All anime past 2010 are garbage, this is an objective truth...

All anime past 2010 are garbage, this is an objective truth. But what are the plenty of shows do you think deserves a place in the halls of anime history?
Here are my picks:
>Uchouten Kazoku
>Mawaru Penguindrum
>Space Dandy
>Ping Pong the Animation
>Yamato 2199
>Mob Psycho 100
>One Punch Man

>Mob Psycho 100
Not sure if bait or serious.

Look at his contradictory statements and you'll get the answer.

You have a point, he must be retarded.

>All anime past 2010 are garbage, this is an objective truth

What the fuck are you talking about? The mid 00s are the second worst period in anime history after the early 90s

>log horizon
>stein's gate
>drifters again
>most of fmab
>did i mention drifters?
OP is the weeb equivalent of a 14 year old discovering led zeppelin and pink floyd and suddenly deciding that all music released in the last 20 years is worthless

oh wait i didn't read the list, i've been thoroughly meemd

Guess it's time for some loli. Thread is beyond fucking trash anyway.

>paniponi fash
>ichigo mashimaro
Those are all great shows

>oh no! harmful opinions!

I still don't quite understand why Sup Forums loves shit like Konosuba, but hates good stuff like NGNL.

Can someone explain?

Imagine being this retarded.

Those are some good picks desu

>Make exceptions
Then it isn't all of it. Did you finished elementary school?

>reading comprehension

Did YOU?

>All anime past 2010 are garbage, this is an objective truth.
Comfirmed fact indeed.

You don't even browse Sup Forums anymore, what do you know?

honestly, agreed though

Really bad thread, OP

Yeah, most of those are bad.

>ichigo mashimaro
>great shows
Holy shit, Sup Forums will watch literally anything with a predominantly female cast.

I felt the same way. Came here to shit up a shit thread, but then I realized that OP was objectively right.

mob psycho 100 a good!

You can't say something is truth without supporting facts. Your feefees don't count as supporting facts.