Did Frank Sinatra and his crypto kike rat squad with token nigger ruin America?
The unironic rat pack
Oh there was anything "crypto" about it
>black jew friend
What do you think op?
I think their music promoted degeneracy in women. And fostered interest in nigger culture.
>sOmE MuSicIaNs rUinEd oUr cOunTry
t. cryptokike
It's another day on the "being thankful not to be a literal "there's no brainlet Wojak humiliating enough to respond to this kind of degeneracy" amerimutt"-show.
I get nightmares about how many white virgins that one-eyed nigger must've deflowered.
>thinking about the sexual activities of another male to a grade, where it becomes traumatizing
seems preeeetty beta to me
Stfu mountain nigger
That whole era was degenerate as fuck. Loads of jews everywhere. jew actors, jews produced everything. They let the 1965 immigration act pass without a peep.
We'll just get pissed and smoke our lungs into charcoal as the jews and the niggers take this country from us without a fight.
Why so triggered? No one asked to see pictures of your shitty country we have ski resorts in america as well.
>Only being capable of insulting someone else, instead of responding with a thoughtful post or at least a genuine comeback
The absolute state of american posters on this board
See >Worrying about some kikes making music
>calling me triggered
well done
You sound pretty triggered. Probably a booty blasted Sinatra fan. Is your English limited? Or is this just attention getting from a highly irrelevant nation? Your landscapes are nothing special you can find she like that anywhere.
Nop, he was italian, obviously europid phenotype, and he should had married with grace kelly, when america was still a white country
>not being able to understand the difference between "being triggered" and "being reasonable"
>"is your English limited?"
>"...you can find she like that anywhere."
You're not even capable of speaking your own language, you imbecile
muh insecure about not being rich?
Are all Swiss such stupid hypocrites that lack self awareness? And you my friend are clearly quite triggered. Probably Sammy Davis bastard niggerkike child.
Also (3 / repeating):
>sOmE MuSicIaNs rUinEd oUr cOunTry
how fucking stupid are you?
are you always making statements as horribly retarded as this?
>being so assmad you repeat yourself just to bump a thread that triggers your autism
show me exactly where I have been a hypocrite!
show me exactly where I have been stupid!
and stop with your shit-tier "yOu'Re a rAtPacK-fAn" posting. I hate this kind of music as much as i hate stupid faggots as you uneducated american piece of shit
Absolutely beautiful and tou know it,56%er.Shut the fuck up.Hows your messican? Your 'murican sounds pretty limited .Bet you a dollar he can speak German ,French & Italian,besides 'murican.
the disabled kind of retard you showed to be, lead me to rewrite it
Nothing to add there
They were completely direct with you and you still pretend they weren't.
I don't see how?
SeeYou don't have anything thoughtful to say you are just repeating Facebook tier memes with reddit punctuation. And posting pictures of your country that no one cares about while hurling insults. You seem exceedingly sphinctersplintered. If not and this is what Swiss bantz looks like I'm not impressed
You are a caricature of a stereotype of a cartoon of the Ugly American
Reminder Sammy Davis Jnr was a satanist
>what did the others get up to...
Wow I never knew Swiss were so easily triggered over their mediocre tundra and boxy architecture. Good to know. I guess with nothing relevant to contribute globally this is what they cling to. Thise are some pathetic peacock feathers senpai.
>"Facebook tier memes with reddit punctuation"
For obvious reasons, I don't visit this kind of websites, but I'm curious about you having so much knowledge about them.
>doing the lefty spongebob facebook parrot meme
Now you are just lying. I'm led to believe you are honestly this autistic. Is this because no one makes threads about Switzerland and you needed somewhere to dump your ugly buildings folder?
(I know this meme from Sup Forums - I'm not on Normie-book, but you seem to be)
People who post this meme on Sup Forums are redditor shitposters how new are you?
(I'm here since 2013 - you?
And no, I've never been to Reddit, but I've seen some r/whatever screenshots here)
please hold your horses, I'm writing something
Fuck you newfag
Italians were one of the worst things that ever happened to my country. One minute they want to tell you they're white europeans, then you see them with their minority friends saying "im not white im italian, we're on your side buddy". They play both sides for maximum power/cash. They're deceitful little wops that came over here and used their music and cheap tacky charm to breed white women, producing confused mongrels like robert di niro.
Maybe they are that way in your country, wish i doubt, but italians are based:
>"nothing relevant to contribute globally"
Quick rundown on everything you amerimutt Sup Forums-shitposters wished your country would be:
1) In Switzerland citizens can challenge any law passed by Parliament – provided they can gather 50,000 signatures against the law within 100 days. If succesful, a national vote is held and voters decide by a simple majority whether to accept or reject the law.
2) Swiss men have the longest life expectancy in the world – in 2015 life expectancy at birth was 81.3 years for Swiss men and 85.3 years for Swiss women, according to World Health Organization (WHO). This puts Switzerland second (after Japan) for the average longest life expectancy. The population is also ageing; in 2015, almost one-fifth of the population was 65."
