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2wks food n water boys
Those troops are there to keep the Nork civilian population out of China
Been building since at least April 2017.
NK is now reporting that from 25th Dec there has been a huge build up, also Chinese local gov told border residents Trump will attack early 2018.
25 member Chinese Polit will vote to withdraw from Nork defense pact Jan dont have much time please screencap
this is good isn't it?
China will not defend NK so the USA can try fuck them up?
Anons in the US military were saying they'd been told they'd be off to Asia early January
>inb4 my dad works at Nintendo
I know, I know, just saying what I read
Why would that be good? NK stands up to the kike world order.
they shouldnt be posting that shit if true
Indoctrination run deep even with the most woke.
>they shouldnt be posting that shit if true
Hardly anything posted on here is true, the only time anybody posted any real info was pic related
>also Chinese local gov told border residents Trump will attack early 2018.
damn, for real?
Ummm china has defended them before. I wouldn't put it past them to defend them again
I'm sure it's really happening this time.
Don't you wanna see the world burn ... just to see how it looks?
This year will be awesome.
North Korea is heavily militarized dumbass saying there's heavy military movement in North Korea is like saying there is heavy heat in the Sahara Desert
Or to take pyonyang
Trump probably wants something to be remembered and celebrated for. Hopefully it won't cause WW3!
They're talking about Chinese build up on the NK border
North Korea isn't the solution as instead of worshiping the mighty money overlord, you will worship a literal manchild.
Clandestine support only in The Beginning. Arms are in place. Millions of Chinese Undesireables will be supplied to Nork for grist for the mill. Have to go.
time to bust the North Korean conspiracy's
>hurr durr no Jewish controlled banks
This is owned by kikes and was sold in 2011 to a kike shell corporation in 2011 called the "Nice Group" in China The founder, Nigel Cowie(a Brit kike), still lives in North Korea and was found to finance their weapons program.
>hurr durr no Jewish controlled economy
>hurr durr rare earth minerals
((They)) get them from China who buys them from North Korea for next to nothing. China is Israels third largest trading partner. Its impossible to trace the origins of minerals thus the the reason why most wedding rings have blood diamonds
Fucking pussy. Embrace the draft and don’t complain
Checked and lol
You don't bring artillery to deal with refugee crisis.
China has said time and time again it will not tolerate US on the Yuan River.
At the start of conflict China will rush south and try to take Pyeongyang before the burgers get it.
Trump probably made a deal with Xi that split North Korea between the two, kind of like Germany was.
I guess china could just shell the refugees and tell everyone they're killing NK soldiers or something.
not a lot of refugees are gonna try and go through an area that's being lit up like that
reminder that china said should the us first strike nk, they will defend them.
>You don't bring artillery to deal with refugee crisis.
Speak for yourself.
Reminder that was before North Korea nuclear program and numerous UN condemnations and sanctions.
nope, that was literally in 2017 when they said that.
yeah but there's a big difference between what nations say and what they mean
Recall Vietnam fighting China.
>internal space perpetually running out
>incognito mode
Are you me?
Care to share a source?
um, sweetie, i gues u ment RICE WOR NOW!
Yeah if the SK source in first post is not fake news, or words lost in translation
Yes but the upsidedown version
did any of you ever think the North Korean media run by Kim is just saying that in the hopes it scares off a US Invasion. Think.
I think all these people saying China won't do shit might be making a huge mistake. I don't know if they will or not, but to pretend like it's insane that they would is just silly. Think China will just willingly let America take a country right on their border? Hell Russia too
>Using a British tabloid as your source.
My point proven.
US and China teaming up to spank Lil Kim.
there were more official sources like CNN but i couldnt find them right now. sorry?
If we used artillery there would be no refugee crisis.
Apparently if you line your troops on the border it means you want to cross it. If it was a defensive line you would scatter your troops across the overall border region because otherwise you run risk of being surrounded when the enemy breaks through.
