Red X is not white

Red X is not white


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If we're going by muzzie count, Spain and Italy aren't either.

New worlders (probably muts) always tryng to define anything in europe, so funny. Listen to this kid, all europe is white

master race reporting in

ur not wite

Why in the goddam are you using a map from the cold war?

I miss the good old days.

Ireland too.

You mistake certain eurabia project stage for not being white.

Greek-American checking in. Greeks are the most powerful race on the earth. We get it - it's hard to compete. No need to slander our name.


Ameri-mutt educational system. Guy still thinks Yugoslavia is a country.

" a true Aryan american I'm whiter than all you europoors anyway"
-(pic related)

i like how its almost all correct but Czechoslovakia doesnt exist.

Sorry but Western Europe is the economic, scientific center of Europe, so they are white. Without them our living conditions would be dire

>look at balkans
>only southwest of bulgaria is marked
phew saved it. you could bave been more accurate and relocate that amount of mspaint to the rest of serbia you know

>Crossing out Asia Minor and Northern Africa

Is this supposed to be controversial?

>m*xican mongrel in charge of who's white

i see you consider italy white
good job paco, next time you pass by redeem your free pizza

>Mexico judging who is white
White people are fair skinned people originating from the European continent generally defined as the land east of Greenland, west of the Urals, north of the Mediterranean, north of the Caucus mountains, and west of Turkey.

Sure you may exclude specific groups within that broad category for various reasons such as Finns and Hungarians (not Indo-Europeans) or South Italians and people from the Iberian peninsula (some degrees of North African admixture), and you might include groups outside of that category (eg. Georgians or potentially Turks in Anatolia due to admixture with the Indo-Europeans who inhabited the peninsula for thousands of years). In general however this rule of thumb works well enough.

Of course this requires that more races be defined since Arabs for example clearly aren't black. Overall race is simply a garbage classification since it is too broad. The US census for example classifies Turks, Arabs, Algerians, Iranians, and Afghans as white. After all what else would the US census classify Turks as, black? Asian?

>New worlders (probably muts) always tryng to define anything in europe, so funny. Listen to this kid, all europe is white

Actually only New Worlders are white.

White people don't exist in Europe. Europeans are German, Italian, French, Danish, etc

Why is a Mexican telling Europeans they aren't white?

>After all what else would the US census classify Turks as, black? Asian?

>Not white
fuck off

>checks flag


They used to be white.

What western Europe invented recently? Nothing. Europe doesn't exist in IT, electronics.

You're going by immigrant communities in europe from Africa/M.E. making the countries non-white but you include shitaly with their fuckloads of africans and arabs as white.


well the big swedish cities are not white, london is full of sand niggers and germany is well they have alot o roaches.

>Europe doesn't exist in IT, electronics.
Is this is a provo

Which kind of illustrates my point, if you make whites an exclusive category the groups outside need to be formed into their own races, eventually if you are getting that specific you probably have like 8 or so general racial classifications which don't actually mean anything either biologically or culturally. Really we should just divide ourselves along ethnic lines and leave it at that. Germans aren't French who aren't Basques who aren't Bretons.

this is roughly the reasonable and conservative area of distribution of "whites" in the strictest sense, from a phenotypical point of view

you know I am right

>germany not white
> al andalus white

the wall just added a robot division.

you are right.

>slavs are white
lul what have we become?
>english aren't white, irish are

I guess atlantic sea fishermen are the inclusive population of white people.

Hate to break it to you but Spain is inherently non-white as well. Sorry

Judging by eye color slavs are the some of the whitest people there are

>>slavs are white
>lul what have we become?
Whiter than you, Muhammad. What neighborhood of Toronto are you from? hmm?

Holy Roman Nigger

>M*xican mongrel in charge of who's white
>black nationalist flag
don't get feisty nigger, he most likely has more European than you ever will