinion.
How is it compatible with a bible, though?
We are all children of God, must be peaceful, help the poor, etc.
I mean, those are basic notions of orthodoxy and western churches too
How does bible oppose in any shape or form
>race mixing
I sincerely want to know.
In a certain way, yes. I just believe that my interpretation is correct and am more than willing to debate as to why.
>Bible doesn't mention a lot of things
funny. you think the word of God would have a little more insight. instead of giving you clear instructions on where and how to reach God, it tells you what foods to eat and when and where to cum
Happy 12th birthday user, my how you've grown.
You're more than old enough to drop the Christ meme now, I won't convince you otherwise.
you're too weak for Sup Forums. go back to 9gag
If man doesn`t believe in god, it makes him react in a certain way, therefore there is not god.
If your belief in Christ is so unimportant to you that you wager whether or not you should believe based off of posts on Sup Forums, then you don't really believe. Or you're a larping atheist faggot. Either way, you got some replies. 3/10
Not everyone here is a stormnigger.
>Directed my Michel Bay
There are very clear instructions on how to reach God. Through Jesus
>when and where to cum
Because when you cum wherever you want, you literally die from diseases.
How can you still believe in him? I mean,c mon, his story is just as credible as any fairy tale, besides, why does a deity would have a human-like form in such a vast universe?
That's extremely geocentrist...
I would like to believe there's some magic god out there that will take me to some sort of heaven when i die...
But sadly,there's no proof of it..therefore,it's just as credible as any fictional story you can read
you're just upsetting that the Germans wiped the floor with you. they even teamed up with their arch enemies , the Russians, to try wipe you shits from the arse of this planet. enjoy fixing toilets and praying on you knees like a good lil cockslut
But your belief in no God happened after your belief in God.
That's the consequence of belief upon anything though. Not denying God's existence, but belief is what shapes a person's behaviors and persona. Why do you think America is so full of degeneracy? It's because they believe false things and the expression of those beliefs is the lifestyle they lead, barring economical barriers of course. Some people are poor because the cost of living went up faster than pay did, some had suffered some tragic accident which causes them to become poor, etc.
But all the gossip, whoring around, backdoor deals, corporate and legal theft, and everything bad about this country is a result of that primarily. External factors second.
the church would have a problem with 2d waifus. for that reason alone I cannot have faith
Do it, leave that Semitic and mortal religion all at once. Know your gods.
Why would you turn on what you know to be good and true in favor of evil and blindness? Life is but a flash in eternity. Would you give up EVERYTHING for nothing?
Do you want to be the man you're made to be, or just some aberation?
It did not, actually.
Big words comming from meme flag. You can throw as many shit as you want, you wont impresje me.
Well, looks like it's my time again. Let's do this.
>spic pagan
genuine question, do you worship the gods of spain or the gods of mexico? I've met many pagans but never a South American one
Why do you want to renounce him in the first place?
I thought blacks were the descendents of Cain.
Latin Americans are by far the most pagan Christians in the world.
learn spelling and grammar before you try get a visa, you üntermensch
How so? You never asked who created you? You never believed that maybe your parents created you?
no, I that's Catholicism. I was raised roman catholic and its more similar to paganism than prodestantism
You're just being rude and divisive.
Not saying anything substantial.
Are you literally 15? Weak ass WW2 and toilet cleaning references that everyone has seen a thousand times. You're nothing a parrot
>Not saying anything substantial
like the bible
Yeah because there's no possible way a church could become corrupt right?
Stop treating blacks like shit. We don't like them for their behavior and them being forced on us. I, and I hope yourself, have no problem with blacks if they are in their countries acting virtous.
Yes, my parents created me. Case closed.
how to you tell there is a Polish bridesmaid at a wedding?
>she's the only one with her armpit hair braided
Can you at least be more creative? Ww2 stuff and plumber jokes are boring.
You renounce Christ by your actions not by your words.
>literal christcuck
Then that means you believe in creation. Therefore belief in a God that created us is not so farfetched. In reality the belief in God isn't the question, it's how we act accordingly because of this belief.
I can see that you can read but work on that spelling, m'kay bud
Christ was white. He says the jews that call themselves jews are not the real jews. What's not to understand?
Although the European pagan religions are of my admiration, I would never come to the forefront of obviously not being European.
My gods are the gods of these lands.
My belief, sacred health.