It finally happened, Sup Forums, are you happy with yourselves?
It finally happened, Sup Forums, are you happy with yourselves?
probably just some degenerates high on the herbal jew now that it's legal.
I've reached the point where these attacks make me laugh. Is that a bad thing?
I predict it's a kike driver.
It wasn't a Muslim if that's what you're thinking. It's more statistcally likely to be a white supremacist than a Muslim, just remember that
part and parcel
*cough* duuuuuude. weed has like no *cough* side fx. you can totally dri..
Except it's definitely a muslim
screencap this
fuck my boipucci
Not when it happens in San Francisco.
yea niggas need to know their limits.
It's never a Muslim. White men are more likely statistically to be terrorists. In fact, most terrorist attacks in America are perpetuated by white supremacists and the far right. Think about this: San Francisco. The largest LGBTQ population in the world? Yeah, this was a crazed christian right wing white supremacist wanting to target queer youth for destruction.
come discuss with your friends at www . comfy . zone
based muslim killing the sodomites of san Francisco
die faggots die
Yes, you're bad and you should feel bad.
Also you're a leaf.
It's finally happening and you're party-pooping
No reported deaths
Move along, it's fucking nothing.
CNN have gone rogue. Trump broke them.
Not a happening just a normal guy called muhammed who was fed up with politics and had mental heath issues while shouting alloha snackbar
whats california's catch-phrase for 'part and parcel'
7 injured, preliminary reports
I just smile knowing that the tipping point comes closer and closer with every attack.
Thousands more come to our side everytime a Arab gets offended and massacres whites.
I dunno Lot of asians in california.
Yeah because muslims LOVE fags
Shit happens
I predict his name is Michael Smith and he was mad at all the Democrat voters.
I have no sympathy for San Francisco or the rest of Commiefornia
Given the unremarkable location and date, chances are that it's just some retard stoned off their ass.
go die shill
Blame Jerry Brown pic related
OP is shilling his shitty site as well
google driverless trucks of peace set on the loose
except it was a muslim
>7 injured, preliminary reports
Nothing, in other words
I miss 2016 when we had real happenings
I really don't give a shit anymore, look at this image, look at it and tell me I should give a fuck after all these killings happen- and yet normies and leftists still keep importing shitskins and muzzies into our Nations. I'm going to keep lifting and running while stockpiling weapons and hopefully having many white kids in the process. I'm done caring about people who are directly and indirectly contributing to the downfall of white civilization because they don't want to hurt shitskin feelings.
>unremarkable location
Fag capital of America
>unremarkable date
The goddamn first day of the year
Weak fucking b8 m8
> when liberal media accidently make the best propaganda pictures
Probably an Asian driver, even Disney shows how well Asians drive.
except this shill is a honeypot designed to ruin your life.
Weird, RT news is reporting this. But google is not
Police have just posted an image of the driver
who cares, those freaks probably just look at it like a new fetish to masturbate to
Everyone deals with things like this differently. If you are laughing it might be because if you didn't laugh you would cry or yell instead. Defense mechanisms are quite an interesting thing and we all cope using them.
>Fag capital of America
If that was the motive then he'd have hit outside a gay bar or somewhere similar.
>The goddamn first day of the year
When half the country is at home hung over, and just missing both New Years Eve and Christmas.
It’s nothing.
This is on 21st and Geary
It’s Richmond district, a predominately asian/russian area and not really that dense full of people walking around.
Probably just your run-of-the-mill California Driving.
kys faggot
can confirm. we're horrible drivers
"Sanctuary" city, gives sanctuary to criminal filth.
> be American
> walk
> get run over
This is why I dont have shoes
Nothing will be done to the truck of peace driver. He will be celebrated throughout commiefornia for being a saintly immigrant
Just tweet #PrayForTheWest every day
Nice try faggot, that's not a truck. Gas yourself.
yes we all remember how loving the Islam community is of gays
not like they throw them off of rooftops or there wasn't a huge 50 person homo massacre at nightclub by a Muslim recently.
Stop posting here Ahmed you aren't welcome here or in our country. Death to Islam
>be American
>live in a sanctuary city
>get ran over
>get shot
>get raped
If kek wills it then Seattle is next.
