And the attackers filmed it (vid in linked tweet).
Source (with vid):
Congrats, Europe. You have truly achieved social equality.
And the attackers filmed it (vid in linked tweet).
Source (with vid):
Congrats, Europe. You have truly achieved social equality.
Looking good
You had one fucking job
I'll assume msm will ignore this. Is the cop alright?
Africa ?
I'm sure she woke up in the hospital and was worried someone out there might see what happened and think racist thoughts
I guess this is what macron wants and the fr voters
Nobody cares. It's not the first time a european cop got attacked on the job. People will forget about it in a week, if not sooner.
We need a huge as fuck economic crisis and a breakout of civil war before the European cucks will even care about politics.
The east germans tolerated being a soviet hellhole for like forty years without rebelling or rioting. Let that sink in for a moment. They were willing to live under those conditions. Things have to get THAT bad before europeans do anything about it.
Diversity is our strength!
of course she's alright. she's been bred by brown men
>It's not the first time a european cop got attacked on the job.
So you're saying it's Part and Parcel of life as a cop in a European city?
Unsure, vid was just posted
watch the vid and tell me
without a doubt
I hear the drums echoing tonight
>40 years
Germany doesn't have that kind of time.
yeah its Africa
your wrong lars erik
this is 2018
we have taken all the shit we can take and we will take no more,
the refugees who kicked this police officer will hang from the lamp-posts of paris
There was an attempt at an East German uprising in 1953
>part parcel and
But she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation
This is the story of 30 black men attacking a white woman.
In two days the perpetrators will be the victims,
No need for any other explanations...
>Congrats, Europe. You have truly achieved social equality
stfu amerimutt
100 white women are raped by niggers every day in usa
What about all the cops that weren't attacked?
Stop using cherry picked examples
Christianity + 2,000 years = suicide
The stupid french bitch deserves every kick she got, if she wants to go along with the multi-culti and be an example of how women can police just as well as the tough men of all, then let her do it and suffer and consequences.
lol damn she got rocked
bad thread wow(thermo is homo)
this is what progress looks like lads
To be fair, they didn't have the option to avoid that. Blacks have been in America for far longer than anyone alive today.
Europe on the other hand had the choice, and chose to import millions of them.
last info i heard was the officer had died
but that was about 8 hours ago
but i wouldn't be surprised she took an awful kicking
hey goyim
there is ur problem "FEMALE"
16th post best post
>Blame Christianity during the apex of atheism
You atheists are fucking retarded.
Sometimes I see
How the brave new world arrives
And I see how it thrives
In the ashes of our lives
Why would they do that to her?
I guess some people really just dislike the police
Only good cop is a dead cop. Shame they didn’t ask her to play Simon says before blowing her brains out.
Female cops might be alright in white areas but having them around blacks is fucking asking for them to be raped and abused. Police need to show some common sense and realize that in the new Europe things like this are not a good idea.
Pls make it happen
Fucking mutts get it wrong
Yep "thugs" sure do hate "the police" and like to attack them.
Then there needs to be a group that disrupts the travel of goods in europe causing empty store shelves
As if "we" ever had a choice. It's always the elite who decides. And this whole shit is coming from the kikes. The wrath of god will be eternal though
One toll paid, couple hundred thousand to go
Too bad there were no Amerigoblins there to rescue her
Which is funny because all this bullshit started when Europeans abandoned Christ's teachings.
Nearly two thousand years of strength and you want to blame Christianity for weakness that correlates exactly with the rise of atheism, religious indifference and liberalism?
The fuck is going on here?
Ari from the Anti-Defemation-League here, you're on the list
They relaxed. Bad idea.
finnish people and their language are retarded. two peas in a pod, made for each other
Kill yourself
Macron will save us
France 2018
Whites need to become the monsters everyone makes them out to be
I'm so glad our nigger culture has seeped into young impressionable european minds. Tear out the roots! As my professor used to say lol
G-d willing all of europe will embrace the decay and ultimate destruction of society, only then we'll be enter the golden age of man.
Female police are here to stay give them all a FAMAS and let them go to town on the heathens like Joan of Arc
top kek
>everybody just stands there
French people voted for this in the past, and keep voting for this. Hard to sympathesize at this point.
its called moshing, a dance popular in the "hardcore" scene/genre of music. Though you aren't intentionally supposed to hit people, it happens sure, but going up and punching three people in the face would usually be a good way to get your ass kicked, but those soyboys aren't in any position to retaliate. Heres a taste of the music
This is what Germany deserves.
>The east germans tolerated being a soviet hellhole for like forty years without rebelling or rioting.
Genocide the germanics and replace them with Anglos. It will save europa.
playing with guns looks like fun but a calm prosperous society is better
>Police officer
She deserved it
>wait no
>how is this happening i am stronk womyn
>feminism halp
Stupid bitch should be fired for being such a waste of taxpayer money.
I mean the niggers should be hanged a well of course, but still.
they literally won't.
they won't even get caught.
even if they DID get caught, they'd serve less than 5 years each. In some states in the US, you can get 5 years for having enough weed on you. Let that sink in. Shitskins own europe, lock stock and barrel.
finnish are goblinic people
genocide the niggers NOW
She'll be much stronger now
Because they are muslims being given commands by a woman... duh.
I've just noticed how a second African gentlemen drops dead even before the pilot points his MP5 in his direction
>Objective: Survive
Europe is mentally ill.
say what you want about UK but its not as fucking bad as this. This chimp out is africa tier and its taking place in the city of lights, wew fucking lad
Stop bullying me mutt
i will never stop until every last finn on this board is exposed for what they really are, a goblinic people masquerading as finns. you are frauds! all of you!
You caught the AIDS down in Africaaaaaaaaaa
i'm getting very suspicious about whitey not reacting
what's whitey up to?
I'm just glad we're allowed to shoot niggers in the USA. And the police here won't even hesitate to shoot a nigger.
Why do we need cops again?
Worst, France
Blacks and muslims riot ever new year in Paris. Its not so much a riot as their celebration. They burn all the cars they can find. Also they were stamping on that womans head. Good chance of killing a person that way.