You can't find them because they don't exist Hitler
I see you played Civ 5
Guess we'll have to nuke China then.
Yes I'm an expert, trust me.
doesnt matter what you think. well see what happens when it happens.
That was before China was making a shit ton of $$ from the US.
Leave the hot asian girls alone mutt.
You wont nuke asian girls!!
The spirit of Kalergi lord of supreme gentlemen will protect asian QT wifey supply.
Not hard guys.
WashPo: archive.is
>"The Global Times newspaper is not an official mouthpiece of the Communist Party, but in this case its editorial probably does reflect government policy, experts said."
Sputnik: archive.is
>"The article also clarified that "if North Korea launches missiles that threaten US soil first and the US retaliates, China will stay neutral." On the other hand, "[i]f the US and South Korea carry out strikes and try to overthrow the North Korean regime and change the political pattern of the Korean Peninsula, China will prevent them from doing so."
>Stay neutral
Any land based movements nowadays are just peacocking. Learn to war.
well I'm no fan of nuking cities, but we'll definitely hit all of their missile silos, mass artillery formations, ports, etc.
Lemme guess. You're one of those but might economy retards
muh economy
I like how the chinks think they can sit this out. They are complicit in NJ missile and nuke programs. They have all the leverage to rein NoKo in but they didn't.
If NoKo uses nukes and especially an EMP attack we must also nuke China as well. This will be our Sampson moment.
Kys, commie scum.
Correct, China does not want a million norkfugees
That's pretty great.
>Chinese deploying units
China or Australia?
Just pointing out a fact that we are China largest partner outside of the EU. What is trade between China and North Korea like what 30 billion bilateral?
You don't fuck over your best customer
>You can't just bring in artillery to deal with refugee crisis.
That's where you're wrong kiddo
Great... now we have to worry about New Jersey nuking us...
China is full of shit. They are pussies. They will never fight.
Trump's probably feeding them fake intel to see how they react, getting them to use an inordinate amount of resources moving people people around. I don't think Trump wants a war. It would ruin his economic agenda.
What are the chances of the norks getting btfo'ed in two weeks like desert storm and then china stepping in to take over?
hah, thought the same thing
If economics could stop war we wouldn't have had the shit show that was ww1
China has explicitly said they'll back NK if we strike first
I bet a CIA nigger would "fake and gay" it
>ww3 over norkistan
if it actually happens I'll know it is because everyone is sick of living
Jersey can only Snook us. On second thought, bring the nukes.
>source: chosun
Do they still stream nork news? I wonder where those threads went.
Its like summer vacation time over there, right?
Except China has literally said they would defend them if we struck first. It would be wise to take them at their word.
You want to fight a war with that big of an economy with that much man power? I fucking don't. Imagine what their economy could do on a war footing.
Depends on how America approaches, i.e. use of strategic bombers on important infrastructure + Pyongyang or an actual attempt to push over the 38th Parallel N. Also supplies of fuel/food/ammunition (I don't doubt they have huge stockpiles).
tens of millions of Chinamen are going to be out of a job if and surely that won't lead to destruction of the Chinese communist government.
i wish they would lift that facebook firewal, trying to contact a chinese cutie that used to study here in europe. Just cant even talk to her. I could have let her stay over and pipe her whole vacation.
I hope Kim drops a nuke on your town, unless you and I live in the same town.
Do they even have enough fuel and food to stretch a conventional campaign or do they plan on raiding ressources like medieval mercs?
Yeah i usually nring glamethrowers, much more precise and effective
this has been going on since march. the 5th and 17th PLA RIGHTFUL ORDER divisions have been setting up guard posts and barricades all fucking summer. theres been a shitload of mines laid on land and along the river too.
Want to defeat China? Stop buying their shit. Stone age in a week.
Why would NK bomb an ally?
It's winter since they are northern hemisphere
Thank you!
Want to defeat Usa? Stop buying their shit. Stone age in a week.