3) Switzerland boasts some of the world's most famous inventions – they created Velcro, cellophane, the Swiss Army Knife, absinthe, the potato peeler, Helvetica font, LSD, muesli, edible chocolate gold and milk chocolate to name a few. They were also pioneers in introducing bobsleigh, tobogganing and luge as a competitive sport to the world. Swiss scientists are also leading research in using LSD to treat mental illness and pain. Switzerland continues to lead the world in innovation, topping the World Intellectual Property Organization's (WIPO) ranking in 2017 for the seventh year in a row, ahead of the US (4th) and UK (5th).
4) Parents can be overruled on what they call their child – in Switzerland it is prohibited to give a child a name that could damage the child's interest. This right was exercised when authorities banned Swiss musician Christine Lauterburg from calling her daughter 'Lexicon' (an 'object', not a name); 'Djonatan' (the phonetic spelling of Jonathan) also got the thumbs down, as did 'J' as a child's fourth name based on the potential for it to be misunderstood and pronounced incorrectly in German (as 'yot' and not 'Jay' as intended).
5) Switzerland has one of the lowest crime rates of industrialised countries despite liberal Swiss gun laws – in 2015 there were only 0.5 gun murders per 100,000 people in Switzerland (around 40 per year), compared to five gun murders per 100,000 people recorded in the US in 2014 (around 30–40 per day). Yet Small Arms Survey estimates Switzerland has around 45.7 guns per 100 residents, the world's third-highest after the US (88.8) and Yemen (54.8), although Swiss government figures put estimates at one gun per four residents, or around two million guns in a population of 8.3 million. In 2011, Swiss voters rejected stricter gun control including a proposal to ban the purchase of automatic weapons and introduce a firearm licencing system.
6) Military service is still compulsory for male Swiss citizens – Switzerland is one of the last western Europe countries to enforce it, along with Austria. Under the Swiss constitution, male Swiss citizens have to serve in the Swiss army after age 18, while women can opt to volunteer. Military training camps are common across Switzerland as are civilians carrying shotguns over their shoulders. It is also legal to keep personal army-issued guns (semi-automatic rifles) after service, and Switzerland's high gun ownership is partly due to the Swiss tradition of keeping militia army rifles at home.
7) Switzerland has the third highest salary and job security out of all OECD countries – Swiss workers earn an average of USD 57,082 per year, ranked after Luxembourg (1) and US (2), and would only lose an average of 1.7 percent of earnings if unemployed. In 2015, some 80 percent of the population aged 15 to 64 had a paid job, the second highest OECD employment rate, and only around 1.7 percent of the labour force has been unemployed for a year or longer, lower than the OECD average of 2.6 percent. Additionally, Switzerland has consistently ranked as a top country for youth employment according to the KOF Youth Labour Market Index.
8) Switzerland is not governed by one head of state – instead it has a seven-member executive council that serves as the Swiss collective head of state. A president is elected for one-year in office and is regarded as the primus inter pares, or first among equals, during this time.
Why aren't you out enjoying your worlds greatest country instead of shitposting on Sup Forums?
and there you sit in your cardboard house chimping out on me being a newfag.
you know how much higher the possibility is of YOU being a nigger?
also inb4 >lel, I didn't read
You angered swiss user again.
(good question, but first read it and then answer appropriate, if you're that superior)
>read it and then answer appropriate
I didn't answer - I asked a question.
Kek, it's me, the "raging mountain jew" again
reminder that Sinatra got BTFO in Australia
>Swiss invented pocket knives and party drugs and kitchen wrap and shit
Seriosuly these are the great contributions you are going with?
I read them but Switzerlands domestic policy hardly counts as global contribution. I'm sure being swiss is amazing as much as you are shilling swissness but that doesn't make it global relevant which is what the post you replied to said.
>LSD = party drug
that's your intellectual capacity? we're still number one at scientifically researching the great advantages of this kind of chemicals to be used in therapy (it's called "psycholytic therapy" and will safe all of the world a shitton of money, when it comes to curing the number one illness of western society: depression)
But to be fair, I shouldn't have posted about the "kitchen wrap and shit". But did you read the part in the exact same part? "ahead of the US"
- even though we're such a small "irrelevant" spot
But after all: It is pretty weak of you, to only point out this minor flaw in all of my words.
ah, yes you're kinda right. But it is insofar relevant, as it is a great example.
Just look at the difference of your "style of democracy" and ours...
Sinatra was a blue eyed kike rat
>mediocre tundra and boxy architecture
what's that subhuman muttburger?
I'm too tired to post anymore, user
(it's almost 4am here)
but we will surely meet again on this board
- the "raging mountain jew"
Sinatra was the fucking best and one of the greatest ever you niggers.
Love that old school music
LSD is pretty decent at parties. Even better at raves/festivals. I think calling it a party drug is fair even if it can be therapeutic.
Go back and listen to the lyrics. Their songs are all about banging random sluts and hanging with niggers in the jungle. They were the first wave of the degenerate culture war of the jew