Didn't the FBI claim to foil a plot in SF just a few days ago!?
Muslims sure love faggots and dont throw them from buildings at all
>White men\
>White Supremacists
You realize non-westernized, politically active islamists and those who strive for Jihad, have more in common with white supremacists than any progressive? Especially ones who do not follow traditional gender roles or are homosexuals.
Your wet dream is it being right wing white supremacist white guy to be attacking the queer youth. Orlando should have been the wake up call for the rest of you virtue signaling soyboys is that non-westernized islam (which claims to be oppressed) will use you, and then when they are in power, purge you in the name of 'diversity'. It's already happening with your white guilt complex and looking down on them, thinking that you need to be their ally and their savior. You're deluded.
Ahahahahahaha I grew up in San Francisco, left that Shithole years ago, still rent out my grandparents and great aunt and two great uncle's houses for $200,000 a year, I'm the only grand child out of four couple, two faggots and one grand with no kids.
It's going to be amazing to see how all these faggot defend this and drive the price of rent higher than it is.
>Didn't the FBI claim to foil a plot in SF just a few days ago!?
Picture I got. Looks like a nothingburger
>be american
>get run over by a truck
Truck hit one crossing and one car
How fucking new are you? Holy shit guys, we got one who's still wet behind the ears.
Witnesses told ABC7 News the white box truck was making an illegal left turn onto 21st Avenue from Geary when the driver appeared to over correct, hitting a Mazda sedan with a family of five inside.
Not if it's a bunch of faggots.
>That Asian telling the cop about how it wasn't her driving that caused the accident
This just happened on the east coast of Aus about 2 or so weeks ago. It seems like everyone has already forgotten.
looks like literally nothing
Put on a pussy hat and March against us again, that totally almost made me neck myself.
Please don't shit on me but it seems like the dude just fucked up and lost control while turning. Doesn't make any sense if it's an attack.
idk he appears to be objectively correct. maybe it is you who is the inexperienced user of Sup Forums forums
You know it's not happening because it's been 20 min since the incident and there aren't any videos online of people crying, taking video of the scene.
Probably some elderly person driving a truck at 10mph smashed into a sidewalk.
Sauce, raised in SF.
Wait why do muslim attack san francisco? Isn't like bombing your own homeland?
You're absolutely right. A truck of peace usually ends up stopped on a pavement or some other pedestrian area.
it is your lucky day sir, you have won a free helicopter ride.
lol but seriously, why are commie meme flag posters the biggest fucking cock sucking cunts on Sup Forums? every time.
-It's a nothing
Driver of truck under arrest. Speaks Cantonese only so sfpd is waiting for translator.
sfpd says truck driver ran a red light at 21st and Geary, lost control, hit two pedestrians, a parked car, then a Mazda with a family inside. Family is going to be okay but pedestrians have serious, non-life threatening injuries.
U have to be shitting me with this logic
>Think about this: San Francisco. The largest LGBTQ population in the world? Yeah, this was a crazed christian right wing white supremacist wanting to target queer youth for destruction.
muslims only target degenerate limp wristed leftist shitholes. name one time a muslim has attacked a right wing area.
Asian looks to be a worker from the Sushi Boat opposite NOT the driver
Dressed for a kitchen
thats a quality meme and i lol'd
Why would a truck of peace hit there? It's not a very crowded area. Downtown is more the truck of peace type of place
Yeah exactly
Happening on hold
Just pointing out the new definition of white supremacy. An example
>All of Canada is white supremacist.
> In order to make this claim work, academics have had to completely redefine the term "White supremacy" in a way that makes it unrecognisable to most people. In calling Canada a "White supremacist" country, academics don't mean that Canada is a country like Nazi Germany; what they mean is that, within Canada, White culture is "supreme", "systemic", and "institutionalized". That is, Western Civilisation is interwoven into the very fabric of what Canada is: our two official languages are European languages; we have a European legal system which is built on European philosophies of life and government; we have European architecture, European technology, European Holidays/Festivals, and not to mention, there are White people everywhere — in business, education, government, media etc. And this, according to the dominant ideology in our universities, is a problem. It is in this sense that academics call your multicultural Canada a "White supremacist" state.