When was the last time they made a film with an all white cast like the Lotr? Why don't we see more of such mega projects with all-white cast?
When was the last time they made a film with an all white cast like the Lotr...
I can't believe it's 2018 and we still haven't had a single film with an all-white cast come out
I saw a nig in amongst the soldiers being evacuated.
The latest Underworld is all White. I watched it and was thinking to myself: "Why is this mediocre film so damn good?" Then I realized that it was pretty much all Aryan. Best movie of 2017, see it
>Why don't we see more of such mega projects with all-white cast?
Because HollyWeird stopped caring about making good films.
Half the movie population was glow in the dark cgi nigger orcs what are you talking about? Last all white movie was the outsiders
Film slogan is "Protect the Bloodline"
>"Why is this mediocre film so damn good?"
It's always hilarious when you realize that whilst watching a film.
Lord of the Rings, the movie where 4 manchildren, a geriatric, one race traitor, a jew and a commie unite forces together to beat the evil Nazis.
Why does Sup Forums like this garbage again?
Are you guys that petty that you wont watch a film with non whites in it wat? Racemixing and historical inaccuracy is one thing but when you complain about having coloureds in a fantasy movie its stupid.
Doesn't count. There were no nigger kangz of gondor
Low quality bait
IT was close. The black character didn’t feel forced at least. Yes. There was a Jewish character. But again. Didn’t feel forced
they were french extras though. That also means the arab/black extras in LOTR make it a non-all-white cast (Haradrim/Black Gondorian extra)
Why is it stupid to prefer to see people of your kind in entertainment?
>John Boyega still salty he will never be in Game of Thrones
Kys nigger
Jewish character was made fun of, IT gets a pass in my book.
yes goy, nothing wrong with royals race mixing
in murica thats white..
Its surpressing talent of people of other races. Correct me if im wrong but theres no link between your ethnicity and ability to act. So non whites will not get the roles simply because white supremists are insecure about seeing some negro outpreforming a white person in a film.
If they have another all-white cast in current year it'll be (((those))) kinds of whites
Every person with good mental health don't want to see SJW shit and monkey faces
I'd ask what they put in the food over there to make you so retarded but I don't think Portugal has any food
But he mixed with a She-Elf, meaning Ultra White.
It wouldn't be a problem except it's shoved in our face CONSTANTLY...
>Its surpressing talent of people of other races.
And why should I care? Is watching movies some act of charity now?
>first thing that comes to mind is worrying about food
oh no! I offended the little hobbit manchild!
it's okay, my dude, just spend your days smoking weed and stuffing your mouths with food, it's people like you that will save the world, you know...
Race traitor.
Aren't they still considered white by American standards?
god kate beckinsale is so fucking hot
Mediocre bait, kys
hollywood hates whites having anything for themselves, this is why you shouldn't give them any money whatsoever
Funnily enough only scene to appear legit creepy and scary was the one with the kike and the flute woman
The Man Who Invented Christmas, about Charles Dickens, has no black characters.
Why would I want to watch something like Lord of the Rings
A film about MY country which does not have Niggers, with Niggers in it?
The thing 2011 had no black people in it. Speaking of horror movies, did you know the house on haunted hill remake is probably the only horror movie where the nigger is the only survivor. I want to the sequel to that where he has to explain the house of dead white people to the cops.
Bladerunner was pretty white if you don't count negroes and asians in the slums that barely have any screen time
Mad Max Fury Road, one mutt in it tho.
>tfw you realize you loved the warboys so much because it was a gang of all white males doing war shit for their gods
the difference between merkel and hitler is small. they are both doing their best trying to destroy europe. the only difference is that merkel is fortunately less competent than her male counterpart
They were based Trump supporting Uruks you leaf faggot
What are you talking about? There are plenty of beautiful people of colour in these films
Nah, she was just smart enough to outsource the job.
Looking back, 2000 to 2010 was kind of a golden age decade for these kinds of movies to be honest.
Because diiiiiiversityyy and sheeit
Portugal is probably more rich than you country dude at least more quality of life they have in stat index
ORC lives matter
Kate Beckinsale is not white.
There will never be anything like it again unless we form artistic cliques and pull resources. It's over guise.
It could be better now, if it weren't for that damn mouse and the postmodern subversion matrix. Stories that were unfilmable 30 years ago could be done in an indie movie or video game now.
Delete this post.
Lotr had orcs and goblins you silly goose
TFW the future Queen of England was tongue washing your nuts 10 yrs ago.
Which is saying something considering the incompetence of that counterpart's government.
When they announced he was marrying a 37 year old amerimutt feminist I knew there were a few good lads out there having a laugh.
It very well could be better now. I think that we have something to look forward too though. Eventually the political climate is going to cool off again and return to normal. By then the technology will be even better than it is now.
You have officially cucked the crown once again on behalf of America.
I salute you patriot.
The two niggers in Laketown ruined the entire fantasy aesthetic and feels, even though they only had about 2 seconds screen time. Really enjoyed the Hobbit movies, but those two niggers looked so forced and out of place.
>being this much of a neckbeard
I objectively had a good kek that there are several (possibly more) men out there right now in America who've fucked British royalty and that British royalty is now a 39 year old non-white feminist. How is this not fucking hilarious to literally everyone?
I know that feel user. They objectively weren't great but I remember watching it and it unironically took me out of the experience. More than the shitty meme tier writing and nuDwarf/sheElf narrative.
I mean Donald Trump bought some brown skinned whore from Europ and all republicans and conservatives love her, what's the problem?
>Slovenian qt.
Don't delude yourself, ancapscum
Need Asians to sell it in China. The rest of it is virtue signalling.
Yes and No.
Black people were not from Dale.
But Dale was a very important trade center in Middle Earth, so it is possible that the blacks and browns from there were offspring from merchants of south Arda.
But yes, it was forced.